HTML Course #10: Integration with CSS and JavaScript – .com

In today’s class we will see how to combine HTML with JavaScript and CSS, and an introduction to these languages ​​that combined are the foundation of the web.

10 – HTML with JavaScript and CSS

Now that we have seen the , it is time to take a step further and see what is on the horizon. And it is neither more nor less than two more languages: CSS and JavaScript. The combination of these 3 languages ​​is neither more nor less than the foundation of the web as we understand it today.

CSS we have already seen in the . It is in charge of “dressing” our code. Style, design, colors, structure. It’s the coat of paint, the ball gown. And JavaScript adds dynamism, programming, functionality, variables, and even entire programs within our websites. How do we integrate them with HTML? Let’s see it:

It seems incredible everything that can be done, right? And how easy it is to link one language to another? In CSS just mentioning the tags, classes or ids. And in JavaScript through the elements. And that’s it! From now on, imagination to power 🙂

In the next courses we will see PHP and JavaScript, which will complement the two courses we have already seen. Everything together will allow us to make the web that we propose. But for now, let’s settle for doing the following homework:

  • Create a paragraph with JavaScript.
  • Styling that paragraph with CSS
  • Create a “prompt” that asks for your favorite animal, and an “alert” that shows it.
  • Create a “prompt” pair that asks you for a number, and an “alert” that returns double.
  • Show today’s date on the screen, and in an alert
See also  Gantt Project Course - .com

Well, with this we end the class and the course. You already know that under the video you have the links to the code used. As always, if you have any questions about this or another lesson, you can contact us through the .

See you in the PHP course. You will love it. Until then… Let’s html! 😉

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

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