Hotjar: how to use it to optimize your pages?

Many people ask on the blog or on our Facebook page what you need to work on the Internet. First of all, you will need a good idea, something that is simple to explain and that helps people solve a problem.

Next, you need to have a page to share content of interest to your audience and strengthen your brand.

But how do you know that your page is fulfilling the mission of generating new leads for your business?

Currently there are several tools to evaluate the performance of your page, such as , , and many others that we have already mentioned here.

Today we are going to talk about a tool that is not so well known, but that brings very useful insights to optimize your page: Hotjar.

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What is Hotjar?

Hotjar is an online tool that provides insights into visitor interactions on your pages.

The data generated by this tool reveals a lot about the user’s behavior, such as the content of most interest, if he “scrolls” the page to the end, among other indicators that can be useful when it comes to diagramming the content or inserting a push button. , for instance.

The tool has a free version, which records the interactions of up to a thousand visitors per day, but there are also paid packages that vary depending on the amount of data you intend to collect (from 20,000 to 400,000 daily visitors).

Analysis features

To analyze interactions, Hotjar has the following features.


The heatmaps or “heat maps” record the main user interactions on your page, with colors that vary from blue to red, with the red areas being those with the most “heat” and, therefore, that caught the most attention of the user. visitor.

With Hotjar it is possible to generate three types of heatmaps:

  1. of clicks, which shows the most clicked areas of the site;
  2. of movement, which indicates in which areas the user passed the mouse;
  3. and scrolling, which records how far the user navigated on your page.

This behavior log is very useful for monetizing a website, allowing you to place ads, links or email captures in the areas that attract the most attention of the visitor.

Step by step functionality

1. To configure the heatmap, click on the Heatmaps option in the Analytics menu on the left of the page. Then on + New heatmap.

2. Select a name for your heatmap.

If you want to use Hotjar to track multiple pages, give it a name that is immediately identifiable with the monitored URL, as it will make it easier to find this information in the future.

3. Next, select the number of pageviews the tool will collect. It is important to remember that every visit counts as a pageview, that is, if the user accesses your page more than once, they will have a heat map generated for each visit.

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4. Select the URL to be analyzed. You can follow a single page or several similar pages on the same domain.

5. The next menu is useful if you want to set advanced options for your heatmap, such as removing areas of your website that you don’t want to track, for example the .

Review the settings and create your heatmap.

To access the collected information, you can use the search bar to search for a specific heat map.


Hotjar allows you to literally record visitor interactions on your page. With this functionality, you will be able to see the behavior of the user from the moment they accessed the site, on which menus or links they clicked and in what order.

Imagine that you have a blog about photography and you decided to use recordings to understand the behavior of your visitors.

A 6-minute recording shows that the user browsed the page quite a bit and was interested in the type of content you share, while a 20-second recording indicates that the user accessed the page and closed it right away, leading to the conclusion that you entered by mistake or did not find anything of interest there.

This information provides interesting information for both your ad campaigns and your marketing strategy.

Step by step functionality

1. In the Analytics menu, select the Recordings option. Next, click on Record Visitors.

2. Select the number of pageviews you want to record. There are three options: 100, 2,000 or, for more robust analysis, 5,000.

3. Select page targeting. In this case, you have two options: start recording the user from the moment they access your page, or when they access a specific page that has the Hotjar track installed.

4. Turn recording options on or off.

  • Record only sessions with click and scroll activity;
  • Record only sessions longer than 30 seconds;
  • Click data can only be recorded in the fields of the permission list.

5. Click record and you’re done! From now on, you will have a complete record of your users’ interactions on video!


Funnel tracking records the complete trajectory of the visitor until he becomes a lead. This functionality is useful to identify what may be hindering the user from making a conversion.

The funnel shows the pageviews of each page, the number of conversions and the number of users who stop browsing before taking an action.

You can segment this data by date whenever you want to monitor the impact of a change on your page.

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Step by step functionality

1. In the Analytics menu, select the Funnels option and then + New funnel.

2. Select a name for the funnel.

3. Add the number of steps provided in the funnel. Steps are the actions you expect the user to take within the site.

For example, you have a landing page to sign up for a , then your funnel can be deployed in the following stages: access to the page, reading of the information and registration and participation in the webinar.

It is important to remember that you can add as many steps in your pipeline, depending on the complexity of the product.

4. Next, enter the URL you want to monitor.

5. Click create funnel.

From now on, you can access all the reports on that funnel, searching by the chosen name.

form analytics

This functionality provides all the information about the forms hosted on your site: which fields took the longest to fill out, which fields the user skips, and which fields they give up on continuing to fill out.

This information is essential to determine if your form fulfills its purpose or if the questions asked there are confusing the user and generating mistrust.

Step by step functionality

  1. In the Analytics menu, select the Forms option, then + New form.
  2. On the next screen, you must fill in information such as: name of the form, number of sessions you want to monitor (1,000, 2,000 or 5,000) and URL address where you host your site
  3. Click Create Form.

Menu Feedback

In the Feedback menu, you can configure tools and searches to find out what users think about their experience on your page.

This opinion can be requested through pop ups, searches or sharing windows, at the time the user is closing your page or from a predetermined action.

Soliciting user feedback can bring you closer to your visitors and establish a relationship of trust, which is useful not only for promoting improvements to your page, but also for driving these visitors to the next stages of your .

How to use Hotjar to increase conversions on your site?

Now that you have understood the features that Hotjar offers, let’s talk a little about how to use them to increase the conversion of your pages.

Use Hotjar to identify usability issues

Whenever someone leaves a page, they have a reason to do so. It may be the content that is not interesting, or the user is out of time at the moment, or, in many cases, the usability of the page is not very good.

Usability depends on several factors: design, programming, copy and whether the page is or not, since most people currently access the Internet by cell phone.

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With the features of Hotjar, you can identify when the user left your page and how they interacted with the elements of it while browsing.

For example, a , whose objective is to sell a product, should take the user to the checkout page, right?

If the user accesses the page and has to click on several menus before reaching the checkout, that means that the navigation is confusing and they are not managing to find the information they need.

This can happen from overcrowded menus, poor content layout, or CTA buttons that don’t stand out.

It is important that the entrepreneur pay attention to this data and perform some tests to understand the improvements that can be made.

Use Hotjar to test your copy and other page elements

One of the most striking factors on web pages is the type of content you share.

With the heatmap and recordings functionalities, you can see how the visitor interacts with your page, if they read the texts, if they click on the suggested links, since these are indicators that they are enjoying what they are reading

A user who accesses the page several times or clicks on certain areas of the site before closing it, may be indecisive or even confused.

Use Hotjar to improve your forms

Lead contact information is the most precious asset for any entrepreneur. Therefore, it is interesting to know why visitors are not completing the forms on your site.

Are they not interested in what you offer, or is the form too long and confusing?

With the functionality of the forms, combined with the heatmaps, you can extract the ideas that can help you improve your capture areas and, consequently, convert more visitors into leads.

Use Hotjar to understand your audience’s preferences

There are several resources on Hotjar to understand your audience empirically. But aside from using them, you can still take the easy way out, which is: ask!

As we show in the text, Hotjar offers a series of options to interact with your visitors and discover what can be improved on your blog or website. This information can even help you think about creating new pages in the future.

If you are interested in having a page for your business, take advantage of knowing without having programming knowledge.

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