Eroski online supermarket: opinions and analysis

After reviews of other greats such as , we analyze the eCommerce of one of the best-known supermarkets in our country. How is the Eroski group, how is the experience of the Eroski online supermarket? Let’s get started!

Eroski online supermarket: simplicity

Although there has been an improvement over previous versions, the Eroski online supermarket is very basic. The idea is to include a password and username to perform the operations. Of course, at the entrance there are offers of the main products that remind us of a supermarket brochure. It seems, at times, that the Basque giant has wanted to adapt the methods of a lifetime to its web space. In any case, there are two elements to highlight: its well-defined division by products and your customer service telephone number, clearly visible from the beginning.

It seems that the Eroski Group does not give the importance it should to electronic commerce and this is reflected in the aesthetics of its web space. And it is that, both the design and aesthetics are quite simple. In this sense, we do not find a fluid web page, with colors that blend perfectly with the content, And on top of that, it has wasted spaces!

There is a large space where only the background of the web is visible and which could be used to promote the best-selling products, for example. It is true, that it has many products available in its eCommerce, but aesthetically, categories can be better positioned. In conclusion, its design is that of a supermarket lower class to which Eroski belongs. It has improved compared to the obvious problems that could be found just a year ago, but still has a lot of room for progression.

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Eroski online offers and discounts: A point in your favor

It seems that since the store Eroski online does not manage to call its users to buy because of the showiness of its design, it tries with the offers and discounts that they offer. This point, always very important for online sales, is an element in favor of Eroski and the fact is that the company has been able to create a quite striking strategy in this field. An example is that, for the second unit, you can get up to a 70% off on certain items. Another option is that, by registering, you have the possibility of accessing discounts from 100 euro purchase. On the first purchase, the discount is 10%and subsequently rises to 15% on the second purchase and 25% on the third, up to a total of 50 euros.

Initially there were few products on offer, but now the stock has expanded significantly. The idea, then, is to compete on price, thanks to their economies of scale. This company has several logistics bases throughout the country, so they can offer cheap prices. This is, mainly, the reason why you can buy in their online supermarket. Besides, the integration of the supermarket network in online shopping, taking advantage of the home delivery service, makes things easier.

Eroski Guarantees and Returns on the Internet

It is also true that the guarantee and return service of the supermarket Eroski online is one of the best we can find. In this example of eCommercethe issue of returns is very common since a large part of the items sold are fresh or food products.

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That is why it is essential to offer a good service of this type with the maximum guarantees for the client. The Eroski online store does. If you are not satisfied with the product you have bought, it is as easy as telling the delivery man when he gets home, so that he can take it back, and on the other hand, notify Eroski customer service about the product. Returned. They immediately return the money to us! Therefore, it becomes quite comfortable and routine to be able to easily return a productsomething that in other eCommerce becomes an arduous task.

It can also happen to us that a food or product arrives in poor condition, a very common thing in supermarkets. In this case, it is enough to also contact customer service, which will do everything possible to fix our problem.

And what happens if we do not find our product in the supermarket eroski online? The truth is that this company is very clear about it and seems to have discovered the magic formula to fix this problem. If we are looking for a product of a certain brand and it is not available at that precise moment, Eroski will substitute that brand for another of equal or superior quality.

Substitute products will arrive at your home in a yellow bag, very easy to identify, so that we can review them quickly and the products that we do not want, the delivery person will take back while you are refunded the amount.

Other aspects to take into account in Eroski online eCommerce

We were not going to finish this review without taking into account fundamental aspects such as delivery service. At this point Eroski online does quite well because it allows the user to receive their purchase at homein no shipping cost as long as it is a purchase of more than €70 and it is paid with the card of the brand itself. It offers us facilities such as putting several delivery addresses, changing our delivery time only by calling customer service, or allowing a third party to receive the purchase for us. You can also pick up a order placed in advance between 2 and 4 hours later.

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The only one, but and that is quite important, is that you have to make the purchase online at least one day in advance because it does not work with orders on the same day, which some competitors do already do in the big cities. Regarding their presence in , to say that they do a good job and that they work hard on the most important platforms such as or , with daily interaction with their clients!

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