Arturo Elias Ayub: 10 keys for successful entrepreneurs – Tiendanube

Arturo Elijah Ayub He is one of the most recognized businessmen in Mexico, he is currently Director of Strategic Alliances for América Móvil, Uno TV and Claro Sports.

You’ve seen SharkTank either Trading with Sharks? It’s one of the reality shows most popular topics related to entrepreneurship and innovation. If your answer is yes, then you probably know Arturo Elijah Ayubone of the most important and charismatic figures in the business world.

In this space we have gathered some of his keys, lessons and teachings for entrepreneurs that he has shared through his social networks, conferences and in his book The negotiator. Get to know them!

Who is Arturo Elias Ayub?

Arturo Elías Ayub is one of the most recognized Mexican entrepreneurs in the business scene. Born on April 27, 1966, he currently holds the positions of Director of Strategic Alliances and Content for América Móvil, General Director of Fundación TELMEX Telcel, and Director of Uno TV and Claro Sports.

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What did Elías Ayub study?

Arturo Elías Ayub studied a degree in Business Administration and a postgraduate degree in Senior Business Management.

Where did Arturo Elías Ayub study?

Elías Ayub studied his undergraduate degree at the Anahuac University and his postgraduate degree at IPADE.

Where does Arturo Elías Ayub live?

Arturo resides in Mexico City, however due to the nature of his business, he combines his stay in multiple locations.

Tips from Arturo Elías Ayub for successful entrepreneurs

A fan of social networks and of transmitting his learning, Arturo Elías Ayub has shared advice and tips for entrepreneurs that are worth listening to and applying. We have compiled the top 10 here. Take note!

  1. Identify your skills.
  2. Know your numbers.
  3. Understand the market where you are going to compete.
  4. Make your customers fall in love with your business.
  5. Never give up.
  6. Be clear about your goals to achieve.
  7. Create a clear strategy and communicate it.
  8. learn to negotiate
  9. Work hard.
  10. Be passionate about your business.

I explain one by one in a couple of lines.

1. Identify your skills

, Arturo mentions that if you are thinking of starting a business, it is important to know what you are good at, what you are passionate about doing and how you can put these skills into practice. This will be part of your motivation to undertake.

2. Know your numbers

In the section “Learning to learn”, Elías Ayub mentions that to start a business it is essential to know where the income, expenses, sales are and, above all, where it is necessary to reduce expenses to contribute to the financial discipline of your company.

3. Understand the market where you are going to compete

For Arturo it is essential that before starting a business you know and study the market demand for your idea. It will be important to know that there are customers with the problem you want to solve through your brand or interest in the product or service you want to sell. You can explore more about this point in his book, especially in the second chapter where he talks about his experience as President of the Pumas UNAM Club Board of Trustees.

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4. Make your customers fall in love with your business

For this one Shark, leaving satisfied customers is essential for an entrepreneur, as it will be the key for them to come back again and talk to others about the experience that your business offers them. In his video “6 tips for a successful business” he shares two ways to achieve it:

  • Personalize your deal.
  • Design an amazing experience.

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5. Never give up

Something that Arturo is clear about is that undertaking is not easy, even he has made decisions that have played against him; however, this businessman proposes to learn from each failure and each fall, taking them as great life teachers to move forward.

6. Be clear about your goals to achieve

What do you want to get? Where do you want to go? Elías Ayub advises us to have these two questions well resolved when embarking on an undertaking, since the answers will become the compass that guides us to success, regardless of the definition we have of it.

Something characteristic of Arturo, which is perhaps the key why his advice resonates so much among entrepreneurs, is the empathy he has with each of the business projects. He mentions that not all ideas, nor all entrepreneurs aspire to be transnational brands or to conquer the world and that’s fine. Each entrepreneur and each business are born from different motivations and all of them are validonly advises us to have a clear path, and from that, put together a plan that will take us to the goal.

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7. Create a clear strategy and communicate it

When creating the strategy for our brand, this businessman advises that we know how to respond and be very clear about the answers to these questions:

  • Why are you different from your competition?
  • What added value do you give your customers?
  • What makes you better?

This will help us understand where our business is located, what it needs, where the opportunity to improve lies, and, above all, where the heart of our enterprise lies. Once you have answered these questions, it is necessary to communicate and align our collaborators so that we all walk towards the same goal.

8. Learn to negotiate

There is no way to start a business without negotiating. Whether with suppliers, collaborators, or even in the sales process itself, it is important to learn to negotiate. In this area, Arturo stands out for being one of the best. Here are five trading tips that he has explained through his TikTok account.

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Price is sometimes not the most important

In a negotiation, not only the numbers are relevant, but also the conditions in which the deal is given, since it is possible to gain an advantage by focusing on the monetary.

Sometimes the price is not the most important

Always let the other party make the first offer

By letting the counterparty with whom we are negotiating speak first, it is possible to obtain a benefit that perhaps we did not consider in the first instance.

mirroring or mirror strategy

The strategy is to repeat the last words of the sentence with whom you are negotiating. It is a useful way to obtain valuable information for the negotiation.

Negotiation tips. Mirroring is a great strategy.

Look for creative alternatives

Arturo advises us to look for alternatives in a negotiation, turning an unfavorable situation into a possibility in our favor.

Win over the person with whom you are going to negotiate

Personal treatment and nonverbal language say a lot in a negotiation, which is why Elías Ayub recommends us to be empathic with our counterpart.

9. Work hard

Perhaps the most difficult part, but essential in any undertaking: hard and constant work. For Elías Ayub, there is no more important secret or key than, citing him, “splitting it”. This implies knowing each of the details of your company, from suppliers, through storage and sale. This hard work will, sooner or later, turn into A-Z knowledge of your business and your customers. Something invaluable for any entrepreneur.

10. Be passionate about your business

In the words of Arthur in The negotiator, “if you are truly an entrepreneur, the first thing you should feel is passion”. For him, there is no better ingredient than adding value to the lives of others. If you and your business manage to do this, rest assured that no matter how ambitious your goal is, you will achieve it.

Quotes by Arturo Elias Ayub

In this space we collect some of the most important phrases by Arturo Elías Ayub, mentioned in El Negociador, in other settings such as conferences and even on his Twitter account. Look at them!

  1. “Stay away from all those people who don’t want to see you win.” — Arturo Elias Ayub

Stay away from all those people who don’t want to see you win. 🤗🦈🙏🏻

– Arturo Elias Ayub (@arturoelias)

  1. “I feel very grateful to have made bad and good decisions along the way, because from all those experiences I have learned.” — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator
  2. “Forget the word ‘failure,’ there are setbacks. And from the setbacks you get up with more enthusiasm.”— Arturo Elías Ayub in a lecture for Universidad La Salle
  3. “Finding opportunities where others do not see them is a very valuable skill that those who really have the material of an entrepreneur have.” — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator
  4. “How great is the one who does not need to turn off the light of others to shine.” — Arturo Elias Ayub
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How great is the one who does not need to turn off the light of others to shine 💡

– Arturo Elias Ayub (@arturoelias)

  1. “The most effective strategy to direct your team, get them excited and be able to measure if the work is well done is to know how to do it yourself”. — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator
  2. “There is no crisis or conflict that can withstand the effort and hard work of a committed person.” — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator
  3. “Your word and your actions are worth as much as your company or your venture.” — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator
  4. “Don’t fall into the easy money trap. Leading an honest life allows you to sleep peacefully and with your head held high.” — Arturo Elías Ayub in conference for La Salle University
  5. “In the end, the only thing that matters in life is to be happy.” — Arturo Elias Ayub in The negotiator

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If you want to become a successful businessman, learn about them and how you can acquire them, in this way you will be able to cultivate attitudes and skills that open doors for you like Arturo Elías Ayub.

In conclusion

Arturo Elías Ayub is better known for his empathy and his teachings than for being the son-in-law of Carlos Slim, because in addition to having the fortune to surround himself with enterprising people since childhood —like his father— he has been able to capitalize on each of his learnings to become a benchmark and source of inspiration for many Mexican entrepreneurs. We hope that this collection of phrases and learnings from him are of value for your entrepreneurship and professional life regardless of the phase or the moment in which you find yourself.

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