How to create an account on ? Step by step to register

is a complete platform, where you decide what you want to do. For example, you can create an account as a Producer, Affiliate or Buyer. Read this post to the end so you can learn how to do it step by step.

How to create an account on ?

Creating a account is very easy. The first thing you should do is select what you are looking for on the platform. If you still don’t know, don’t worry. We are going to help you! Shall we start?

Go to the website. To do so, you just have to type this URL in your browser: . Then, the following image will appear and you can create your account:

To get started, click Sign up, at the top right of your screen. A window like the one below will open:

Here you can choose two ways to register: using Facebook or filling in the required fields. If you click Create account with Facebookyou will have to provide the email and password you use to access your profile on that social network.

If you prefer to fill in the fields that appear below the Facebook button, you will complete the registration and you will need to include information such as:

  • Your name
  • Your email
  • Your password (a strong one, with letters and numbers)

Then tell us what you want to do on the platform. What are you looking for?

Sell ​​Digital Products

If you select Sell ​​productsmeans that you can be a Content Producer or Affiliate.

Producer or Producer

If you master a subject and want to teach other people, you can be Producer at , that is, create classes, be an online teacher and share your knowledge with the world.

Start undertaking from scratch with the 30-day Challenge

If you want Sell ​​products to have extra income and undertake on the Internet, we can help you start your day.

The 30 day challenge it’s a full course gratuitous for those who want to create a digital product and undertake online. With 17 video classes and many supplementary materials, it guides you, step by step, through the creating an online course from scratch.

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Many people want to work in what they like. If this is your case but you don’t know where to start, this challenge is for you!

Click on the link below and create a product right now that you can start selling in just 30 days.

Affiliate or Affiliate

when selecting Sell ​​productsyou can also become affiliate and promote the products of the Producers through your social networks, your blog or other means, in exchange for a commission.

Discover how to Affiliate and sell on with the 1st Sale Challenge

Do you want to undertake as an Affiliate or Affiliate, but do not know how to start? Do you have doubts about which product to promote or do you know nothing about advertising? Well, we can also help you with the First Sale Challenge.

As its name says, here you will learn how to make your first sale in four free 15-minute classes.

You will have access to:

  • Practical classes to learn how to really sell;
  • Step by step to understand how the digital product market works;
  • Complementary materials to improve your knowledge;
  • Exclusive Members Area to clarify your doubts.

If you are interested in all that, click on the link below and start now!

Buy Digital Products

You can choose Buy products if you really want to learn something new.

Buyer or Buyer

In this case, you will be able to choose and buy online courses from various categories such as Personal Development, Business and Career, Culinary and Gastronomy, Languages, Health and Sports and many more.

By becoming a student of a course at , you will enjoy a complete learning experience, with various resources that will make you the protagonist of this journey.

Learn something new with the Marketplace courses

If you select Buy productsour Marketplace will open and you will be able to:

  • Find the best content to learn;
  • Choose the payment method you prefer, including local payment methods;
  • Access from wherever you want. You just have to download the course content;
  • Interact and clarify your doubts with the Producers.
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If you want to learn something new today, click on the link below and choose the products in the Marketplace.

After deciding if you want to sell or buy products, we move on to the next phase of your registration.

when you read the and the click on the square I have read and agree to ‘s Terms of Use and Policies and then in To follow.

Then, if you wish, you can select one of the following options:

  • I have an idea or digital product to sell on : Recommended if you want to be a Producer or Producer.
  • I want to sell products that are on and earn commissions: recommended if you want to be an Affiliate or Affiliate.
  • I haven’t decided yet, I want to learn about the Digital Market and : Recommended if you still don’t know what you want to do.

After selecting one of the alternatives, click Get inthe following screen will be displayed:

We remind you that it is not mandatory that you choose one of the above options to use the platform.

If you get to this point, it means that your registration has been successful and that you already have a account. So you can start exploring everything it offers you.

If you want to be a Producer or Content Producer

offers you many possibilities. Creating a account as a producer will allow you to choose the format of your product. In other words, how are you going to teach people what you master?

You can choose between:

  • Tickets for face-to-face events;
  • Image / Photo;
  • Source code;
  • Audio / Music
  • mobile application
  • Files to download
  • Discount coupon
  • Movie/Screencast
  • Serial number
  • Podcast/Audiobook
  • program to download
  • Online Consulting Services
  • Online event
  • Online course
  • Subscription
  • book
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When creating your product you will be able to describe in detail what it is and what it offers, as well as define a name and how those who buy it can pay. Also, you will be able to choose the language and category such as Health and Sports, Business and Career, Literature, etc.

If you want to be an Affiliate or Affiliate in

If your intention is to work with affiliation, when you reach this page you must click on Affiliate to a product and the Affiliate Market will open, as we show you in the image below:

If you have a following, spend some time choosing the most relevant products for your audience. In case you have not studied your target audience and your buyer persona, do so before selecting the product you are going to affiliate with. This way you will have more success in your sales.

If you want to buy at

If you want to buy a course or learn something new, you must create a account by clicking on Buy a course and you will access the Marketplace, which will open in a new tab:

Then, all you have to do is choose the best course for you, among the thousands that you have at your disposal.

Now that you know how to create a account step by step, you just have to think and decide what you want to do on the platform and register right now.

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