María Fierro (Vilynx): “We want to be the ‘operating system’ of Artificial Intelligence” – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

María Fierro (La Seu d’Urgell, 1984) is the CFO of Vilynx, that has been helping its users for 5 years to understand the content of the videos and be able to extract data from them. A powerful tool that wants to continue evolving in the coming years and which María will tell us about on October 17 in her presentation «Artificial intelligence as an engine of innovation», which Marketing4eCommerce organizes together with Bizbarcelona.

To find out a little more about Vilynx, we talked to her.

Interview with Maria Fierro, Vilynx

Next 10/17 you will participate in NEXT. What do you expect from this event? What can you tell us about your presentation?

On the one hand I would love to understand the latest trends in specific sectors (eSports, eHealth,…) and cross them with the potential of AI. For my part, the idea is to convey to the audience the great lines of AI and applications within the strategy of any company and market. On the other hand, I will delve into the role of Vilynx within AI and current and future applications so that not only interest but also potential avenues of collaboration can emerge in the audience.

Although I will clarify some concepts about the term AI, the presentation is not intended to be a master class from the technical point of view. The idea is understand the general concept, related types and, above all, their use and application. It is about explaining in a graphic and exemplified way how AI can help us, the role it has within the business strategy and what are the challenges that we will face in the coming years. Vilynx will appear in the talk to provide examples of its potential and what it can help us with.

In recent years we have seen how terms such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Chatbots, etc. they have taken over the conversation in the digital world but… do you think we really know what they are? Do we know what the differences are between, for example, machine learning and artificial intelligence?

Although -he who considers himself the father of AI- started talking about it 60 years ago, we did not begin to see it materialized, as you say, until relatively recently. All the concepts around AI are seen as abstract until we start to use them.

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same thing happened when they told us about the operating system years ago; now we can not live without a Windows, Linux, iOS or Android to give an example. The same goes for artificial intelligence. You ask me about Machine learning; It is still a type of artificial intelligence in which, through statistical techniques applied to data, the machine learns by itself.

It has been 5 years since Vilynx was born, an eternity in this area. How has the company evolved? Where is it now?

Vilynx was born from the hand of Juan Carlos Rivero (CEO) and Elisenda Bou (CTO) to be able to understand the content of the videos and to be able to extract data from them in order to classify them (date, content, people,…).

During this time the concept has developed in such a way that it has gone from interpreting to thinking. vilynx is now an intelligent Brain that not only extracts the content of the videos (images, audio and text) but also uses unsupervised self-study techniques that scale their knowledge generating connections between concepts to reach beyond the content.

To give you a practical example, let’s say that we recorded your next event: initially Vilynx would have been able to identify what the people, the presentation table, the water or the chairs were; now, I would identify the place of the event, I would know what is being talked about in each presentation, the brand of that water, who is each one of the participants and even What relationship is there between all those present?

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How are your users?

Vilynx has infinite applications, but as we are we cannot cover all sectors and applications in a one-shot. Actually we are focused on Media. We have established ourselves in the American market as an AI company for Media, recently we have received a gartner recognition as such and we have within our portfolio the main Tier-1 companies in that market with recent expansion in Europe.

What feedback do you receive from them? What do they like the most and what do they ask you to improve?

We have the best feedback that any company can receive from its client: the repetition of consumption. With all the clients with whom we have done trials, we have closed an agreement; and not only that, we have increased their accounts horizontally with new functionalities that they themselves request and vertically, expanding our services to other companies in the same group.

Where do your next plans go?

Our idea is to continue doing what we are good at, interpreting content and understanding it. This goes through consolidate the media market and enter new verticals in which our technology has a lot to say as eSports or eHealth for giving examples of sectors that will be touched in your event.

Let’s do a bit of futurology: what headline would you like to read in Marketing4eCommerce in a year?

A year is predictable: «Vilynx consolidates itself as a benchmark for AI in Media worldwide»

And a little more difficult: imagine that we jump forward in time a few years. How do you imagine the sector will change between now and then? What will be the main advances?

I see Vilynx as the Artificial Intelligence “operating system” that we talked about earlier. Vilynx will bring intelligence to each camera and a brain to each bot connected to each camera. In other words, Vilynx will allow you to interact with a brain not only to obtain information about what is happening but also to predict what will happen. This helps us if you realize, for vehicles with autonomous driving, drones, smart cities,…

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Quick Quiz:

  • What is the first social network you open in the day? As the topic is about images, the truth: Instagram
  • iOS or Android? Both; I adapt.
  • App or website? apps
  • In which eCommerce and how long ago did you make your last online purchase? Promoting local startups, Ulabox; some days ago.
  • And it was? the weekly purchase, I will not go into details 🙂
  • Last book read? (worth ebooks)
  • What website have you come across lately that has surprised you for the better?, we use it for trips on Vilynx; I find it very intuitive.
  • What is your favorite thing to do that has nothing to do with digital? Sport in general, kitesurfing especially.
  • Let’s spin a magic chain: Which acquaintance of yours (from another company) do you think we should interview? Why? I would tell you, but you already know him! Other, Fernando Benito, Pack. They both studied with me, Paack seems like a brilliant solution to me. I’ll let him explain it to you, she’ll do it better and you’ll love it!

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