How to write in a blog? Top tips for creating successful content

Writing in a blog is one of the best strategies to spread your brand on the Internet naturally and without investing money.

Offering useful and complete content to your audience is a strategy known as “content marketing” and allows you to get closer to your audience and be seen as an authority in your market niche.

Also, when your content is really good and helps your readers, Google interprets that your site is important and starts showing it on its results page when people search for keywords related to your business. Great, right?

That is why it is crucial to know how to write complete contents.

However, an excellent idea and a great knowledge of the language do not make someone an excellent writer. It is really necessary to have some techniques so that your texts are increasingly solid and generate knowledge.

The great challenge before us is: how to write well on a blog?

In this post we are going to help you understand the main points you have to think about in order to create relevant and quality content.

Are you ready for a magical journey through the world of text construction for the web?

Go ahead then!

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1. Know your target audience well

Good ideas intended for the wrong people are just little things.

The main thing when you write on your blog is to have complete content, delivered at the right time and to interested people. That is, create texts that have a purpose, with content and context.

There is no point in you studying and writing a whole post if it is not read by people who want to know more about this topic.

But how can you know who is interested?

Understand the problems of your potential readers and put yourself in their place. This way you manage to write on your blog with real goals.

2. Have good ideas

It may sound easy, but having good ideas is more than just thinking about topics you know.

Writing on your blog is a way to educate readers. That’s why you need relevant content.

Of course it is important to jot down the idea every time you think of a topic. But then you have to analyze if it could be useful for the blog.


  • Look for the contents you have imagined. See if they are popular and developed topics on the Internet.
  • Always stay up to date. Read different blogs, magazines, newspapers and books.
  • Create a study routine. Learn to search for information on topics that you do not yet master or do not know.

3. Define the keywords you will use

If you already have a well-defined buyer persona, this is the ideal time to .

Use terms related to the niche of your blog and that are always in demand. To do this you can use tools like and that show terms related to what you are looking for and indicate the average Google search volume for that word.

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In general you will have to work with two types of keywords: head tail and long tail.

  • Head tail are broader words that describe the niche of your post in general. For example: you want to write a text about violins. In the development you want to show songs to play on the violin. A head tail keyword might be “violin songs.”
  • Long tail are very specific terms. The more they describe your topic, the more likely it is that the text will reach the first search places with less competition. Even in the case of violins, you can be very specific. “Romantic songs to play violin at weddings” is an example that could be used.

Remember that you should choose the keywords based on the topics that your buyer person is trying to learn more about. But avoid typing the same word multiple times.

At the beginning of the creation and use of Google, in the 90’s, the search results were given according to the exact keyword. Search engines couldn’t parse semantically. That is, they did not understand that the words of the same semantic field spoke of a single subject.

The analysis of putting texts as first located in Google was done only by the syntax. This means that the texts that repeated the keyword several times were displayed at the top of the first page of search engines.

Noticing that flaw, site and blog owners studying SEO techniques began typing the same term multiple times throughout the text. This made the texts rank well as search results. Then, the search engines realized that it was necessary to prevent the best positions from being occupied by repetitive texts.

For that reason, and over the years, the algorithms that calculate the percentage of times a word appears in the text have been improved. Around the year 2007, the number of repeated keywords was no longer taken into account to classify the text well. The important thing now is the relevance of the topic and the words in the text related to that content.

Some of the algorithm updates are: Panda, Penguin and Humming Bird. They are responsible for relating the title to the rest of the text. Thus, if you write about “How to throw a birthday party,” the algorithms look for synonyms and words from the same semantic field, for example “balloons”, “party room”, “decoration”. Then, by using similar terms and the same semantic area, you can avoid keyword stuffing (unnecessary repetition of words).

Thus, the search robots identify the texts that use the same keyword, which are penalized and no longer appear as first located in Google.

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Now, search engines try to understand the purpose of the search for each subject. Therefore, the results displayed are the most useful and related to the keyword.

In other words: the most valuable texts in searches are those that allow a good user experience. This is why content is so important. When you write on your blog, your texts have to be educational and complete for users.

Also, the repetition makes the text boring. Readers may stop reading to the end because of it.

4. Analyze your competitors

After you decide what you are going to write, it is very important to see what your competitors are saying about the topic.

But it’s not about copying what they’ve done, it’s about understanding what they offer and thinking of ways to create something even better and more complete.

A good idea is to put the main keyword of your text in Google and read the first 5 or 10 results that appear. Write down all the useful information and make sure to include it in your post, adding even more exclusive content.

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5. Use SEO techniques

Search Engine Optimization (in Spanish: Search Engine Optimization) is a set of practices and strategies that aim to make your text appear on Google or other search engines when people type keywords related to your market niche.

The choice of the ideal keywords, which we mentioned in the previous item, is one of those SEO techniques that help in the ranking of your texts. In addition, there are many other strategies that you can put into practice, such as:

  • Offer complete, original and useful content.
  • Create a good title and meta-description.
  • Have a fast and mobile friendly site.
  • Include links to other important sites.
  • Get other sites to mention you.
  • And much more.


6. Create an editorial calendar

Having one is essential to organize yourself and so that you do not leave the work of creating the texts for later. Blogging is something you should take seriously if you want to be successful!

In your calendar, you can include the following columns:

  • Title.
  • Keyword.
  • Keyword search volume.
  • Person responsible for the post.
  • Date.
  • Status.

7. Be clear and objective

“If you don’t care about knowing how to shake the black ones you wear more than your tongue,” said the other student, “you’ll take the first in licenses as you did in a queue.” (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote de la Mancha)

Do you understand anything? Don’t worry, we don’t understand either!

When the writing is very elaborate, the understanding of the text is not complete.

Words that are difficult to understand, rarely used and that are not in accordance with the vocabulary of your buyer person are not recommended.

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Your post aims to solve the possible problems of blog readers. That is why you have to be clear and present the information in an easy way so that it can be consumed.

8. Create a good title

The title is the reader’s first contact with your post, as it guides the content and is what attracts visitors to your site, especially if you are competing with other content on the first page of search engines, such as Google.

For that reason the title has to fit the topic. It is in it where a summary of all the contents developed in the text will be made.

An excellent precise title:

  • be attractive
  • Convince the reader.
  • Have the keyword.
  • Arouse curiosity.
  • Be between 55 and 67 characters long (to appear in full in search results).
  • Make promises that can be kept. But beware of exaggerations. Do not promise a solution that the text will not present.

In addition, you can:

  • Using numbered lists: “7 mistakes that can hurt your business in the first months”.
  • Write striking adjectives: “How to be an innovative entrepreneur in the digital world”.
  • Ask questions: “How to organize yourself to be more productive?”
  • Offer benefits: “How to spread a product on the Internet: COMPLETE GUIDE!”. Note that the person will have a complete guide.
  • Create urgencies: “11 facts you need to know before becoming a digital entrepreneur”. To be an entrepreneur, the reader has to know those 11 facts.

Do not forget that the title is what makes people read your text to get to the promise you have made. Think about it when developing the content.

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9. Think digital

The communication channel between the user and the reader is the Internet. So you have to think about the texts that work here!

In general, people are looking for fast and dynamic readings, so it is important to keep paragraphs and sentences short.

Writing for a blog is different from writing for school, for example. You also don’t have to write an article or text to pass the University entrance exam. Grammar rules are still important, but the formatting of the text is different.

Calm your heart, take a deep breath and think about whether the post you have made is ideal for a blog.

And believe me: making short paragraphs makes people read with much more pleasure and agility.

Besides, you can also use some tricks like:

  • Split the…
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