If you are going to leave your job, do it right: this is the best way to say goodbye

The pandemic has caused drastic changes in the labor market, workers no longer seek the same conditions in a job as before the health crisis. The Covid-19 has caused companies to send their staff to their new offices, the sofa of their own homes. A situation that has made work more flexible and has changed the habits of employees.

For this reason, workers have become accustomed to comforts that they no longer want to part with, which has caused many people to decide to leave their jobs in search of a company that grants them better conditions.

However, some employees are leaving their jobs with more heart than head, making big mistakes that put them in a tough financial spot. Before leaving a job, there are some unwritten rules that must be followed.

Do you have the possibility of accessing another job?

This is one of the most important aspects to consider. Many people have resigned without having an alternative job, so they find themselves consuming their unemployment benefit.

Leaving a job knowing that a new desk awaits you in another office is not the same as quitting without having another planned source of income. In this sense, people in the second scenario do not have to put aside their desire for a change of scenery, but they do have to examine their financial situation and determine how long they could stay without a job.

Are you entitled to unemployment benefit?

First of all, the worker must realize that, in most cases, a resignation means the loss of the right to receive unemployment benefit. In other words, as a general rule, those who voluntarily leave their job will not be able to collect unemployment benefits.

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However, there are some specific cases in which, even resigning motu proprio, the right to receive unemployment benefit is not lost. This occurs when the company moves to another geographical area, when there is a substantial change in working conditions, when there are situations of non-payment or repeated delays in payroll payments or when there are cases of gender violence.

For this reason, before resigning from the job, it is necessary to take into account whether it is going to be possible to collect the unemployment benefit, since, otherwise, the time that the worker can be without receiving income will be reduced.

Analyze your financial situation

One of the aspects that should make the worker doubt about his resignation is the debts. Even if the income stops coming, the payments on pending accounts will not disappear, so the employee should take this factor into account before leaving your company.

In fact, if the person left his job even with debts, these would increase, since he would incur penalties for non-payment and would have to repay an amount greater than that owed.

Examine the settlement

Another factor that the worker should take into account is the amount resulting from the termination of the contract. Analyze vacations and pending payments, in addition to the time worked, to calculate the settlement.

This could serve to endure the months that the worker takes to find a new position if he does not have an unemployment benefit.

consider self-employment

Self-employment is an aspect to take into account. Many people are taking up entrepreneurship as a profitable option when they have difficulty accessing the labor market as a salaried employee.

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But why should you consider self-employment if you are going to leave your job? Those workers who are entitled to an unemployment benefit have the possibility of investing it. Therefore, before starting a job as a freelancer, it is necessary to remember that Social Security allows unemployment to be collected in a single payment.

In other words, the worker will be able to use the full amount of what remains to be received for being a beneficiary of the unemployment benefit to cover the expenses derived from the start of an activity on their own account.

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