Business in Mexico: how to take advantage of the digital market boom?

The Mexican economy grows more each year. And we are not saying it: the data is from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which foresees a .

This scenario opens many doors, stimulates the creation of new businesses and makes entrepreneurial spirits come out of their comfort zone.

Parallel to this, more and more people are seeking knowledge and using new technologies, such as the Internet, to develop and grow, both personally and professionally.

All this context has generated a boom in the digital market and has transformed Mexico into one of the most successful countries in the universe of online businessgiving life to many successful entrepreneurs who today are an inspiration to thousands of people.

Don’t you know very well what we are talking about? Don’t worry! In this post, we are going to explain what the digital market is, what Mexico’s achievements are in this area, and how you can take advantage of the moment to have your own business.

Let us begin!

What is the digital market?

When we talk about digital market we refer to the universe of , which are increasingly popular around the world.

Infoproducts are materials in digital format that aim to educate consumers in relation to a topic they want or need to learn.

The two most common formats of info products today are and .

This type of content has many advantages for those who consume it (buyers) and also for those who sell it (infoproducers or affiliates).

For buyers, digital products are very practical, since they allow them to learn something new without having to leave home, at any time and paying a more affordable price compared to a traditional course or a printed book.

For the infoproducers there are also many positive points: they have the opportunity to not need to invest money to start and without having to worry about a physical space to store the materials, since everything happens virtually.

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There are also the , which distribute third-party info products in exchange for a commission for each sale made. The big advantage here is generating revenue online with ads or organic traffic without having to go to the trouble of creating a product.

Great, right?

How does the distribution system, payments and commissions work?

Although at first it may seem that creating and selling information products is very easy, the truth is that there are many factors that must work well for it to be possible to be successful in this work.

It is necessary, for example, to have a page to promote the product, to have a platform to store the content, to use a good payment system, to deliver the material to the buyer automatically, to use good sales strategies and much more.

The good news is that does just that: it offers the information so that the info producer only has to worry about creating their product and the affiliate only has to worry about selling. takes care of all the necessary technology!

In addition to offering the best information product platform in Latin America, our team of specialists is focused on offering all the necessary materials for digital entrepreneurs to sell more and more.

Best of all, there is a human team behind it that strives to help each info producer and each affiliate at all stages of their work, with free content on the blog, webinars conducted by market experts, spectacular face-to-face events and an infinity of of actions focused on our customers.

Another very interesting point is that, with , you can make and distribute your product anywhere in the world.

Using the platform is free and users only have to pay a commission when they make a sale. In other words, if they don’t sell, they don’t have to pay anything either!

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>> .

3 business success stories in Mexico to inspire you!

Do you remember that at the beginning of the post we told you that Mexico is standing out more and more in the digital market?

A great example of this is the incredible success stories of Mexican infoproducers that we have at – and the ones we are going to show you here are just some of them!

These 3 entrepreneurs are revolutionizing their niche markets and conquering thousands of fans around the world, with content that has improved the lives of many people.

Play the videos and get inspired by these stories that, although they look like something out of a movie, are 100% real!

María Montemayor, from the food psychology niche

Enrique Delgadillo, from the personal development niche

Cris Urzua, from the sales and business niche

Excellent news: has opened its office in Mexico!

Although has been present in Mexico for a long time, in December 2018 we opened our office in the country.

Having a physical space brings us even closer to the community of Mexican info producers, affiliates and buyers and from now on we will have actions even more focused on the context of the country.

Watch in this video a summary of our grand opening:

The opening event of our office highlighted the union that exists between and local entrepreneurs and was one of the many actions to allow Mexicans to share their knowledge with the world.

How to start working with infoproducts?

After reading all this, surely you want to know how you can take advantage of the business boom in Mexico, right?

Then you will be delighted to know that anyone can work as an info producer or as an affiliate at , as long as they are over 18 years old.

The first thing you have to do is carry out research on your market niche and create or spread a product that is in demand, since it is useless to sell something that you love if other people do not need it, right?

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To help you get some ideas, check out the best-selling online courses in the Hispanic market:

Most popular niches in the Hispanic market

Do you know what they are in Spanish?

According to the data from our platform, the most demanded products are currently from the following segments:

  • Education
  • Health and Sports
  • Personal development
  • Business and Career
  • Gastronomy
  • Spirituality
  • Finance
  • Fashion and Beauty

That does not mean that you have to work with one of these niches, but you can use it as a basis to define which segment to act in if you are still not very clear.

How to create an info product?

Creating an info product is a job that requires study and dedication, and we are sure that you can do it.

To help you in this process, we have a 100% free online course that teaches all the steps to create your own product from scratch. It’s ours!

Sign up for free and watch all the videos and activities that will show you how to complete your project in just 1 month.

In addition, you can also see other content, such as .

Do you want to start now?

If you want to start your own business or boost the one you already have, we invite you to participate in our free online classes every week, with different topics that will help you start an online business.

See you there? .

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