How to take better advantage of the benefits of fruit

If our diet is made up of fruits and we are aware of how good they are for our health, we must not fail to assess the qualities of their skin when choosing whether to eat them with or without the skin. This, in fact, usually has more vitamins and insoluble fibers, as the example of the apple shows: if eaten with the skin, it is ideal for constipation, while without the skin it is useful if you suffer from diarrhoea, because most of the fibers are concentrated in the skin.

In addition to the skin, the pulp that many fruits hide just behind their shells is the most beneficial part for our body. This is the case of the avocado, where the greatest nutrients of the fruit are concentrated in the most mature meat that is adhered to the skin.

This habit makes eating some fruits more comfortable, and also makes us feel fuller. It also improves the intestinal flora, makes bile more soluble, which allows for fewer constipation problems, and balances cholesterol and glucose levels.

However, in some fruits it would seem impossible to eat their peels, such as bananas or citrus fruits. Nutritionists point out that the most positive thing in these cases is to remove the least amount of skin. In oranges, for example, they advise leaving as much as possible of the white membrane that is under the skin, precisely the one that you least like to eat, since it is the one that concentrates the most vitamin C.

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The only advantage of peeling fruit is that it allows us not to consume the pesticides that may be accumulated on the outside after harvesting. However, by always washing the fruit, we can avoid ingesting these chemicals, which also do not exist if they are organic products. It is recommended to wash all fruits carefully, especially the smallest ones, such as strawberries, which can be soaked for a few minutes before being consumed, but also large ones, such as watermelon or melon.

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