Asana Course #10. Asana VS Trello – .com

In the tenth and final class of the Asana course, we are going to compare these two applications and in which cases it is advisable to use each one.

Throughout this course we have discovered and worked on the full potential of Asana, and we have the Trello course with all its development. Two applications similar to the naked eye, but with their differences and different applications in our projects.

We are going to see in which cases we can use each one, taking into account that they both have a lot of potential and that it will depend to a large extent on our particular case. Let’s go for the last class!

As you can see, there are many differences and uses that we can give to each application according to our projects, but if we define our needs very well, whatever we choose, we will be much more productive.

On this occasion, I propose that you analyze your case, that you do the , and that you decide if it is better to opt for one or the other tool, or even, why not, combine both, because in certain cases and equipment, they can complement each other perfectly.

And since it is the last class, I recommend that you make use of everything we have discovered throughout these 10 lessons and that you test its limits and your limits with it.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. Remember that if you want an advanced course from her and it will be a pleasure to make it happen.

See also  76. Paula Fernández-Ochoa and Laura Celdrán

Thank you so much for being on the other side! See you in the next class of the next course, whatever it is. Until then!

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