(CX) Customer Experience vs (UX) User Experience – | Blog

There are differences between CX or Customer Experience and UX or User Experience. Usually, It is called Customer Experience or CX to define UX for a long period of time that encompasses all the interaction of people with the brand, including all channels.

CX and UX. Do the differences matter?

The User Experience encompasses the interface or UI design, usability, navigation, etc. and their combinations to create it. This UX can be positive or negative.

The user experience or UX studies the perception and sensations generated by the digital product or service through the interactions that users carry out with them. The user experience must ensure that the company’s products and services meet the needs of customers and users.

UX designers work closely with UI, IT and Business designers among others.

The customer experience has a greater scope. All brand channels are taken into account. It is a general concept that covers all channels and all products of a brand.

CX is a discipline that will study how customers or users feel with:

  • The UX of each individual product.
  • The brand.
  • The customer service.
  • Advertising.
  • Logistics or delivery of products, if any.

Differences between CX and UX

UX could be said to be within the global or general scope of CX.

The Customer Experience covers all interactions with each part of the brand, which also includes each digital product, whether it is a website or an application.

Don norman defines UX or User Experience as: “UX is all aspects of the end user’s interaction with the company, its services and its products”.

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Forrester defines CX as: “CX is how customers perceive their interactions with your company.”

So we can deduce that UX focuses on the end user, that is, the person who uses the product or service, while CX focuses on the customer.

People who are dedicated to Customer Experience tend to come from areas such as Marketing while UX are usually more technical, designers or psychologists.

UX are usually very focused on Usability and focus on products and researching with users to improve them.

In this , from the Nielsen Norman Group, they tell us that it really doesn’t matter which term “UX” or “CX” is used, because they basically mean the same thing if you have the correct interpretation of the terms.

The important thing is to understand the scope of the experience for both users and customers and strive to improve it.

Both experiences complement each other. If a user does not know how to use the components of a website or application, they will not become a customer. On the other hand, if a customer is “badly treated” by the telephone service or, for example, the product does not arrive on time, it is of little use if they understand and know how to use the website or the app.


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