How to make money on Instagram? Ideas and tricks for 2022

More and more users use Instagram with the aim of generating income. Whether selling through Instagram Shopping, creating content or becoming an influencer. if you were wondering how to make money on instagramtoday I will tell you details about this!

Social networks are a pillar for any brand. Not only do they represent an excellent opportunity to give them visibility and enhance them, but they are also part of any digital marketing strategy.

With good planning and clear objectives, actions can be implemented in social media marketing that make a difference and boost all types of businesses.

If 1.47 billion people use Instagram each month, according to a current study by, it makes sense that many people are wondering how to make money on instagram. I will share more details about this below. Will you accompany me?🚀

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How to make money with Instagram

instagram is one of the most versatile social networks in terms of monetization channels it offers.

There are many ways to earn money with instagram. For example, you can use it to boost the sales of your ecommerce, complement your , build a commercial profile with a good level of arrival and much more.

Let’s go deeper into the subject to see how to make money with instagram and what each of the alternatives is about.

Sell ​​on Instagram Shopping

The first idea has to do with products or services. The social network provides this possibility through its .

In this section you can publish your products to promote them among your followers. They access your photos, details and price. The transaction begins on Instagram because they interact with it there, but the purchase is made on an ecommerce site.

To use Instagram Shopping you need to have a business account and an online store where you can link your products. If you don’t have one yet, we offer you!

content marketing

He consists of create, publish and disseminate content of interest to your market niche. You can offer infographics, video tutorials, podcasts and much more.

Y,how do you make money on instagram thus? It is an action of , where you offer quality content to your followers to deepen the recognition of your brand. It is one that can bring excellent results.

Another good way to make money on Instagram is to use your knowledge on a particular topic to share it on your profile.

Let’s imagine that you have a business where you sell handicrafts. Your followers are likely to be interested in the creative process behind your products or that you share a tutorial that explains how to do something related to crafts.

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You can too share happy customer stories with your products or services or participate in live broadcasts made by other related accounts.

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affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing consists of promoting the product or service of a business in exchange for a commission for each sale made and a great opportunity to start answering the question about how to make money on instagram without being influencer.

For example, at Tiendanube we have our , in which you can offer online store design services, marketing, consulting, etc. and make a profit from the transactions the brand converts.

To implement this marketing strategy and start making money on instagram, the idea is that you have content that promotes your service and an audience relevant to the topic. Thus, you will be able to spread the benefit you offer and get customers through Instagram.

Still wondering how to make money on Instagram? Don’t worry, there are several other ways. Let’s keep going!

influencer marketing

If you are wondering how to work with one, this is the section for you.

These profiles are considered opinion leaders in the sense that they are accounts with many followers and a good level of engagement. In other words, their content is seen by large audiences and what they recommend has a high impact on their community.

Influencers can make people laugh, think, raise awareness about a topic and promote actions, such as buying. Here lies its name of “influencers” and that is where Many options open up for digital marketing.

You can steadily build an account that is gaining followers and popularity. From micro to macro influencers, these profiles can monetize their accounts in multiple ways:

  • Promoting a brand through content where you recommend it.
  • Being the ambassador of a product or brand, that is, a famous reference.
  • Promoting sales or conversion through the dissemination of special discounts.

This is a great way to make money on Instagram. Businesses, for their part, earn income through the social network expanding your brand recognition and gaining followers who become potential customers.

This will do you…


At this point, many wonder how many followers Instagram pays you or, in other words, How much does Instagram pay for followers? It is not possible to establish a definitive number for this, but we invite you to continue reading as I will explain it in detail below.

And well,how to make money on instagram without being influencer? I will comment on this below.

Use the feed as a content portfolio

On Instagram, visual content is king and this causes it to be a excellent social network to create a gallery or portfolio.

You or profile can become your online catalog. And this works for many items, from even offering craft ideas.

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In relation to the idea of ​​a portfolio or sample book, you can also implement it through a .

For example, in the following Tiendanube publication we share tips to sell more in #HotSale. In this way, entrepreneurs can have more visibility, new clients and more sales!

From how many followers does Instagram pay you?

There is no definite rule to know how much does instagram pay for followersbut we can estimate that from 5,000, an account can offer collaborations with brands.

In any case, you can earn money on Instagram with 1,000 followers if you work with small brands, to build the niche little by little.

Beyond quantity, remember that the key is quality and, for this, I recommend you take two points into account:

  • The rate of engagement who has the account with his followers. Without a good balance between views and interactions, the content that is shared will not make a difference when it comes to measuring conversions.
  • The target audience of the Instagram account It must coincide with that of the brand to be promoted. In this way, the publications are relevant to the audience and the results will be more significant.

8 tips to make money on Instagram

If you have reached this point, it is because you not only wanted concrete ideas to obtain income with this social network, but you also wanted to do it with excellence.

To complete this guide how to make money on instagram in 2022I will share eight tips to implement these strategies as an expert.

  1. Generate quality content.
  2. Post often.
  3. Upload content at the best time.
  4. Keep a brand line.
  5. Organize your strategy in a content calendar.
  6. Create an amazing Instagram feed.
  7. Use measurement tools

1. Generate quality content

I know this might sound obvious but I can’t help but mention it. Surely you already know how to post on Instagram, but here the important thing is create content always maintaining quality and usefulness.

Although it is not the only thing, because there is much more that needs to be taken into account, if the content is not of quality, you will hardly be able to scale your profile.

What do I mean by generating quality content? Each post is an opportunity to get in touch with your audience and reach new people. Make the most of it by being clear about the purpose of your account while asking yourself:

  • What am I looking for with this publication?
  • Am I achieving the goal I set for myself?
  • Does the visual or audiovisual content have good definition? Is it aligned to my brand identity?
  • What value am I bringing to my followers with this post?

To find how to make money on Instagram by building a large community, it is crucial that your content provides a differentiator to your audience, something that serves them, entertains them, informs them. This will depend on the nature of your business or personal brand.

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The important is focus on the user and visualize how your content can be attractive in its feed.

2. Post frequently

To stay present in the memory of your followers, it is important to publish with a certain frequency.

The are platforms where content “gets old fast”that is, users are exposed to new publications all the time and this means that it is necessary to upload content periodically to continue obtaining reach and interactions.

💡Type: To help you in this task, I will leave you an exclusive content to download for free in tip number 5keep reading!

3. Upload content at the best time

Another key strategy to understand how to make money with Instagram and keep them high is take advantage of the moments of greatest interaction of the public.

That is, in your professional account you will be able to access the information of the. How? In the Public section, within the Statistics, you will see when your followers are online.

This will do you…


4. Maintain your brand identity

To win on Instagram it is essential build a brand with its own identity. Whether personal – as in the case of influencers or commercial – brand identity allows you to convey a defined message.

As Instagram is a social network where the visual rules, the design of your content must be attractive to your target audience.

5. Organize your strategy in a content calendar

This point contributes to all the previous tips to earn money on Instagram.

I recommend working with a content calendar for:

  • Maintain and increase quality.
  • Guarantee the frequency.
  • Make sure you post at the best times (and run tests to understand what works best for your audience).
  • Measure results and various other points.

Whether you are finding out how to make money with Instagram without being an influencer or by becoming one, managing your account with this tool will allow you organize content, see your strategy clearly and monitor impact.

💡Type: What is promised is debt! To help you in this task, in Tiendanube we designed one that you can download for free. You will be able to customize it and adjust it to the needs of your business to achieve more and better results every day.

6. Create a feed of…

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