Install and configure Redsys in WooCommerce –

Redsys real environment for WooCommerce

Once you have made at least one test order with payment authorized and another with payment denied (for example, if you use an invalid card number) you must ask your bank to switch to the real environment or production environment.

They must send you new data, including the new encryption key that you have to enter in the WooCommerce payment gateway settings. In addition, you must change the environment of t-sys to which they indicate, almost always sis either Sys-d.

Finally, it will be convenient to carry out a test with a real card payment to verify that everything works correctly.

If you wish, you can later generate a refund of the payment from the Virtual POS administration (this access will have to be provided by the bank).

With this you will already have your WooCommerce store connected to the bank gateway, with the comfort that it means for you, the confidence that it generates in the buyer and, incidentally, enjoy the advantage of having lower commissions, in general, than other means of payment. electronic payments such as PayPal.

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