Income 2018 – 2019 | What is box 475 and where to find it

This Tuesday, April 2, the 2018 – 2019 Income Campaign has begun. The Tax Agency basically offers three ways for this: through the Cl@ve PIN service, through the electronic certificate or DNI or by using the so-called reference number. For the latter case, box 475 is necessary. But what is it? Where can it be found? .

In order to make the declaration through the last mentioned method, the Tax Agency (AEAT) asks the taxpayer for the value (amount of money) collected in a box of the previous year’s declaration to verify their identity, before giving them their corresponding reference number. .

This year it is box 0475, which in last year’s Income Statement referred to the “general taxable base subject to taxation”. Therefore, this amount does not correspond to the result of the 2017 Income Statement or any other.

How can this information be obtained? There are three ways: looking at the return filed the previous year, consulting the fiscal data that the Tax Agency may have sent to the taxpayer by post or going to an AEAT office (for which an appointment must be requested).

What if the Income Tax Return was not filed last year?

Those people who did not make the Declaration in 2017 should not worry about box 0475, as explained by HelpMyCash. The first thing the Tax Agency asks for when requesting the reference number is the DNI (national identity document) or NIE (foreigner identity number); in addition to its expiration date (in the case of the DNI), the date of issue (if it is a permanent DNI) or the support number (if NIE has been used).

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Later, the AEAT asks if last year he was a declarant. If the answer is no, only the last five digits of the IBAN code of a current account operating in 2018 that is in the name of the taxpayer who will request the reference number must be entered (to make the draft of this year’s Declaration). This will also be requested if the figure in box 0475 of the last Declaration is 0 euros.

How is box 475 entered to obtain the reference number?

If it is indicated that the declarant was, the amount of money collected in box 0475 of the Income Tax Return finally filed in 2017 must be entered (regardless of whether or not it coincides with last year’s draft).

The figure must be entered separating the whole numbers from the decimals with a comma (and not with a point) and without entering any sign, as indicated by the Tax Agency. After that, you must press the ‘Get reference’ button.

Consequently, a new window will display the six-character reference number. This must be noted down to use it in any Income tax process, although the AEAT reminds that the taxpayer may request up to ten references per tax identification number (NIF) per day.

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