How to make money with a podcast – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

One of our most consulted contents is the one we made half a year ago explaining However, new doubts have arisen among our followers, and one of the most recurring questions is “how can you make money with a podcast”.

Of course, once you have created your podcast and made it available to your listeners in different media, as we advised you on that occasion, you can earn money with a podcast, and in the following article we are going to explain the different ways that exist to achieve it.

If you prefer, you can see this tutorial by the hand of Ruben Canewho explains in detail how you can earn money with a podcast in the following video:

How to make money with a podcast: indirect ways

as an expert

To start off, let’s say you can make money from a podcast. directly or indirectly. With the indirect form we mean that you will not monetize the podcast itself, but thanks to it you can increase your visibility, position yourself as an expert, create a community… The income will not come because they pay you for the podcast, but for other products that you offer as an expert in a certain area.

An example of this would be that of a consultant, who manages to demonstrate with his podcast that he is the one who knows the most about SEO in the entire world. This expert makes a podcast for free, without including advertising or anything like that, but thanks to his podcast he gets SEO clients.

Another example could be a writer who tells stories on his podcast. The podcast is free, it does not have any direct monetization route, but after advertises in it their books, eBooks or any other content that their followers want to read, and they buy them.

Create a third-party podcast

Another indirect way to generate income is that your podcast serves you to position yourself as a great podcaster. In other words, you prove to be a good speaker and have a good rhythm in creating the podcast and you manage to captivate the audience, and other brands can count on you to make their podcast for them.

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How to make money with a podcast: direct ways

Direct income from platforms

Although the indirect ways to earn money with a podcast are quite useful, perhaps what you are looking for is to know if there is a system for podcasters to monetize their content directly. Is there such a thing for podcasters? The answer is that, to this day, there is nothing that even comes close.

There are many different platforms to upload your podcast and it is common for your content to be found on several of them and not just on one, a strategy that helps users find you wherever they are.

The main of these platforms are Apple Podcast, , , which is currently betting heavily on this content, and in Spain . In our case, we use Anchor, which is from Spotify, but in Spain it is still little known. Next, we will describe the main ways of direct monetization for podcasts.

Revenue share of the platforms

This is the system of making money with a podcast that we could compare with the “model”.

Anchor has a sponsorship system where you can choose brands that sponsor you or put wedges in your podcast and pay but For now it only works in the United States.. So you have to be vigilant, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to hit the Spanish-speaking market fast.


speakers has a similar system and this one does work for the Spanish-speaking market. Put wedges in the podcast and get paid for it, although apparently the income is very low, because Spreaker has little traffic, at least in Spain. Also, you have no control over advertising, which makes many podcasters nervous.


But do not despair, there is a platform that works better on the monetization part for podcasters: the Spanish one. This has two ways of monetization:

  • Fan subscriptions. This is a system similar to a membership site, or the system that Twitch has with its streamers. You have to be a pro user and allows you to enable monetization via fan subscription. In this way, listeners could subscribe by paying a monthly amount between €1.50 and €40 per month, either by listening to you without advertising or because you offer special or exclusive content to these listeners. Although this option exists, it is not very widespread, and those who have tried it assure that very few people, at least for now, sign up.
  • Ivoox originals. This is a kind of HBO, Netflix or closer to podcasting, a model like Podium Podcast, by PRISA. They are willing to pay good podcasters a monthly price in exchange for the podcast being exclusively within Ivoox. Right now you can find around thirty of these contents, such as The Orbit of Endor or Chronicle in Black. In Podcasts Days last week in Madrid, Ivoox commented that they paid between 200 and 400 euros per month under this model. Anyone can apply, but you have to be selected and this content will only be broadcast on Ivoox.
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Since we have seen that, although it is possible to achieve monetization through platforms, and that for now it is difficult, we will enter the field of more “traditional” methods, and that surely greater income can be generated. In all of them there is a common factor: you will have to fend for yourself and negotiate directly with advertisers.

The most common is sponsorship. A small spot at the beginning of the podcast in which the podcaster thanks his sponsor for his support and tells a little about who he is.

advertising spot

If you want to have more than one advertiser, you can negotiate to have “multiple sponsors” or have a sponsor and then, through the medium, a commercial, either recorded by you or integrated in some way into the content.

Content agreements

As in any other medium, you could negotiate to have a sponsored section in your program or even that they contribute part of the content or an interviewee one day, everything will depend on what you negotiate.


In practice, the most common is sponsorship and at most putting a wedge or wink in the middle of the podcast. You could also have income from . If you work with and mention an Amazon product in the podcast and leave the code in the description, and in the same way integrate some affiliation in the vertical where you are.

listener donations

And last but not least, instead of going after advertisers, you can always try to monetize through the listening community. In the style of what we discussed about subscriptions for Ivoox fans, but without the need to depend on Ivoox. You can set up one and ask for patrons with a small monthly payment or create a crowdfunding campaign.

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If you want to depend on your community directly, you will need an already very consolidated and large community. To understand us, not the first year.

On the other hand, for the sponsorship part, and directly negotiated advertising, if the podcast is well defined and attacks a specific niche, it is usually relatively easy to fit in with an advertiser and manage to value the quality of the publicno longer a matter of volume and can be monetized sooner.

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