The Community of Madrid is rebelling against the Government and this is nothing new. This week the Madrid executive has confirmed that, for the next academic year, he will take into account the number of failures to promote in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and will recover the numerical qualifications and Philosophy understood as an optional subject in the curriculum, according to the draft decree of the Governing Council. These changes are part of the 40% that belongs to the community, being able to modify, adapt or change what it considers. The president of the region, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, declared last Tuesday that this new regulation “will guarantee that there are no barriers and equal opportunities for all.” Thus, she has made it clear that from her team they are committed to a public education “that has the grades, that recognizes the effort, that helps those who are left behind, that rewards those who make the most effort and those who go further “.
In relation to the promotion of students, it will be carried out when they have passed all the subjects or areas studied, as well as when they have a negative evaluation in one or two subjects. They may also be promoted when the teaching team considers that the nature of the subjects not passed allows them to successfully continue the following course.
In order to facilitate decision-making, teachers may contemplate that a student repeat a course when he or she has a negative evaluation in three or more subjects. Exceptionally, they may decide to promote a student with a negative evaluation in three subjects when several assumptions occur together. These are that two of the subjects with a negative evaluation are not simultaneously Spanish Language and Literature and Mathematics and that the teaching team considers that the nature of the subjects with a negative evaluation “does not prevent the student from successfully following the next course”. Ayuso believes that “there must be some limits of failure so that the students who have to continue making an effort, then do so”.
On the other hand, the results of the evaluation will be expressed in the terms: insufficient (IN), sufficient (SU), good (BI), remarkable (NT) and outstanding (SB). The evaluation of the specific competences of each subject or area will be graded with numerical values between one and ten points without decimals. In this way, insufficient (IN) will be indicated for grades with values between one and four, sufficient (SF) for grades with value five, good (BI) for grades with value six, remarkable (NT) for grades with values seven or eight and outstanding (SB) for grades with values nine or ten.
As for the controversy that has arisen around the subject of Philosophy, the Community of Madrid has opted to offer it as an elective in 4th ESO. In addition, the alternative to Religion will be defined, to prevent it from being considered a burden as it is an additional subject. At this point, the region has also wanted to incorporate specific content that allows knowledge to be contextualized, as is the case of fundamental scientific and mathematical theories, physical laws, authors and most representative works of History, Literature and Art, among others. .
There are also changes in the subject of Geography and History, where the chronological study of History will be maintained, as well as the formation of physical and political maps. Roman Hispania, Spanish cities and geographical discoveries will also be included. In Language and Literature, news is also expected aimed at completing the bases of grammar that were absent and the curriculum, with the most relevant authors of literature. Finally, in Mathematics, the hierarchy of operations, the square root, sequences, the Ruffini rule are included, and a more direct language has been chosen to facilitate student understanding and learning.
The most important incorporation of this subject occurs in the 4th year of ESO in both modalities A and B, by adding logarithms, definition and properties.