How to sell with email marketing campaigns? 12 infallible tips

One of the most powerful channels to sell on the Internet is the classic email. Did you think not? You are wrong, because brands continue to use email marketing campaigns to promote their products and services.

How many times did you check your inbox this week? Whether for work, to read some newsletter or waiting for some important answer, the use of email is still high.

That’s why email marketing can be crucial for businesses looking for more conversions.

through the this tool manages to strengthen the relationship with potential customers, in addition to arousing desire, carrying relevant content and giving the feeling of exclusivity combined with assertive and powerful.

According to the number of email users globally is already over 4 billion and is expected to reach 4.6 billion by 2025.

Like a home address, a virtual address is also a means of locating online, a center for receiving information from other people or companies. In addition, payment pages, event registrations and the social networks themselves require registering an email.

Are you interested in working with the best email marketing campaigns for your business and expanding your sales?

then discover these infallible tips that we have prepared for you to start right now!

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1. Define your goals

You must set goals for your email marketing strategy to give the best results. Keep in mind that it is necessary to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, and with a clear objective and goals with defined purposes, it is easier to achieve what you want to achieve.

Here are some of the parameters that every good mailing campaign must meet from its conception:

  • Be measurable, objectively measurable. And for this, there is nothing better than having tools like the one offered by Analytics, which helps you, with detailed reports, to understand the steps and behavior of your audience throughout the shopping day. With the data we provide you, you will be able to correct errors or change the course of your strategy to improve results.
  • Achievable: Setting smaller, more realistic goals, especially early on, is a good opportunity to build your success without rushing, one step at a time. This does not mean that your goals are not ambitious, but yes, with your feet on the ground.
  • Relevant – Every goal you set should be connected to a main purpose. Because if a goal is achievable, but doesn’t do anything to drive your business, there’s little point in spending time and money to achieve it. Describe how each objective will contribute to the overall performance of your campaign.
  • Time-based: Goals should have a deadline or time frame with a start and end date.

2. Focus on customers and your value proposition

What does your client need? What is the pain of him? These are the first questions you have to answer.

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The content of your email marketing campaigns must be totally focused on the client and on the solutions that your business can offer them. You have to present a value proposition and show him that it is worth being part of your contact base.

Most people care about their personal information and need a compelling reason to share their email address, so it’s crucial that your audience understands the value of what you offer from the get-go.

You can start by including compelling reasons for people to complete your registration form. . Here are some tips:

  • Explain what your audience will receive in their inboxes and how often. For example, weekly newsletters, specific offers or discount coupons for a promotional product.
  • Add positive testimonials (social proof) from your current subscribers.

Think about this: why, among so many other brands on the market, would a user choose to buy from you? What benefits will they have by opting for your product or service?

Keep all these questions in mind when formulating good content with a focus on selling with the different types of email marketing campaigns.

3. Build an email list organically

Don’t buy contacts for your database!

Buying an email list has many negative points, such as having an audience that does not dialogue with the universe of your brand, not having any connection with these contacts, running the risk of falling into spam and legal problems that we will talk about later.

In other words, it is not a good practice for a business that wants to create authority in the market and build trust with its audience.

Also, no one likes to have their data leaked and receive a bunch of spam messages.

The best way is to build a network of contacts in an organic and strategic way so that you can make the most of it and finally get to sell by email.

Create a digital product and an offer in exchange for contact details, place a form for a newsletter on your website or blog and collect each email address in a consented manner. Thus, you will see that the public will be more prepared to receive your contact.

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4. Offer valuable content

One thing is for sure: content helps your business dialogue and engage with your target audience, generating more leads and sales than any other marketing channel.

If you are an info producer or creator of digital content, you already know how important it is to attract and retain customers. Perhaps the best way to do this is to show that you have products worth buying, deals worth taking advantage of, and content worth reading.

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This is where relevant content comes into play. Also, if you learn to combine email marketing with content marketing, the initial costs are very low compared to the benefits you can obtain in the long term.

This means that the content not only generates results, but also proves to be profitable. Think about your subscribers and keep this in mind when you are going to create content and share it with them.

5. Do A/B tests

The A/B test has the function of analyzing which content is more attractive to your audience and which generates better results.

In a few words, it is about sending two similar messages, but changing some key elements, and measuring which of them works better.

The differences between one message and another can be subtle at first glance, such as an image, a title, the body of the text, a CTA or the place where the link will be.

This is a widely used method of improving your digital marketing strategy and is a more concrete way of looking at what is working and what needs to be adjusted.

Currently, there are tools that send and collect data related to A/B tests. Don’t stop doing these analyzes on a regular basis!

6. Bet on personalized emails

Everyone likes to feel important, so your emails should make potential customers feel that they are special to your brand.

You must know your audience and your to produce increasingly personalized and authentic content.

Create titles and add the person’s name to the email; segment leads according to topics of interest; and make the message more empathetic and pleasant. This will increase open rates and conversions, as well as get you closer to your audience.

7. Create a catchy subject line

Think about it: creating a sense of urgency in the subject of your email will motivate your subscribers to keep reading. Include phrases like “limited time only,” “hurry up,” and “last chance” to spark a sense of curiosity. You can also refer to specific details about how long a sale is left, such as “25% off for the next 24 hours only!”

These are the so-called . Learn how to use them to your advantage and increase your open rate.

8. Add a CTA

As we explain in Having a CTA (call to action) means calling people with access to your content to take a specific step, if they are interested.

The CTA is a link, button or other type of function that you can insert at the end of the email and will lead users to take an action.

Your call to action should go hand in hand with your conversion goals. If your conversion goal is to sell a specific product, a CTA that works would be “Buy now”, If your goal is to give away a rich material, the CTA could be “see the material”, “I want to access now” and phrases like that .

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Thus, you will subtly show your audience the path to follow to achieve your goals.

9. Use automation tools

makes it easy for you, and it is, without a doubt, your great ally. With the Extensions Email Marketing tool, you can create email campaigns, segment your audience intelligently and organize your leads in a simple way.

A Campaign is a type of email trigger that we use when we want to communicate a message on a specific day and time. It can be an offer, a text that teaches something, a notice, etc. But it is an email that will be sent only once to those who are within the labels selected for sending.

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10. Simple is gold

With so much content on the Internet, it is a great challenge to keep the user’s attention for a few minutes. So, try to write objective, short messages that are attractive to the public already in the first words.

Do not exaggerate in the disclosures of your product or service. Analyze the best time to make an offer and have a good dialogue before making your proposal.

11. Measure the data

Track metrics for the emails you send to check open rates, link clicks, and conversions.

If an email did not perform as well, try to understand what factors contributed to this result and how you can improve this scenario for future sends.

Measuring the data is also studying your audience and perfecting your email marketing strategy. Without study there are no results and without results there are no sales.

Our advice is to closely observe the behavior of your recipients. For this, it is important to map parameters such as the opening rate, deliverability, clicks on links and CTAs, conversions and even the unsubscribe rate.

This is a job you have to do constantly. Only in this way will your brand be prepared for the changes in the digital market and will continue to progress. Don’t even think about neglecting the metrics!

12. Avoid SPAM

Spam damages your results and reputation with the public, but there is an aggravation in sending messages without users’ permission.

To receive the content of your brand, the interested person must provide their email to your contact base.

When you buy lists, you collect emails without…

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