Filmora Course – .com

In this course we will learn to use Filmora, a video editor, to master it and start creating magic from the first classes.

Video editing has become a skill that is no longer just for people dedicated to the world of cinema or for people who want to upload their videos to YouTube. It’s not uncommon today for many careers to turn to creating multimedia media, such as presentations, infographics, and even videos.

That is why it is interesting to train in video editing, because it is a skill that has a multitude of applications, both professionally and personally.

There are many applications on the market for this task, some more professional than others. As the king of the market is Adobe Premiere Pro, which is widely used in the field more focused on the world of cinema and advertising. We also have DaVinci Resolve and even Final Cut Pro.

These apps are very versatile and powerful for all things video editing, but they also have a steep learning curve. But there are other alternatives with which we can achieve extremely good results, without investing too much time in learning and being much cheaper than the more professional alternatives.

Filmora X is one of those applications that are focused on small editors who want to get the most professional results with ease. Many youtubers and editors have started with this tool that has been on the market for several years.

Its strength lies in the simplicity of its interface and workflow, the wide number of options that allow us to do everything we need in a video edition: editing, color grading, audio editing, effects and animations.

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It is an application that either because we want to carry out professional editing work without complicating our lives, or as a first contact to learn the basics of video editing, Filmora X is an alternative to keep in mind. Go for it!

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