How to make a podcast (for free!), step by step – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

In Marketing4eCommerce we just created our podcast, so we have very recent all the decisions we have made to start it. And since, in addition to being scientists, we are very generous, we want to share the steps that must be taken to make a podcast as simple and cheap as possible.

You can see our tutorial by the hand of Ruben Cane that takes you through the intricate paths of podcasting in the following video:

what is a podcast

The term podcast refers to a play on demand broadcastthat is, people search for it and play it or download it to listen to it wherever and whenever they want, in addition it can be under subscription, or not.

But there is a big problem with making a podcast and that is that there are a wide variety of platforms. For example, if you are going to record a video, you broadcast it on YouTube, but in the case of podcasts, there are many different platforms where users access to consume content… and obviously You have to try to be as high as possible.

Why you should do a podcast now

Well, we know that podcasts are nothing new, in fact they were already quite well known back in 2007 to 2010, but we are talking about A matter of time to market. We live in what seems to be finally the emergence of the podcast format.

In the United States it is a totally mainstreamknown and respected at all levels of the public, and They have real stars offering their sound content.

In Spain its content is becoming very popular, and for now it is pushed by radio or TV programs such as Nobody Knows Anything, La Resistencia or the communication power of Grupo PRISA with Podium Podcast.

This gives us an idea of ​​the growth in its popularity, as apps for listening to podcasts have been incorporated like no other.Active on iPhone and Android that can be heard on .

The key to making a podcast right now: mobile hatching

It is no secret to anyone that the mobile is positioned as the device in which more and more people consume content…including podcasts. This is an attractive format since it has a different consumption experience than others: it allows background consumption while you are in transport, driving, playing sports, in the office, while cooking or practically anywhere.

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What do you need to start a podcast?

Of course, the first thing you should be clear about is the idea, a central theme that you will develop with all your creativity, but after that what you need is:


You can see professional podcasters in a professional recording studio, with professional microphones and even mixing tables. Obviously that’s ideal due to the good sound quality, isolation and editing options, but you can make a podcast with a lot less.

We started thinking about using clip-on mics, and in the end we saw that these mics record very low when it’s just audio…and that they surpass them in quality. the microphone of the iPhone headphones.

program for recording

If you record conversations remotely, Skype has an option to record the conversation which is very helpful. If you are in person, you can try with an integrator of two minijacks with which you can integrate both microphones to the mobile and can be recorded without any problem with the voice notes program.

Then you just have to export it to the editing program you useplus you can also record with the editing program directly.

editing program

The best known and free is Audacity, which is free software and very easy to use. If you work with Mac, you find native the Garage Bandwhich is designed for music editing but for something as “simple” as a podcast is also valid.

If you have already paid for any video editor license, such as Camtasia, Adobe Premiere, or Final Cut for Mac It also works for audio! There will always be an option to export only the audio.

Format to upload the podcast

No platform wants you to upload super large .wav files, so the standard is mp3. If you don’t have it in that format, you may need a converter. In our case we use the , which is free.

Be careful when normalizing the audio!

There is a task that is usually left unnoticed for those who start in this exciting world of podcasting (and that suffers a lot in the ear) and that is normalize the sound of the podcast.

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A podcast that has not been normalized is the one in which volume intensity jumps between parts are noticeable: from a song to a voice, from the speech of one to the speech of another….a catastrophe. To avoid this, there is a function that is “Normalize audio”, and which refers to “matching it”, that is, it raises the low and lowers the high.

Audacity has a function to normalize but our experience is that it does not achieve a very satisfactory result. José Carlos Cortizo, from En Digital recommended the program to us, and it is quite good, besides that it allows hup to 2 hours free per month.

If you prefer, there are specific free programs that you can find, we tested on Mac, but there are specific ones for PC such as .

Where to upload your newly created podcast

You already have a theme, you already have the first episode recorded, edited, converted to mp3 and normalized, and now what? As we said before, the worst thing about the podcast world is its dispersion. The main channels that users access to listen to podcasts are:

  • Apple podcast: the native iPhone app
  • Google Podcast: the same, but on Android
  • Spotify
  • Ivoox

The best thing is that you upload it on a platform and from that, automatically distribute it to others with your RSS feed: a url designed to be shared between platforms and to automatically retrieve the information.

If you decide to upload it to your own website and it is , there is a very complete and free plugin: PowerPress, which makes the process much easier. But beware, since you will be uploading files of 20 megabytes or more to your server with each program, so be careful how this could affect your website.

We decided to upload it on an external platform to avoid overloading our server. To do this there are two options: you upload it to Ivoox which will give you a rss feed that you register with the others, or you upload it to Anchor, a platform that you just bought, which is mobile first and allows you to record the podcast from start to finish, as well as upload it and distribute it to other platforms.

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How to register your podcast on other platforms

Once you have it on your website, iVoox or Anchor, the challenge is for it to be accepted by others. Anchor in theory takes care of registering it automatically, but it takes time, so we did it manually:

High in Ivoox

choose the option “Go up” as if you were going to upload any file, and choose the option “Upload from a feed”. Once you accept it, it will automatically collect the info every time you upload to an original accommodation.

High in iTunes

This is a process much laterAs it usually takes a week to process the permit and they may even reject you if you only have an episode or two, so if you see them reject you it’s a matter of waiting until you have 3 or 4 shows and try again. you have to have one to start with, and if you don’t have one, you have to create it yes or yes, but once you have it essentially you just have to enter the RSS feed.

High on Spotify

You just have to enter the , capture your user and in a matter of hours it will be ready.

Sign up for Google Podcast

In the same way in Google Podcast you have to enter the , register the RSS feed and that’s it!

With this you will have your podcast up and running and without having spent anythingyou will only need your computer, mobile, and a headset microphone… and of course, an internet connection.

And of course, we invite you to subscribe to our podcast at , or find us at , or the podcast apps on iPhone or .

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