Newsletter: what is it and why is it important for your business?

Knowing what a newsletter is and applying it to your marketing strategy is key to achieving the established objectives, since, together with other techniques, it achieves the general goal of achieving the engagement of a company’s target audience.

This is because with the newsletter we can create and share an informative newsletter that disseminates news, articles and relevant content for the client, often associated with offers, discounts or benefits.

If you are looking to delve into the subject, keep reading this content! Here you will discover:

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What is a newsletter?

It is a periodic and digital publication distributed through email with a certain frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly). They are usually made up of various articles of interest to subscribers of the brand and the sector in which the company operates.

In the newsletters, readers find information about promotions and special offers, main news and valuable free content. In other words, it collects the most relevant and most interesting news that a business or sector has.

It should be noted that this publication it is sent only to users who have previously requested to receive it leaving your email on the company website.

What is a newsletter for?

Now that you know what a newsletter is, it is essential to mention that it serves as a communication tool that It has a great potential for conversion and loyalty.

This, mainly due to its low cost, allows brands to impact their target audience more times, since it maintains a continuous link between the two. But how does he do it?

1. It makes you a source of information

When your newsletter produces quality content regarding a topic or area that you dominate, you can become about that niche.

And it is that, if you have, for example, an ecommerce of clothing and you distribute posts and materials on fashion, deep down you are creating an informative medium that in the future will serve as a reference for your client when they have to choose a product.

2. Transform and prepare your future client

A well-articulated content distribution plan contributes to the consumer’s purchasing decision process. In this sense, the newsletter can catalyze the evolution of a sales funnel and improve the results of the business as a whole.

3. Increases brand awareness

Brand perception among the public is, without a doubt, one of the central pillars of entrepreneurship, and the newsletter can also help in this regard.

It is evident that, by creating a registration routine, you promote customer loyalty and gain the trust and respect of your audience.

What is the ideal frequency to send the newsletter?

Periodicity is one of the main characteristics of a newsletter, therefore, the use of this material format in your newsletter means that you will have to send it with a well-defined frequency.

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Periodicity encourages the creation of a relationship with your client (or potential client), since they get used to receiving the material and, eventually, end up waiting for it with anxiety.

It should be noted, in this regard, that there is no standard periodicity for all undertakings, but we know that you will quickly discover that The more contact you maintain with your lead, the easier it will be for you to identify the content that really interests them.apart from your actual needs.

The entire process, of course, must be automated. Now, if your proposal is to send the newsletter every Friday, you cannot set up the email that same Friday!

A tool that can help you a lot to develop the planning of this content is the . In this document you list all the marketing actions planned for each day, which prevents you from forgetting any detail.

Another important suggestion is to think of a period of time that suits the topic discussed, because the client realizes when you really have to say something about the topic.

From that perspective, it is crucial that you refresh the content in order to maintain the relevance of the message for whoever is receiving it.

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What information can I send to my potential client?

the newsletter is one of the , since it allows users to receive the necessary information to advance their growth and development as a buyer.

Also, it’s a great channel for disseminate specific events and institutional newssuch as , events, promotions and

It is important to remember that the newsletter is not always linked to the time factor because it is also possible to include educational articles for leads, such as: market guides and tutorials on different products, among many other options.

4 types of newsletters

There are different types of newsletters, but to give you an idea, here are the main ones:

1. Of old and own content

It consists of taking content that had already been created by you and shared on other internet sites (such as blogs or social networks), and distributing it by mail.

With this, you ensure that your readers find relevant information on a topic in the sector and that you give value to the work already done, increasing traffic to your website.

This content varies depending on your niche and can be: a specialized article, an infographic, a video, etc.

2. Webinars or events

Inviting your subscribers to participate in a free online workshop on a topic of interest is key to lead them to loyalty.

This is mainly because it allows you to show your knowledge about the subject and what you do, it shows what you can achieve, it provides an interactive experience, it allows you to get to know yourself in depth and it stands out by offering an additional benefit.

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3. Product updates

This typology will allow you to report on news about the company and its products and services, in addition to explaining why this information is so relevant.

It will help you further connect the brand with subscribers, encourage them to get the product, and communicate how you care about the changing needs that affect them.

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4. Informative and investigative

The Internet is full of information, so getting something really interesting is often a complicated job.

Thus, in a few words, this type of newsletter is in charge of presenting your subscribers with data, studies, advances and relevant news about the niche in which you find yourself.

This will make your readers interested in knowing what other key information you got and bring to their email inbox, as well as your thoughts on the topic.

How should a good newsletter be?

As you have already noted, there are several types of newsletters available on the market and each one has its own strategic approach and its own peculiarities.

However, they all have one thing in common: the importance of quality. And to help you with this, below we will talk about how you can produce effective newsletters capable of converting more and more leads.

1. The content must be of quality and relevant

Our advice is that you do not use the newsletter for the sole purpose of disseminating promotions and explicit sales calls, since it is essential to take advantage of that contact you have with your client to offer them quality and relevant content. In this way, you create a relationship of trust with the consumer, which can culminate in the sale.

But before dedicating yourself to the content of the email, it is necessary to provide incentives for the lead to open it, after all, we are used to receiving several emails a day.

The great challenge is to arouse curiosity or to sharpen the interest of the reader, either by showing something new, controversial or unexpected. A good suggestion is to emphasize the sense of urgency and exclusivity.

2. An attractive view is essential

it is as important as the selection of the content itself.

Think of pleasant, calm colors, without exaggeration. Also, be careful and do not overdo the use of images, because although they complement the text, they are not the protagonists.

Therefore, avoid emails full of photos, as they can take time to load and you are compromising your message and the interest of your readers.

3. Use an intimate speech

Treating the reader with personality and closeness fosters their identification with your brand. Therefore, address the recipient as if he were a good friend, this will give him the feeling that you understand what he needs and that you have the ideal solution to his problems.

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Attention! We are not only talking about using the username at the beginning of the email, but also about efficiently segmenting your list and delivering personalized content for each stage of the sales funnel.

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4. Do not abuse the shipments

The conclusion and the reasoning here are simple: on the one hand, the content offered must always be of quality and relevant, on the other, it has to respond to the wishes of your client.

That does not mean, never, bombard it with promotions and information about the products you sell.

The contents that convert are those that represent a utility for the reader: they resolve doubts, present solutions, talk about new possibilities relevant to their interests, etc.

In that sense, the more details about the leads you can gather, the better. This way you can segment your campaigns and send the right topics for each type of client.

5. Create scannable content

In the event that you have a wide variety of topics to spread, organize the titles well, in addition to highlight the most important points of the reading.

On the other hand, in cases of larger texts, keep only an introduction or summary along with a link to the full content available on the site. This allows the development of a more summarized and attractive newsletter for your customers.

This strategy also allows you to know, through hits, which were the contents that most caught the attention of consumers.

6. Customize the sender

Your content should only be sent to those who are interested in it. And a good opening and conversion rate is only possible with well-targeted campaigns, attractive calls and interesting designs.

Another important aspect is that of always enter the name of your company in the sender of the emails sent. After all, if the recipient already knows about your business, displaying your brand will enable greater trust in the newsletter.

7. Use a simple and attractive design

The HTML of an email cannot be treated in the same way as that of a website. The complexities in the elaboration of the template increase the possibility of problems during access…

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