Digital Experience in 2020: how to create digital experiences that make a difference – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

We know very well how important it is for any company or brand from any vertical to offer an excellent experience. However, in recent years we have seen a constant change in consumerswhich, driven by new devices, no longer only search for information or interact with brands from their computers, but also seek more complete digital experiences, which is a new challenge for brands.

Fluctuating customer demands put brands in limbo as many of them do not have the technologies and processes to adapt quickly enough to new customer demands.

And, in this new era where websites and apps are not enough for consumers, brands are constantly asking how they can compete.

What exactly do consumers want? How can the right technological and organizational decisions be made to meet and exceed these expectations?

To unravel these challenges, Magnoliathe open source CMS company, shares its report with us, so that any company can create a digital experience strategy ready to face the new decade, taking the customer experience beyond websites and mobile apps.

Achieving more complete digital experiences for your company is not impossible

One of the things you should start with is understanding that when consumers visit your website, have an experience expectation on par with or better than what they might find on their favorite apps or platforms.

If you want to cover this demand, the report shares some of the formats that are gaining more and more popularity when it comes to creating digital experiences that make a difference:

Single Page Application or SPA

A single page application or single page application refers to a website or app that, as its name indicates, It comprises a single page in order to give a more fluid experience to the user. SPAs enable brands to launch new web experiences in a fast, responsive, and easy-to-navigate way by retrieving data on the fly rather than frequently reloading each page completely.

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Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps or PWAs solve many challenges of both traditional websites and native mobile apps. And it is that despite the fact that currently most internet connections are made from mobile devices, it is not easy for many brands to create an app, since it requires specialized development teams, which can be expensive and slow.

progressive web apps combine many features of traditional mobile apps (including improved speed, offline support, installability, etc.), without users needing to download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Static Site Generators

Finally, many brands opt for a site that leverages a static site generator (SSG). ANDIn many cases, these SSGs generate reaction-based SPAs that have greatly improved performance and security. They are also easy to implement on content delivery networks (CDNs) to optimize caching when serving the web to end users.

They are ideal for businesses to quickly launch landing pages and microsites to capture leads and gather information from new ones without heavy development requirements.

Voice search will become more and more frequent

But the Magnolia report goes much further and analyzes some of the main trends related to the customer experience today, such as the advancement of voice searches. The new digital experiences are not only based on the web or mobile experience, since in recent years the experience with smart speakers such as Amazon Echo and Google Home has been growing, a trend that will continue to expand during 2020.

In fact, Google to better support voice queries, so we must be prepared since we will have to adapt strategies to provide answers to searches both by keyword and by direct questions by voice.

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That will mean creating content snippets that briefly and concisely answer specific questions. Consider that voice searches will be crucial, but in the end, stick to what Google has always said: publish high-quality content always thinking about improving the user experience.


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