Five characteristics that entrepreneurs must have to achieve success

The entrepreneurial activity rate has grown in Spain to 5.7%, a positive figure compared to other years, although it is a figure that is still far from the European average, established at 8%. In fact, Spain is the second least entrepreneurial country in the EU, according to a report by the World Economic Forum and the Global Observatory of Entrepreneurial Activity.

The main cause of this situation is the fear of failure, according to the latest GEM report, which states that 50% of Spaniards welcome the possibility of starting a business, but more than 40% are afraid of failing.

The Eureka PR team of communicators has collected five fundamental qualities that every entrepreneur must have, after observing several Spaniards who have launched businesses in Spain, the United States and Colombia.

1. Creativity

Being able to develop new methods instead of using the typical established procedures. “The development of creativity directly affects your business, allowing you to create more competitive and innovative products and services,” says Alejandro Bazal, CEO of Zalcu, a company specialized in app design. “In addition, it also has a positive influence when it comes to solving problems. To achieve success in a changing environment, it is essential to continually seek how to improve it,” he says.

2. Initiative

Motivation to work independently, take the first step, be adventurous and willing to try new methods. “The difference that defines failure and success is the initiative,” explains Álvaro Esteban Keogh, founder of Eureka PR. “An entrepreneur must be by nature launched, innovative, willing, agile in decision-making and in the acquisition of new skills”, he concludes.

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3. Risk

Taking risks or being able to expose yourself and your own business to failure. “Taking risks or not is the same decision as choosing between being free or living safe. Security takes us away from shocks but leaves us with an aftertaste of a boring, empty life with many limitations,” says César Chica, founder of Executive Forum. “Entrepreneurship means filling our lives with adventure, improvement, fun and above all exercising freedom. In the end it is not so much about starting this business or that other, but enjoying life with passion”.

4. Look for opportunities

As an entrepreneur, “the most important thing is to forget about winning and losing: here you either win or learn.” This is how Tano López, CEO of Fleed ISN, defends it, a platform for obtaining scholarships to study abroad. “If you are alert and always moving forward, opportunities come. It occurred to me to create a company that processes scholarships in the USA because I was there and I was aware of the need. I was also a Google Ambassador and Marca España because of my desire to grow and do the best that I can in all the moments of my life. In the end, undertaking is a way of life that demands perseverance, attention and dedication and, in the end, success will come naturally”.

5. Liability

Be responsible and capable of assessing the consequences and implications of decision making. “It is crucial to know that reaching a goal depends on one’s own abilities and actions, not external actions,” explains Isaac Toledano, founder of Odds Restaurant. “Entrepreneurship entails all kinds of responsibilities, especially if you are the only partner in the company.” “Not only do you have a business to take care of and ensure that it sells every day, but you also have other people in your charge who depend on your work to get paid. The responsibility of the owner creates a pleasant, dynamic and fun job since by maintaining everything in order, payments up to date, clean premises and good quality products create a pleasant environment for both the worker and the client”.

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