Create a hashtag on Twitter and give visibility to your brand

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The dynamism and immediacy of the content published on Twitter makes creating a hashtag one of the best inventions applied to this social network.

Because, tell me, how would you search for a tweet from someone or about a topic without using the hash? (#). I am not able to imagine it. Luckily, it was used for the first time a long time ago, in 2007. It was on Twitter, how could it be otherwise.

The truth is that, since then, our life in this social network has changed. And it has done it to the point where if you don’t use it, no one is going to see you.

Therefore, do you think that today we deal with the topic of how to create a hashtag on Twitter and, thus, achieve visibility for your brand?

we start

What is a hashtag and what is it for?

I am not going to expand much in this section because it gives answers to these and other related questions.

However, let’s do a quick review.

Hashtag is a combined and imported word, like many of the ones we use in Social Media.

  • Hashed: is the name that the English give to our “pad” (in Spain) or “cat” (in Latin America).
  • Tags: In English it means “label”.
  • Symbol: #

Thus, a hashtag is a hash followed by a tag. Eg #label.

And what are they for? Well, basically they classify and order all the tweets that include said hahstag. Ex: #SocialMedia

What are the benefits of creating a hashtag for my brand?

The title of this post would not be what it is if we were not clear that one of the great benefits of creating a hashtag on Twitter is to give visibility to our brand.

Good, but only one reason justifies its existence? Unclear.

Let’s see what other ways your project and your name benefit when you create hashtags.

1. Boost your brand

When I speak of a brand, I am not only referring to the commercial name of a company, for example, Coca-Cola. It is extensible to the company name and also to your personal brand, if you are a freelancer.

Therefore, creating a hashtag for Twitter is something that interests us all. And, the first one that seems obvious, is the one that contains your name. That is, #CocaCola.

If you are a stranger or have just opened your profile on Twitter, it would be convenient if you were the first to create that hashtag (a few lines below we will see how to do it). That way you could start moving your brand.

However, if you didn’t do it at the time and you’re better known now, maybe your followers have done it for you. And it’s OK! That means you leave a mark. ☺

But, if you are a person, it is strange to put your name in a hahstag, for example, #SoniaDuroLimia, right? The logical thing would be to use mentions (@).

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own hashtag.

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Look for something that defines you, that differentiates you from your competition and use it.

For example, I am specialized in Social Selling for the logistics and transport sector and I could create #SocialSellingLogistics.

2. Increase the reach of your tweets

This is another of the great benefits of creating a hashtag on Twitter.

As we have been saying, the hashtag groups content. That means the tweets you post with them will get more views than the ones you don’t include.

In addition, the Twitter algorithm also detects it and can show you as featured. Again, if you type in the search engine, for example, the name of an event, #CADD18, the result you see is this:

This hashtag was created specifically for the digital marketing event.

We analyze the signals that I have marked in red:

It means that you have the opportunity to appear as a profile (very high visibility that makes your followers grow) with your tweets (greater reach of your messages, of your tweets).

Not bad this benefit, right? You kill several birds with one stone (but never the blue of Twitter -sorry for the joke-).

3. Encourage Networking

The hastags on Twitter, as a consequence of classifying content, help connect users around the same theme.

For example, if you type #DigitalMarketing in the Twitter search engine and look at the profiles that have tweeted about that topic, you will see that many of us are professionals in this sector. What is this for? To network.

By creating a hashtag on Twitter you get in touch with your community and that causes, as a secondary benefit, that the number of your followers grows. And, in turn, also your brand.

Note that all the actions carried out on Twitter are related, like offline life itself. 😉

4. They help you spread and promote a contest or event

What face do you have if you announce a contest or event on Twitter and “three” people participate? Luckily we are in a non-digital version and we would not see it for you. But it would be obvious that this says little about your good .

Since we don’t want this to happen, I recommend that you use a specific hashtag for it and promote it.

With this, you appear at the top of the Trending Topics, although, yes, it will be seen that it is a promoted hashtag. You can also seek help from other users to help you upload it to the TOP 10 (official tweeters).

5. You know what they say about you.

Once you have a hashtag that is associated with your brand, it will be easy to follow the conversations of users who talk about you.

You just have to monitor it and be aware of what they say. (I show you free tools to do it, at the end of the post).

This has good consequences for you:

  • You humanize your brand, since you respond immediately to those tweets.
  • You take advantage of those themes that users express to adapt your content strategy to what they expect. You can offer value by solving their doubts through your blog, for example.
  • You detect a negative comment in time and you can avoid a reputation crisis.
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6. You can organize Twitter Chats and boost your brand.

I’ll explain what a Twitter Chat is, in case it’s the first time you hear it.

It is a scheduled event in which users gather around a hashtag on Twitter. In it there is an organizer, a moderator, which could be you, and some guests, who are the users.

A theme is chosen on which the session revolves and you can create a specific Twitter hashtag for it, or not. Depending on your strategy.

All the participants use that hahstag, with which, obviously, it is reinforced and made known. If you are behind it, the visibility of your brand will grow on the social network.

7. You analyze what happens to your brand on Twitter

Thanks to creating a hashtag on Twitter, yours, you can measure what is happening with your brand. You will know the retweets you have, which of your tweets has worked best or who your best followers are.

And, as we always say in Digital Marketing, measuring and analyzing helps you improve your strategy and your results.

How to create a hashtag on Twitter?

It is very simple.

You just have to add # in front of the word or groups of words and that’s it.

The difficulty is not so much in creating it, but in knowing how it should be so that it is successful and used by your community.

In the same post that I mentioned at the beginning, you have it explained in detail. But let’s review the most important ones now:

  • It should clearly represent you, reflecting one of your business differences.
  • Don’t make it too long.
  • Make it easy to remember.
  • Capitalize the first few words to make it read better: #ContentMarketing.

How to give visibility to your brand through Twitter hashtags.

We have already talked enough about hashtags on Twitter and I hope you already know how to create them strategically. Now we tackle the next step, that is, how and when to use it.

Let’s see it.

1. Associate it with another highly visible hashtag

The situation is that you have just created a hashtag on Twitter and, being new, nobody knows that it exists. Therefore, the first trick you have to use is to find another hashtag that talks about that topic and use both in the same tweet.

For example, we could write the following tweet.

Do you need a #DigitalMarketing strategy? We show you how to design it in 10 steps. Read it on our blog:


“url with the link to our post”

2. Use 2 or 3 hashtags maximum in each tweet

Although we just said that you gain visibility when you tweet your hashtag with another more popular one, don’t use more than 2 next to yours.

If you write many you will get the opposite effect, that you will not be seen. It will be one more hashtag in a forest of hashtags.

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3. Create more than one hashtag on Twitter

You don’t have to settle for just creating a hashtag.

You can think more and use them with different objectives:

  • Segmenting according to the characteristics of your target audience.
  • Defining a different one for each product or service you sell.
  • 4. Use your hashtag combined with that of a special day or an event

    Before continuing: no spam!

    This use is canceled if the hashtag of the event or trending topic you choose has nothing to do with your sector.

    If you use your hashtag in a context that has nothing to do with you, it is called spam and you will be a spamer.

    • How do you feel, as a user, being spammed?
    • What opinion do you have, as a user, of those who spam?

    So, in these cases, it’s time to rack your brain and be creative in the copy of your tweet.

    Surely, if you think about it, you will find how to relate your hashtag and the one that appears in the TOP10 of the moment.

    5. Include your hashtag in a striking image or video

    This section has a lot to do with the first. We seek brand visibility and you already know that visual content is more attractive to the user than others.

    Therefore, one way for your Twitter hashtag to have more reach is to include it in images or .

    In this example, I have used a generic hashtag, #digitalization, because I was stuck, a speaker at the time, and I was speaking at the congress on that subject. My intention was that all that target knew that in #CADD18 we were talking about it.

    But, in addition, the hashtag of the event is reinforced in the screenshot.

    6. Use that same hashtag on other social networks

    Remember that we continue with the objective of making our brand visible through the hashtag created on Twitter. If it was for Twitter, does it mean that we can only use it on that social network?

    Obviously not.

    In fact, you should use it on all of them because we don’t want to confuse our audience.

    The hashtag is one more element of a company’s digital communication strategy.

    Free tools to monitor and analyze a hashtag on Twitter

    We are going to take another step to ensure that the visibility of our brand continues to grow.

    In Digital Marketing we cannot disassociate ourselves from the tools. They help us measure the result of the strategy we develop, how far we are from achieving our goals.

    And we also use them to know what happens on that path.

    1.Hoot Suite

    Hootsuite is, in its free version, one of the best free tools to track a hashtag on Twitter.

    As you can see in the example image, in those 2 columns…

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