Capture Page: 7 Tips to Efficiently Generate Leads

One of the most important steps when starting an Internet business is to create a data capture page for your potential customers, also known as , pages created with the aim of obtaining more information about the possible buyers of your product.

The reason for as soon as possible is the creation of an email list so that, whenever you need it, you can inform them of news and relevant content of your business, such as the launch of a product, for example.

Although many people may not believe it, qualified email lists are still considered one of the best ways to communicate and visit your site. After all, with the information of your potential customers it is possible to segment campaigns to better promote your products.

Still, if you’re planning to create a lead capture page, it’s not enough to just throw a form on a page and think you’ll be able to drive targeted traffic to it. You can try, but this approach won’t work very well!

For good results, follow our steps and create a high-performing capture page.

What is the capture page?

The capture page, or landing page in English, is a page that your users are redirected to after they click on an ad or a link that you have promoted.

The difference between the capture page and others on your site, like the blog home page, for example, is that the landing page always has a very specific objective that will guide the entire structure of your page, the way it is communicate with users and the action you want them to take.

Let’s give an example to make it clearer:

Let’s imagine that you are interested in capturing emails to build a relationship with your users or use a content offer, such as an ebook. Then you can create a more condensed and objective capture page.

This type of page is known as a squeeze page and it should only provide the necessary information that will lead the user to execute the action you want. For example, download an ebook.

But if your objective is to carry out the sale of a product, then you will need a more detailed landing page focused on sales, which is what we call sales page or . In it you will need to use several text and image resources to convince your user to make the purchase.

Regardless of what you want with your landing page, on any capture page you need to focus on your goal and avoid any kind of visitor distraction.

Well, now that you have a better understanding of what capture pages are, we are going to give you 7 tips to make your page more efficient.

How to have a great capture page?

1. Grab your user’s attention from the start

After deciding the goal of your capture page, it’s time to start building it.

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Then, in the first session of your landing page, also known as the first fold, it is essential to capture the attention of your user. This is because the user’s engagement in the first session is what will lead them to continue on your page.

Therefore, make your offer clear and arouse the interest of the people who are on that page. In case this does not happen, the chances are great that they will leave your page.

So, create a very attractive title, a short paragraph that summarizes your offer and put a demo image or video of your product.

Also, do not forget to put a button that leads the user to perform an action, which we call a call to action, or call to action, but we will talk more about that in the next tips.

2. Know your target audience well and define what you want to know about them

It is useless to have a very well-constructed page, if it does not attract the attention of the correct public. That is why it is essential that you know who you want to talk to.

Once you have a clear and attractive offer, it is time to understand the profile of your audience:

  • Is the gender male, female or both genders?
  • What is your schooling?
  • What are you looking for: to solve an immediate problem or to learn more about an issue?

you can now start mapping the information you are interested in knowing about it to facilitate your sales process.

But what would be the appropriate number of form fields for a capture page?

In truth, there is no ideal number of form fields on a landing page, but the ideal is to simplify. At the end of the day, no one likes having to fill out multiple pieces of information on one site.

Therefore, you should always test to find out what number of fields converts best and, at the same time, get the information you need to target your customers.

In case of doubt, a good way to start is to ask for ‘name’, ’email’ and, in the event that your client represents a company, information about the position they hold and also about the company where they work.

Without a doubt, knowing who you are going to direct your landing page to is essential to launch your business and guide your entire writing and design strategy.

Now, be sure to ask people who you think fit into your target audience for feedback during the process of designing and writing your capture page!

3. Create an irresistible call to action

An efficient one (also known as a CTA, an acronym for Call To Action) should describe exactly what happens after the visitor completes the form.

The CTA should also create urgency and demonstrate the benefits of completing the task, so your page visitor doesn’t want to give up or put off filling out the form.

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Another important tip is to test different CTA messages to find out which one converts better.

Check out some tools you can use to test your CTAs:

  • – It is today the most popular A/B and multivariate testing tool in the world. With it, conducting tests and measuring the results is very simple. Also, you don’t need to know how to program to use it, just enter a simple javascript code on your site.
  • – Quite similar to Optimizely, but slightly cheaper. It is worth a try and it is also very easy to use.
  • – Google’s tool is a bit more complex, but it is free and you can measure the results of your tests directly in Google Analytics.

Show off your CTA and make clear the action you want your user to take. This way you will get excellent conversion rates!

4. Offer attractive and free material to the visitor

Now you know who your ideal client is and what you need to know about them, right?

The next step is to define what incentive will lead them to fill out your form and share their information with you.

Our advice, in this regard, is the following: whenever you can, offer him something free! For example: a rich material, as it helps increase your conversion rate. This type of strategy gives the idea that you are offering rewards to the visitor for leaving their data.

It is possible to offer materials such as:

Sequence of tips by email on a topic:

Suppose you sell a web design envelope.

Why don’t you offer an email advice sequence for people interested in the topic?

The first week you could send a message about typography; in the second on the theory of colors and, in the third, examples of writing successful web pages.

An email rewards sequence often works great! This method, in addition to increasing engagement, generates more opportunities to activate your leads and keeps you fresh in the minds of customers.

Content tasting:

Tell us then: do you sell one or a videoconference?

A good idea may be to offer one or more chapters for free to your visitors. Thus, in addition to promoting the tasting (also known as free trial), you impress your lead with the quality of your product and generate more sales.


Do you want a direct and constant channel with your potential customers?

Create one with relevant suggestions on the topic of interest to your audience with a well-defined periodicity (monthly/fortnightly/weekly).

The newsletter is fantastic because it promotes the so-called lead nurturing. As you send material to your prospects, the more they value the topic focused by your business and, therefore, the more inclined they are to buy your product or service.

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Webinars and introductory video classes:

Give your Page visitors the opportunity to participate in a Q&A, or access an introductory video on a topic of interest to them.

This interaction usually provides excellent results in terms of getting to know your potential client better and defining yourself as an authority on the subject.

5. Be careful with the design and establish your authority

To show the seriousness of your work and gain the trust of your visitor to convert him into a lead, you need 2 essential elements:

Demonstrate your professionalism with a differentiated design

Having a professional design is key. A capture page should be beautiful, light and easy to use.

If your page has a beautiful design, done by a professional, your credibility increases instantly. In the same way, a poorly done design can generate mistrust and doubt when the visitor decides whether or not he is going to write his personal information on your form.

For that reason, whether you hire a designer to create your page or buy a beautiful template, they are extremely important steps to ensure that you “look good” in front of a potential client.

To hire a professional designer, a good suggestion is to take a look at portfolio sites like or . On these sites you find extraordinary designers and you can contact them directly.

Now, if you want to save a bit, buying a cheaper and good looking template can be done on sites like or .

In addition, you always have the possibility to do it yourself with online tools, such as .

Establish your authority and gain trust

Using authority factors to show your legitimacy is important. Therefore, we have compiled some points that demonstrate your authority and prove that your business is serious. Check out:

  • Client Testimonials: When people speak highly of you, you show that others care about you and value your work. Testimonials can be in videos, images and text, or even audio. However, never make false statements, because they are very easily discovered and then it will be difficult for you to recover your image.
  • Customer logos: show who has already bought your product, especially if they are known.
  • Mentions in the media: it is the list of logos of newspapers, magazines and television programs. If you have already been mentioned in big publications or on TV, don’t miss the opportunity to show your credibility.
  • Share counter: showing the number of times your material has been shared shows, in a way, how many people consider your content to be…
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