How to be a YouTuber and earn money in Mexico in 2022?

We can define a youtuber as a user who uploads audiovisual content on a channel created within the YouTube platform with the aim of impacting the user community and gaining followers.

Gone are the days when it was believed that being a youtuber was more of a hobby than an occupation, because if this platform has shown anything, it is that it has enough potential to generate income and grow personal branding like no other.

In this content we will talk in depth about how to be a youtuber and earn money in Mexico, from what it takes to get into video content creation to how to become famous on YouTube. Accompany me!

How to be a youtuber?

To be a youtuber certain elements are required, knowledge and skills to capture the attention of the audience. I list here what you need to dedicate yourself to creating multimedia content:

  1. You need to open a channel on YouTube for the purpose of monetizing your content.
  2. A content calendar with the topics you want to cover.
  3. Social media accounts associated with your channel to promote your videos.

In addition to this, if you have the following knowledge and skills, you are likely to get more effective results.

  1. Histrionic ability to speak in front of the camera.
  2. Charisma and good humor.
  3. Knowledge of video and sound editing.
  4. Knowledge of SEO for YouTube.
  5. Constancy and desire to grow your channel.

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How to be a youtuber gamer?

If you know specifically that what you want is become a youtuber gamerdedicated to geek culture, you need to consider:

  1. Open an account on Twitch to accompany the growth of your channel.
  2. Make streams from mobile, console or PC.
  3. Have the right equipment to record yourself while you play.
  4. Learn about video games and current trends.

If you have friends or know users within the gaming community who can help you start your channel, it never hurts to ask for help to make collaborations or some useful strategy that will help them grow their accounts.

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How to be a youtuber fashion?

In case you want to dedicate yourself to fashion or the health and beauty segment, these are some additional considerations that you must take into account to be a fashion youtuber:

  1. Buy a tripod to improve the stability of the camera while you shoot.
  2. A ring of light that helps you have better lighting.
  3. Learn about fashion trends, types of cuts, fabrics and colors.

Do you have a large closet? If you want to model or show clothes in your videos, think about how you can get the pieces and be consistent in creating new content for your channel.

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What does it take to be a youtuber and earn money?

If you have in mind that you not only want to dedicate yourself to creating videos for fun, but that what you want is to make it a business, this is it what you will need to be a youtuber and earn money:

  1. Create a YouTube channel
  2. Sign up to the
  3. Post content frequently

Let me delve into each of the points to give you more information about each of them.

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1. Create a YouTube channel

If you have no idea how to create a channel on YouTube and you really want to take it seriously, I suggest you not start your channel with your personal emailbut open it with the email that will be the official —for the moment— of your brand.

2. Sign up for the YouTube Partner Program

Signing up for this program is the first step to monetize your channel, although you should know that not all channels are likely to be here. Know the requirements:

  1. Gather more than 1000 subscribers.
  2. Have more than 4,000 hours of viewing in the last 12 months.
  3. Open an AdSense account linked to the channel.
  4. Comply with the YouTube Channel Monetization Policies.
  5. Not have faults for non-compliance with the Community Rules.

As you have seen, to be a youtuber and earn money you have to work previously to build the base where you will monetize your content.

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3. Post content frequently

There is no other secret beyond perseverance. Be disciplined in creating content and think that just like in many occupations and professions, effort is required to reach the goal, no matter what you have in mind.

To do this, creating an editorial calendar will help you reduce time and worries, since you will have the topics you want to talk about on your agenda and thus speed up the creation of content.


How to start on YouTube?

Now that you know how to be a youtuber, what you have to do to earn money and you have accepted the challenge, it is time for you to know how to get started on youtube These are some of the actions that will help you monetize your channel more effectively.

  1. Build a fan base
  2. Make collaborations with influencers
  3. Generate content based on trends
  4. Record video reactions
  5. Broadcast live
  6. Learn SEO for YouTube

I explain in a couple of lines each of these actions.

1. Build a fan base

It is not very pleasant to enter to see the statistics of your channel and see that few people have seen your video, so it is important that you support yourself from other social networks to build your fan base. I suggest you open your networks with the same email that you opened your channel, so that everything is aligned under the same address and thus avoid stumbling blocks and problems in the future.

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2. Do collaborations with influencers

If you know of other users who are interested in growing their channels, consider collaborating with them to create content that benefits both parties. In case of creating an alliance with a well-positioned influencer, ask about their collaboration policies.

3. Generate content based on trends

Supporting yourself with current content is a good tip if you want to make yourself known by the audience. Take advantage of important dates, launches or anniversaries to create content that interests your users. For example, if you know that Star Wars Day is coming up, create special content dedicated to the George Lucas universe like the one we have here.

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4. Record video reactions

A relatively easy way to create content is video reactions, since you can take advantage of viral content on YouTube or that is being talked about on social networks and thus give your opinion on the matter, taking advantage of the temporary interest in this topic.

5. Go Live

Perhaps you have seen that YouTube has a special site where live broadcasts are located and that is that within the platform, live stream they have an additional diffusion that not any video has, notifying the followers and placing the content in a preferential place. Therefore, if you are starting on YouTube, it is a good resource to make your channel known.

6. Learn SEO for YouTube

Having such a small base of followers, you need all the help to grow your channel, so knowing SEO for YouTube is a good idea to gain followers. Choosing the keywords and knowing how to title the videos are an important part of doing good SEO. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I recommend that you read this where I will explain the most basic aspects of this tool.

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How to make money on YouTube without making videos?

If making multimedia content is not your thing, here are some recommendations to earn money on YouTube without making videos. Although take into account that you may be able to go slower than if you did.

  1. Upload video compilations
  2. Create live streams of events
  3. Reuse material from Twitch

Give me a chance to explain a little more about each point.

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1. Upload video compilations

If what you fear is going in front of the camera, an alternative to earn money on YouTube without making videos as such is to upload video mixes or compilations on a topic, such as “The best 15 videos of kittens” or “20 phrases from famous movies what you should know.” Just make sure to use topics that are trending or catch the attention of the audience.

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2. Create live streams of events

Have you ever seen broadcasts of an event commented through a live stream? This is another way to create content without leaving the box. Some friends can get together to comment on an episode of a series or a soccer game and transmit their comments live.

3. Reuse material from Twitch

If you already have your Twitch channel and you broadcast content through that platform, you can compile your best moments or a particular topic and thus promote both social media accounts.

How to make money on YouTube?

YouTube has very well established monetization methods for the channels that belong to the Partners program, granting content creators 5 different ways to make money on YouTube. Know them all.

If you want to know more about each of them, click on the link and learn how each of these options works.

In addition to what YouTube can give you through these tools, it’s worth exploring other options to make money from your channel like brand mentions, sponsorships, product placements, and more.

How to be famous or famous on YouTube?

Though there is no secret recipe to be famous or famous on YouTube, there are certain actions that you can put into practice to increase your notoriety on this platform and on other social networks. Take them into account!

  1. Be original
  2. be consistent
  3. be relevant
  4. Take care of the quality of your videos
  5. Support other youtubers

Before concluding, let me expand a little on each of these points so that there is no doubt what I mean.

1. Be original

There is a lot of competition on YouTube and it seems that there are videos for anything, however you should not be overwhelmed by this. Think about how you can give a twist to what already exists and create original content, in a different format or with a different dynamic that not only attracts the attention of the audience, but also encourages them to subscribe to your channel and be aware of it. of your videos.

2. Be consistent

There really is no better advice than being consistent with your content creation. It may seem simple to want to publish one or two videos a week, however, each video involves a process, which can be daunting or seem tedious, but it is necessary to comply to compete on the YouTube platform. Don’t you…

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