iMovie Course #3. Editing tools – .com

In the third class of the iMovie course we will see one by one the editing tools that this application offers us.

To face any video editing project, it is essential to know the resources that we have available to process our clips.

We will see where these options are located and their keyboard commands that will help us go faster to be more productive. We will discover features that allow us to integrate images into our videos to achieve more dynamic results. Go for it!

And we already have it! Once we have located the tools and we know their possibilities, a world of possibilities will open up for us to achieve our objectives.

So, as you can see, we will not only be able to cut, paste and move the events, but we will also be able to modify their speed, stabilize the images, change the framing, correct the color and modify almost any aspect related to sound.

To complete this practice, I suggest that you once again look at the selection of reference videos that you have made and stop to technically analyze how they have been able to carry it out to incorporate it into your work.

Follow the steps that we have discussed in the lesson and practice it in order to internalize each of the tools. See you in the next class where we will focus on audio. Don’t miss it!

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See also  Filmora Course #7. Effects and elements - .com

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