Google Sheets advanced course #5. Fusion tables – .com

In the fifth class of the advanced Google Sheets course we are going to use our sheets tables to make graphics that we can easily work with and modify.

After the previous course, from all the feedback received in which we asked for suggestions for the content of this course, this supplement was quite successful, which despite being a bit unknown, caused great interest.

It is a very simple and agile tool that will allow us to work with our information in a cloud application with which to display the data and share it with a very attractive visual aspect without having to work excessively or have extensive knowledge of the application. Let’s go for it!

As you can see, a super agile tool to be able to process and display our information in simple but effective graphics. A tool to have up your sleeve, for when you need it.

In the next class, open your eyes wide because we are going to fully immerse ourselves in the google data studio application and we are going to see what wonders we can do.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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