How to request the Minimum Vital Income without a digital certificate and with a ‘selfie’

Almost two years after its launch, the Minimum Vital Income is very close to reaching one million people. Citizens who can request it and have not yet done so should know that there is a way to request this help electronically, without having to go to any Social Security office and without having to have any specific access method.

In its , Social Security has explained that interested citizens may request the Minimum Vital Income even if they do not have a digital certificate () or Cl@ve ().

Social Security has prepared an explanatory video and has published it on YouTube with all the steps that citizens must take to request the Minimum Vital Income through this route. The first step is to enter the website for procedures of the Minimum Vital Income, .

The access screen contains useful information for the citizen, in such a way that it is convenient to review it before starting the process. When you want to start, click on ‘Request Minimum Vital Income’ and then indicate whether you are doing the process on behalf of another person or the benefit is requested for the applicant himself.

When you do this, you must provide an email address that you have immediate access to, as you will need to use it during the process. To confirm the email you must request the sending of a code that you must later enter. Then, fill in the rest of the fields with personal information (name and surname, DNI or NIE and its expiration date.

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How to take a ‘selfie’ to request the Minimum Vital Income

The next step is to attach a photograph that proves our identity. To do this, it will have to be done showing the DNI or NIE on the face of the photo, holding it up next to the face. To take the photograph, any device can be taken, even one that is not used to process the application (in this case, a QR code provided for this purpose will have to be used).

Along with the photograph, the citizen must attach both sides of the DNI or NIE in JPG or PNG format. As with the photograph, the applicant must confirm that these files can be displayed without problems, in a clear way. At the end click on ‘Continue’.

In the next section, the ‘Applicant’s data’. Here, the citizen has to enter all the information corresponding to the payment of the benefit, his personal data, the data of the income statement, additional information and the attached documentation that the citizen has to include to prove certain personal conditions. At this point, the allowed formats are JPG and PDF, and the maximum capacity will be 30 megabytes.

How to sign the Minimum Vital Income application

With everything completed and the documentation provided, the citizen must fill in the consent boxes and click ‘Accept’. At that time, the applicant must sign the application, which will be done by entering a code sent to the email. Then, the citizen must write his signature on the device and click ‘Request’.

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The next screen will be the confirmation screen, in which the code with which the citizen will be able to follow up on the Minimum Vital Income application or provide additional documentation will appear. On this same screen you can download the application receipt, although Social Security explains that it will also be sent to the email provided.

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