The number of internet users in the world grows by 4% and is close to 5,000 million (2022) – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

If we can summarize 2021 in one word, this could be adaptation, and although during 2020 the sudden confinement caused by the pandemic caused , , studies and even interpersonal relationships, last year we focused on gradually lifting the confinement while internet use continued to grow as a way to keep needs met across the planet.

After the remarkable levels of growth we saw during 2020, we might think that 2021 would show a slowdown as coronavirus restrictions were lifted, however, the number of internet users and in continues to grow at a faster rate than before the pandemic, as the indicators of the report show us made by We Are Social and Hootsuite.

Internet users in the world increase by 4%

In the 2022 edition, the report indicates that the number of internet users in the world reached 4.95 billion peoplewhich represents 62.5% of the world population (7,910 million people).

As for internet users on mobile devices, in January 2022 they reached 67.1% of the populationthat is, 5.310 million people, which represents an increase of 1.8% year-on-year, and to have more context on this figure, it is an increase of 95 million users in the last 12 months.

Internet users in the world by region and country

Of course, despite the growth in internet use, there are areas in the world where the population is almost entirely connected, while some others still show slower penetration.

According to the latest report, the two regions with the highest internet penetration today are Northern Europe (98%) and Western Europe (94%), followed by North America (92%). On the other hand, the regions with the lowest internet penetration are Central Africa (24%) and East Africa (26%).

Putting these figures in more detail, in the ranking of countries with the highest internet penetration, the United Arab Emirates continues to lead (99%), this time sharing leadership with (99%) and Ireland (99%), followed by South Korea (98 %) and (98%) and Switzerland (98%).

In 2022 Spain rises from position 17 to 14 with an internet penetration of 94%, three points more than in the previous edition. On the other hand, the countries with the lowest internet penetration are North Korea (0.1%) and the Central African Republic (7.1%) and Eritrea (8%).

Evolution of the number of internet users

This is a surprising evolution when reviewing the number of internet users over the 10 years that this study has been conducted. By January 2012, the number of Internet users around the planet was only 2,177 million, reaching 2,431 million in January 2013, a number that has practically doubled this 2022.

We spent almost 7 hours connected to the internet

And of course, during these 10 years the time and use we give to the Internet has evolved: in 2013 the average number of hours that Internet users used to browse the network of networks was 6 hours and 09 minutes, a time that has been increasing gradually introducing a big jump in 2020 with an increase of 4% reaching 6 hours and 54 minutesof course this because of confinement, teleworking and the need to communicate through the internet.

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However, our time browsing the internet has not decreased in recent months: In January 2022, our navigation time increased by 1%, reaching 6 hours and 58 minutes.

When segmenting internet use by country, South Africans spend the most time browsing with an average of 10 hours 46 minutes, followed by the Philippines (10 hours and 27 minutes) and (10 hours 19 minutes).

In this ranking, we find Spain below the world average in the 34th position, with an average navigation time of 6 hours and 04 minutes. On the other hand, the countries with the shortest internet usage time are Japan (4 hours and 26 minutes), Denmark (5 hours 02 minutes) and the Netherlands (5 hours and 11 minutes).

Obtaining information is the main reason for using the internet in the world

On this occasion, the study shows us a detailed graph of the main reasons for Internet use in the world. A) Yes, finding information is the main cause with 61% of the total, followed by keeping in touch with friends and family (55.2%), and keeping up with events and news (53.1%).

Other reasons to use the internet this 2022 are to watch videos, shows and movies (51.5%), investigate how to do things (51.3%) and find inspiration or new ideas (47.5%).

In this edition, the least mentioned reasons for staying connected to the Internet are those related to business and teamwork (21.4%), sharing opinions (27.7%) and organizing day-to-day activities (28.2%).

you can check the full data from the Hootsuite and WeAreSocial report in your Slideshare presentation:

Bonus (I) What happened last year?

Of course, this is not the first year that we have analyzed this study, and we can make a comparison of the most interesting data throughout its history. But before starting, one thing that is important to highlight is that the Digital 2021 report on the number of internet users in the world did not include data from social networks, so these statistics are not comparable to the data in the reports. previous. For this edition, the number of internet users in the world had reached 4,660 million people, which represented 59.5% of the population (7.830 million people).

In January 2021, unique users from mobile devices reached 66.6% of the population in the world, that is, 5,220 million people, that is, 1.8% more compared to the data in January 2020, an increase of 93 million users.

Turning our attention to social networks, in 2021 the number of users was 4.2 billion people, that is, 53.6% of the world population. This number of active social media users increased last year by 13.2%that is, 490 million people compared to the data reported in 2020.

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On average, internet users in the world spent in 2021 a total of 6 hours and 54 minutes connected to the network of networks every day.

In the case of users of mobile Internet, on average they spent 3 hours and 39 minutes browsing from their smartphones. This figure does not include users of social networks, but it does include users who access via WiFi and through mobile data connections.

Internet users in the world by region and country in 2021

absolute figures

According to figures in the report, the two regions with the highest internet penetration in 2021 were the Northern Europe (96%) and Eastern Europe (93%) followed by North America (90%). On the other hand, the regions with the lowest internet penetration were Central Africa (22%) and East Africa (24%).

In detail, the report shows us the ranking of countries with the highest internet penetration, and once again this list was led by the United Arab Emirates with 99% penetration, followed by Denmark (98%) and Sweden (98%). in 2021 Spain fell 3 positions regarding the results of the 2020 report when reaching the 17th place with 91% penetration.

The countries with the lowest internet penetration are North Korea (0.1%), Eritrea (6.9%) and Sudan (8%).


Segmenting the time of daily internet use by country, The Philippines ranked first in 2021 with an average usage time of 10 hours 56 minutesfollowed by Brazil (10 hours and 8 minutes) and Colombia (10 hours and 7 minutes).

in this ranking Spain was in the 33rd position with an average internet use of 6 hours and 11 minutes, slightly below the world average. The countries with the least time of daily internet use were Japan (4 hours and 25 minutes), Denmark (5 hours and 16 minutes) and despite being one of the countries with the greatest digital and technological development, China, with an average of 5 hours and 22 minutes.

In the case of daily use time from mobile devices, it went from an average of 37.7% of the total hours on the internet in 2015 to more than half (52.8%) in 2020.

you can check the full data from the 2021 Hootsuite and WeAreSocial report in your Slideshare presentation:


Bonus (II): what happened in 2020

As we said, in 2020 WeAreSocial changed the methodology for accounting for Internet users in the world, but despite this there are many interesting data that we can retrieve from the previous edition of this report.

As you can see, the growth in the number of internet users between January 2019 and January 2020 increased by 298 million, that is 7% more than the previous year.

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In relation to the the figure also showed an increase of 9.2%, about 321 million more users. Regarding the growth in the number of mobile users, over the past 12 months they increased by 2.4%. On average, Internet users in the world spent 6 hours 43 minutes connected to the network of networks each day.

Internet users in the world by region and country

Although there are areas in the world where its population is almost completely connected, there are areas where this penetration is slower.

According to study figures, the two regions with the highest internet penetration were Eastern Europe (92%) and Northern Europe (95%), closely followed by North America (88%). On the other hand, the regions with the lowest internet penetration were East Africa (23%) and West Africa (36%)

In the 2020 edition, the ranking of countries with the highest internet penetration was headed by the United Arab Emirates with 99% penetration, followed by Denmark (98%), South Korea (96%), Sweden (96%), Switzerland (96%), the United Kingdom (96%) and the Netherlands (95%). Spain was in the 14th placewith an internet penetration of 91%, decreasing 2 percentage points compared to the results of 2019.

The countries with the lowest internet penetration were North KoreaSudan (8.0%), Eritrea, with a penetration of 8.3% and Burundi with 9.9%.

you can check the full data from the Hootsuite and WeAreSocial report 2020 in your Slideshare presentation:

In addition, you can check the detailed data on the growth of the internet in the world in recent years, with our previous reviews:

Bonus (III): What happened the previous year? Data on the number of internet users in the world in 2019

While in its 2018 report the study indicated a number of Internet users of 4,021 million, that is, 53% of the world population, The 2019 report assured that the world has 4,388 million Internet users, a penetration of 57%.

The growth in the number of Internet users between January 2018 and January 2019 represented 9.1%, this means 367 million Internet users moreas you can see in the following graph:

Every day there are more internet users who connect via mobile

The 2019 study highlighted that every day a greater…

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