Content Production or Content Marketing: Which to Choose?

Developing content in the digital medium is an excellent way to act strategically in an increasingly competitive market.

But what many people do not know is that to generate an impact on the public and achieve good results, it is necessary to work on two points that, at first glance, may seem the same.

Content marketing and content production may not be the same concepts, but they are not so isolated either, we can even say that one does not exist without the other.

In this article, you will discover the definition of each of them and how to manage their union to develop incredible content.

What is content marketing?

The is the first step to start effective content production. Its goal is to create and distribute valuable content to attract attention and retain the target audience, and ultimately encourage them to make lucrative decisions for the company.

Among the techniques that make up content marketing are the analysis of the public, the creation of a buyer person and the choice of relevant topics according to the needs of the reader.

In short, content marketing is the “what”: it defines what will be done and how the public will be approached.

What is content production?

Content production is basically about , in a way that informs, educates or entertains the public.

Producing content requires an excellent command of writing, but not only that. It also requires knowledge of marketing and good webwriting practices. Those who are engaged in, have many aspects to consider.

If content marketing is the “what”, we can define the “how” in content production: how the content is architected and developed.

Content marketing or content production?

Although it is possible to produce content without considering one, I do not recommend that you do it, especially if you are looking to communicate with your audience and generate positive results for your brand.

Quite simply, any page, blog, or other format that provides some information can be considered content. But that doesn’t mean it has value or that it’s effectively impacting someone.

By understanding the concept of both, it is clear that the best option is not to choose between one or the other, but to work them together. Only then will you create incredible content for your audience.

How to produce content strategically?

As said before, good content production requires the union with effective marketing strategies.

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Next, I have separated some tips, both for marketing and production, so that you can generate quality content intelligently.

Content Marketing Tips

meet the public

Understanding is essential. Once you know who you’re talking to, communication will become much easier, because you’ll know exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it.

To know the public well, it is necessary to carry out in-depth research to understand the current moment in which they find themselves, to know what their needs are, their pains and other aspects that deserve attention.

Define the buyer person

The is the semi-fictional representation of your audience. Once you investigate your audience and collect data on their habits, their behavior, their main problems and challenges, you have what it takes to personify them and transform them into your ideal client.

The character represented by the buyer persona makes it much easier to identify which language to use with your client, through which channel to reach them, how often to speak to them, among other key definitions. It is with the buyer persona that your content marketing strategy begins to take shape.

Offer interesting topics

Provide interesting materials to the public, with topics that generate curiosity and collaborate in some way. Take into account everything you know about yourself to offer content in the area of ​​​​their interest.

Keyword research can be very helpful in this step, as it helps you identify the most relevant trends for your audience, showing you precisely what they are looking for on the Internet.

Choose the right communication channels

Where to communicate, disclose and distribute your content? Wherever your buyer persona is. Once again, it will all depend on what you discovered about your audience. If they are impacted with sponsored ads, email marketing or, then you will have to be there, reaching them in the best way.

Have an editorial calendar

The is very important to maintain an organized and well planned strategy. In it you determine the creation deadlines, the frequency of publication and the topics of your content. It serves as a control tool, responsible for ensuring the quality of your content and the health of your production routine.

Content production tips

Be original

The time has come to get down to work and produce your content, and my first advice is to ensure originality. Good content attracts attention when it has its own identity and uses creativity to differentiate itself from other content that exists on the Internet.

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Even if you rely on external references for your production, do your best to write about it in your own words and make your content unique, in your own way.

write something useful

To develop useful content, ask yourself the following question: what does my buyer persona want to know when accessing my content?

People who search and access content on the web have a very clear objective: they want to solve a need. Therefore, whenever you produce content, seek to answer the questions and doubts of your audience, offer information that provides a solution to a possible problem.

This is what will make your content something useful, capable of winning the sympathy of the public and the recognition of the audience.

Learn then to.

Think about the user experience

Pleasing the user is among the main concerns of the vast majority of companies that invest in content strategies. People who come to a page, site, or blog and have a bad experience often don’t come back, at least not for a while.

User experience is related to many factors, including:

  • Aesthetics: Visually attractive interface;
  • Usability: Efficiency with which users manage to navigate the site;
  • Information Architecture: The way content is organized on a page;
  • Content: Content with enriching information.

Although it seems that production is only related to the last element, the quality of the content, in reality it also has responsibility for the others.

The visual elements that you can insert into content, such as images, gifs and videos, for example, directly interfere with the aesthetics of the post.

Usability depends on how you distribute call-to-actions, forms, banners, etc., and guide your visitor’s navigation through your blog.

And the architecture is related to the organization of your content, the ease of reading through a , the division into subheadings, the use of lists, bullet points and more.

Choose the ideal format

The development of personalized content contextualized to the universe of your buyer person can have different formats and go beyond blog posts. Your reader may prefer a podcast to a post or a webinar to an ebook.

It is the responsibility of the content marketing strategy to identify which format is best suited to the person, taking into account the brand’s communication style. But it is the production that must deliver the same quality and meet the needs in the different delivery formats available.

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Among them, you find:

  • Publications;
  • newsletters;
  • webinars;
  • ;
  • ;
  • white papers;
  • Videos;
  • Infographics;
  • Images;
  • podcasts;
  • Tutorials;
  • And more.

Consider SEO techniques

SEO should never be forgotten in a content production process. He is the one who optimizes your content and ensures that you reach a good position in the search engines.

And achieving good rankings on the results pages means putting yourself in the line of sight of your audience!

By occupying favorable results in search engines, you get higher visits, higher ratings and, consequently, more authority to stay at the top of the engines.

SEO basically revolves around the. The structure and pattern of the text depend on the term you chose to work on (when you researched the most relevant topics for your audience in your strategy, remember?)

There are a variety of SEO techniques that you can (and should) use in your production, but the basics to keep in mind when creating your content are:

  • Title: It is suggested to have the keyword at the beginning of its structure;
  • First paragraph: The part of the text responsible for attracting the reader. It is recommended to contain the keyword in the first sentence;
  • H2 Headings: Subheadings that break up the text. It is recommended that at least one should contain the keyword;
  • Meta description: Small text of the article that appears in the description of the Google search. It must be short (maximum 156 characters) and contain the keyword.

Learn more about them by entering the link!


Content marketing or : the fact is that you should not choose one and discard the other. As you could see in this article, the success of content essentially depends on the association of both.

Both offer essential techniques and tools to invest in a value strategy and create relevant content that results in opportunities for your company.

I hope that the article has been useful to you, and if you still have any questions about the topic, write us through the comments field!

This article was written by , Rock Content

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