Email marketing: guide with everything to apply it in your business

The email marketing It is one of the most faithful and effective tools to strengthen the relationship between a company and its users, thanks to how flexible, versatile and automatic the communication process has become through the automated and massive use of emails.

It would be unthinkable today to consider a successful communication strategy for a company without an effort involving the email marketing. Being one of the longest-running channels in the digital world, it has evolved to such a level that it seems to adapt to any need, regardless of whether we are talking about a small business or a giant company.

But like any tool, although its use may seem simple, it requires a constant degree of practice to master it. An effective email is a recipe that requires tweaking and even the most capable can fall into repetitive irrelevant messages or ineffective mailing campaigns.

Therefore, the purpose of this guide is to take you step by step so that you understand the importance of each element involved in email marketing; We will give you examples of types of mailing that you can do, and of course, we will put at your disposal a set of components that will help you make the most of this useful marketing tool for your company.

To send has been said!

What is email marketing?


The email marketing refers to the effort made by a company through email to communicate its brand, products or services. The objective of this email is to obtain a reaction from the recipient, which can range from knowing more details about a product, encouraging the purchase or seeking the commercial loyalty of a user.

Within the marketing instruments, email is one of the most used thanks to the low relative investment it requires, its ease to implement strategies of maximum scope, the simplicity to measure the success of said strategies and the potential it offers to be Email is one of the digital media that most people use in the world.

Properly used, the email marketing can become the way to achieve three elements of utmost importance for your business:

Nutrition 🍴

It is the gradual process through which, with the use of constant informative messages, you increase the knowledge and interest that a user has about your brand and what you sell.

Conversion πŸ’°

It is about specifying a specific action by the user when they receive your messages, such as visiting a site, downloading a product catalog, making a purchase in your online store, etc.

Loyalty πŸ’ž

It is when you get your users to become recurring customers who wait for your emails, interact with them, and above all, share with others the pleasure that comes from being in contact with your brand.

How? Is it possible to get someone to buy what I sell using the email marketing as the center of my strategy? Of course! by the British marketing firm SaleCycle, revealed that 23.8% of respondents buy multiple times during a month after obtaining information via email marketing campaigns. 50.7% do it at least once a month.

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The effectiveness of email marketing is supported by its constant use in all segments of the industry and by all types of companies in our country. Data from Hubspot makes it clear how email marketing strategies are the most popular among Mexican companies, with 87% acceptance by those surveyed.

What types of email marketing exist?


According to the objective they seek to achieve, we can divide the email marketing in the following main types:

  • Informative
  • sale and promotional
  • Welcome and follow-up
  • Seasonal
  • automated

Let’s look at each one to fully understand the situation in which they are used within your strategy.

Informative ❗

All those emails that you send to expand the knowledge that your recipients have about you and what you do come in here. As its name indicates, it is about sharing information about a new product, how it works, its characteristics or communicating the activities of your company, such as the opening of a branch and its location.

The email can be as brief as a message of a few paragraphs or as comprehensive as a newsletter or newsletter, depending on the objective of your strategy. With this type of message you seek to nurture the user’s knowledge to eventually bring him closer to an action more aimed at sales or loyalty.

For sale and promotional πŸ’²

When an email seeks for the recipient to carry out a specific purchase action, use a coupon, discount or visit a site to acquire a benefit related to the sale of a product, we speak of sales or promotional email marketing. Here the intention is to bring interested parties to your online or physical store, or perhaps notify of a weekend with discounts on all your merchandise.

The success of this type of message lies in the number of purchase conversions (actions aligned with your commercial objectives) that you obtain from that mailing campaign, whether they are direct sales in your e-commerce or the redemption of discount coupons sent to your customer base. customers.

Welcome and follow-up βœ‹πŸ½

An example of email marketing very well seen and that yields good results, belongs to this type. This counts when you send an email thanking a customer for sharing their data in your online store or when you extend a greeting to a user after downloading a product catalog.

But the emails are not limited to welcome messages and greetings; There are marketing strategies focused on reactivating interaction with customers who no longer open your emails or abandoned their shopping cart in your online store. All the messages that seek to give continuity to the actions of your users belong to this group.

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Seasonal and eventual πŸ“†

The key element of this type of email marketing It is to take advantage of special dates, whether they are those of your company, the sales temporalities or those related to the user. An email to indicate that Hot Sale is approaching? Or how about sending a discount code to a customer who has already bought from you four times before? There is no bad fifth! πŸ˜‰

As you will see, this type of email allows a fairly high degree of personalization, only depending on that important date or event that you want to take advantage of. The more time you have to plan, the better these types of emails you will send!

Automated πŸ€–

The best complement for any strategy email marketing, without a doubt it is automation. With it you will be able to optimize your time, simplify extensive and repetitive tasks, in addition to programming responses to “triggers” or specific actions of your users. Once you generate the shipping flow, the automation will take care of everything else!

The best part about these types of messages is that… You can use them in combination with all the previous types! Do you want to send an automatic welcome message to all users who subscribe to your newsletter? It can. How about an auto message of a nostalgic abandoned shopping cart with a coupon to motivate the purchase? Very good idea!

πŸ“§ Do you want to know in depth this type of email marketing? Visit our about article now to learn how to reach more customers!

How to make an email marketing campaign?


Once you have in mind the goal you hope to achieve, it is entirely possible to create a marketing campaign. email marketing incredible using the following five steps:

  1. Define your target audience.
  2. Create a template or design.
  3. Generate the content.
  4. Plan your shipments.
  5. Track your metrics.

Let’s review each one so that you will be able to make your own campaigns without any difficulty.

1. Define your target audience 🎯

Doing so will allow you to better measure the results of your campaign. To accomplish this step, monitor user actions on your website. For example, how they subscribed to your newsletter, if they have already bought a product from you or not, what is the most visited product, their general interests, etc. The more complete the segmentation, the greater your chance of success.

2. Create a template or design 🎨

Follow the same design guidelines in each email to generate a recognizable identity. Use colors and patterns that let the recipient know who is sending that email. Don’t forget to add calls to action (call to action) to encourage interaction and take care of the balance between the amount of text and images.

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3. Generate the content πŸ†—

The content should always be aligned with the objectives you set for yourself. Try to be direct, with short paragraphs and the most relevant information always in the first lines. The message must represent the communication tone of your company and always add the option to unsubscribe from your mailing lists to avoid being classified as spam.

4. Plan your shipments πŸ’»

Look for the balance to reach the number of emails that best make your target audience respond. Saturating them with emails or sending few with long intervals of time are the extremes that you do not want. Take advantage of special dates to boost your sales and don’t be afraid to adjust the frequency until you find the ideal one.

5. Track your metrics πŸ“ˆ

The success of your campaign will be defined by the indicators that indicate how well (or not) your email did. Positive metrics include the number of emails sent and opened, clicks recorded, and conversions. Negative metrics like bounce rate and unsubscribes will also give you insight into where you can improve.

πŸ“§ Check out our article where we tell you in great detail how amazing it is in 5 steps!

Email marketing: examples to give you great ideas


If what you are looking for is inspiration to create campaigns of email marketinghere are some examples that will surely make your outbox vibrate 🀩 :

  • newsletters or newsletters
  • New Product Showcase
  • Discounts, promotions and rebates
  • Reminders of your catalog of products and services
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery
  • Announcement of last hours of discounts
  • Special dates
  • Release Reminder
  • Discount codes or special promotions
  • Giveaways

Let’s break down each one to see how they work and what they can add to your email strategy.

newsletters or newsletters

A weekly newsletter with the offers of the week and success stories of people who bought your products can be that gateway to activate the relationship with your users.

New Product Showcase

Take advantage of an email to show off all those amazing images of the product you just launched! Remember that from sight those uncontrollable desire to give the card are born. πŸ˜‹

Discounts, promotions and rebates

If you are going to have a special sale, plan the sequence of emails that you will send: the one from a week before, another for…

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