How to fix HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed error

When a website throws the notification 405 Method Not Allowedindicates an error Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It prevents visitors from accessing the content on your website, which can cause them to lose trust in your brand.

However, the notification only indicates the 405 Method Not Allowed error but does not show its cause. Therefore, you may have to try different solutions to fix it.

Below, we will share 11 methods to fix this issue, such as rolling back recent updates and checking web server settings.

Let’s start with what exactly the 405 Method Not Allowed error page means.

Error code405 Method Not Allowedbug typeclient errorbug variationsHTTP Error 405 – Method Not Allowed
HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed
405 Not Allowed
Method Not Allowed
HTTP 405 errorCauses of the errorEntering an incorrect URL
Platform, theme or plugin update issues
compatibility issues
Database changes
misconfigured permissions

What is the 405 Method Not Allowed error?

The 405 Method Not Allowed error occurs between a client and a server. This message indicates that the web server has recognized a request from a web browser to access the website, but is rejecting the specific HTTP method.

Since the web browser cannot access the requested page, it will display an error message instead. The 405 Method Not Allowed error message is an HTTP response status code. There are different categories to indicate whether a specific HTTP request is complete:

  • Response code 1xx: Informative answers.
  • 2xx response code: satisfactory answers.
  • 3xx response code: Redirects.
  • 4xx response code: Customer errors.
  • 5xx response code: Server errors.

Therefore, the 405 Method Not Allowed error is usually caused on the client side. However, it can also mean that the error is caused by web server responses to clients. This error can appear in different ways:

  • HTTP Error 405 – Method Not Allowed
  • HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed
  • 405 Not Allowed
  • Method Not Allowed
  • HTTP Error 405

Although the error page message may vary in different browsers, the steps to fix it are the same with any browser.

11 methods to solve the 405 Method Not Allowed error

Identifying the exact cause of the 405 Method Not Allowed error can be difficult. To help you, we have listed 11 ways to fix this HTTP problem.

1. Check the URL

One of the first solutions to fix this error is to check the Uniform Resource Identifier (URL). A common cause of the 405 Method Not Allowed error is entering an incorrect URL. As a result, the browser cannot open a page that does not exist.

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Check for a missing letter or misspelled word in the URL. Then check if the web page loads correctly. Although it seems like a simple step, it often works.

2. Roll back recent updates

In some cases, this error can start to appear after updating a site. To fix this, try rolling back any recent updates you’ve made to your site, platform, extensions, modules, or plugins. Updates to any of these items can cause changes to the server that cause this error.

Each platform or app has its way of rolling back recent updates. For example, WordPress users can use the plugin to automatically revert to their previous version of WordPress and prevent irreversible changes.

To prevent this HTTP error notification from staying on your page for too long, always check your website after any updates.

3. Check the changes in the database

Another possible reason behind the 405 Method Not Allowed error is database changes. Some extensions have all the privileges to access your database. Even uninstalling the extension might not revert the changes.

The steps to check for changes vary depending on the database. users can access by following this guide:

  1. talk to you hPanel and click MySQL databases.
  1. Select the MySQL database of your site and click the button Login to phpMyAdmin right.
  1. Choose the tab SQL from your database.
  1. Run the following query, substituting bdname by the name of your database:


  1. Click the button Continue on the right side of the page to complete the request and it will show when you last updated the database.

Search for tables and records that may have been tampered with by an extension. Revert any changes to the database.

We recommend that you consult with the support team of your web hosting to avoid making unnecessary modifications.

4. Uninstall new plugins, themes and extensions

When you install a theme, plugin or extension, the website code may change. These changes can cause the problem. So, if the error message starts to appear after installing a new plugin, theme, or extension, try uninstalling and reinstalling it.

If you use WordPress, you can uninstall the plugins by going to Desktop -> Plugins Y Deactivate your most recent plugins.

To deactivate a WordPress theme, go to Desktop -> Appearance -> Themes. If you’re using the newer theme, change it to another one first. Then click on the new theme and select theme details. In the bottom right corner, click the button Remove.

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This step can also be done on your hosting account. For example, users can disable WordPress plugins via hPanel:

  1. talk to you hPanel and go to plugins.
  1. Toggle the purple button to disable the plugin.

Check if the error message still appears after deactivating your latest plugin or theme. If the issue is resolved, try using a different extension on your site.

5. Check server logs

A web application keeps logs on the server to track the different activities and events that occur on your site. Changes to server logs can cause a 405 Method Not Allowed message to appear on your website. Check your server logs to make sure all the information is correct.

To access the server logs for a site, go to the root directory and find the files access.log Y error.log. Check if any information on them seems to be out of place.

6. Check your web server configuration

If the 405 Method Not Allowed error persists, take a look at your server’s configuration files. This error indicates that the server configuration does not allow users to access a uniform resource identifier (URI) concrete.

Check your server software for any unintentional redirects or request handling instructions. To access your configuration files, identify the software your website uses. The two most popular are and .

If your server is Apache, look for a file .htaccess inside the root directory of your website. If your server runs NGINX, look for a file nginx.conf. There, look for the directives that are using a 405 flag. Change the files back to the original data and restart your server to check if the error is gone.

7. Check the code and scripts

Another solution to fix this error is to check the website code and scripts. Make sure your website is using the correct coding language.

One way to test your code and scripts is to copy the website to a local development machine and run a test that simulates the exact scenario where the 405 Not Allowed method occurs. In this way, it will be easier to detect when exactly something has gone wrong.

8. Completely restore your website from a backup

In some cases, the 405 HTTP error appears due to compatibility issues. If other options have not helped resolve this issue, try restoring your website using the most recent backup. The steps to depend on the platform.

With , follow the steps below to restore your website:

  1. go to hPanel and select Backups in Records.
  1. click on Select under Backups of files.
  1. Select the date and click Next stepwhich will load all your content from that date.
  1. Browse through the folders and select the ones you want to restore. click on Restore files.
  1. Click again on Restoreand the system will start the process and send a notification once the process is complete.
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9. Check the .htaccess file

check your file .htaccess to see if there are any entries that include 405. The 405 Method Not Allowed error message may appear on your site if you rewrite the file .htaccess incorrectly.

To investigate possible causes, access your file .htaccess from File Manager. Here’s how to do this if you host a WordPress site on :

  1. go to hPanel and go to File Manager.
  1. Click on the folder public_html and select the file .htaccess.
  1. Look for lines that use directives Rewrite that direct visitors to a URL. Search .

If it’s there, add a # at the end of the line. Then update your website to see if this resolves the issue.

10. Resolve File Ownership

Another reason your site may experience this HTTP method error is due to misconfigured permissions. Every file and folder on your website has a set of permissions. By resolving file ownership, you can correct any found to be misconfigured.

There are different ways to resolve file ownership depending on your platform. Follow the steps below to do it on :

  1. go to hPanel and click Resolve file ownership in the section Other.
  1. Check the option you want to set your site’s files and folders to default permissions and click Run.

11. Check the A records

Lastly, to resolve this HTTP method issue, check your (DNS) logs. Check the A records to make sure all the details are correct. The record A is the most basic type of DNS record that points a domain or subdomain to a IP adress.

The steps to access your DNS records depend on your web hosting provider. users should access their registration database by going to hPanel -> DNS Zone Editor.

Check that your A records contain this information:

  • Guy: DNS record type must be A.
  • Name: use @ if the domain or subdomain name points to another…
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