Marketing 4.0: what it is and how to make the transition in your business

It is difficult to imagine the world without the Internet. The digital environment is so present in society that it has given life to a new way of looking at marketing, marketing 4.0.

In recent years we have begun to have some behaviors that only exist due to the popularization of this environment. One of them is the way we acquire products and services.

These new online habits, in relation to the ways of buying and selling, directly influence the marketing strategies used by companies, and consequently, advertising techniques are constantly evolving.

For this reason, in this article we are going to show you how marketing has changed over time, what are the impacts of these transitions for companies and how you can start implementing the marketing 4.0 model in your company.

What is Marketing 4.0?

Over the years, the It has not stopped reinventing itself, and this is because technology evolves by leaps and bounds, which has led to the emergence of new ways of thinking and doing marketing.

When we talk about Marketing 4.0, we are referring to a phase of progress heavily influenced by the digital age. The term represents the union of traditional marketing (TV, radio and magazines/written press) with the rise of (web environment).

This concept was implemented by the American professor Philip Kotler, an academic who perceived how companies were absorbing the changes caused by the and identified the need to punctuate this new stage, calling it marketing 4.0.

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Who is Philip Kotler?

Philip Kotler, the “inventor” of Marketing 4.0, was born on May 27, 1931 and works as a university professor in the United States. He completed a master’s degree from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), both in economics.

He also did postdoctoral studies in Mathematics at Harvard and in Behavioral Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Today, he is considered the “guru” of digital marketing and has shared his knowledge in several marketing books, such as:

  • Marketing principles;
  • The 10 deadly sins of marketing: signs and solutions;
  • Marketing direction;
  • The 80 Essential Marketing Concepts: A to Z;
  • Marketing According to Kotler: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets;
  • Marketing 4.0;
  • Marketing 3.0;
  • The good works;
  • Side Marketing;
  • .
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Here we share some of his works, but you can find dozens of other books and academic articles written by this great master of marketing, at different times in his career.

How has Marketing evolved?

Marketing has undergone several changes over time, that is, until reaching the marketing 4.0 stage, there were several previous phases, which we summarize below.

Marketing 1.0

In this period, marketing was very focused on product features. Thus, the advertising campaigns had a very descriptive approach, to show the maximum functions and benefits of what was advertised.

Another fact that we cannot ignore is that at the beginning there was not much competition between the brands, and for this reason the communication was massive, more generic and with practically no audience segmentation.

Marketing 2.0

Shortly after, in the so-called second phase of marketing, brands began to realize the importance of because the competition began to be a relevant issue.

With more options available, the consumer also became more demanding, so companies, in addition to showing the product and worrying about its attributes, began to build their identity to differentiate themselves from the others and stand out among them.

Marketing 3.0

In the third stage, how to create a began to be more connected with the singularity of each person, that is, that brands began to consider that the individualization of their campaigns was a key parameter.

Instead of just segmenting a group of people and determining a target audience, they realized that what was essential here was to understand one-on-one. Mainly because we all have our particularities, and we like to identify ourselves with what we consume.

Therefore, Marketing 3.0 aims to make that connection, taking on people’s unique values ​​and purposes.

Marketing 4.0

And so we come to marketing 4.0, the most current concept in this entire trajectory.

As mentioned above, this is the most influenced by the digital context and although phase 3 of marketing is also inserted in this environment, in recent years there has been an exponential increase in this scenario.

Many strategies were improved and implemented, given the possibilities provided by the Internet, such as: on social networks and s, integration of different digital and non-digital platforms, numerous broadcast formats, etc.

All these characteristics make up this new marketing phase, which has meant a more than notable advance in this sector.

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What is the impact of Marketing 4.0 on digital business?

Inevitably, the entire universe of marketing 4.0 enters fully into the advertising plans of any company.

Because, to adapt to this new reality, it is not necessary to have a single and some social networks in the air. Now you have to think yes or yes in one highly aligned with all the elements and possibilities of the digital environment.

Competition challenges have also increased, as the Internet has opened doors to a variety of businesses that did not exist before. With this, the range of options for consumers is, if possible, even greater.

Another consequence that we can point to is that the consumer has become less passive. This is because people also have more power to speak and the opportunity to express their opinion, so brands have to be attentive to the “responses” of their consumers.

How to apply Marketing 4.0 to your business?

Now you know marketing 4.0 and as you have seen, no company can escape this reality, right?

So, it’s time to start drawing up your plans to implement this strategy in your company. We are going to list the considerations that you cannot leave out of this process:

Bet on horizontal relationships

To build a horizontal relationship, the basic thing is attitude. Many brands still present themselves far from their customers, and this communication model has become increasingly obsolete and less effective.

That is why it is worth thinking about so that your business can talk to your audience in a close way.

Listen to consumer opinions

Starting from a more horizontal position, the brand is expected to take into account the feedback and reviews it receives from its customers.

This is a very valuable practice for any marketing strategy, because when you listen to the pain of your consumer, you collect useful data to create even more suitable solutions and therefore increase the probability of retaining customers.

Integrate the online with the offline

Although we are immersed in a very digital world, that does not mean that offline strategies have ended. In fact, the idea of ​​this new marketing is to get these two fronts to integrate and walk together to maximize your results. In We tell you all the secrets about how to take your business from offline to online.

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Bet on an omnichannel strategy

The concept of It is, in general, a strategy that includes multiple communication channelswith the aim of providing a better shopping experience and strengthening the relationship with customers.

That is why it is essential to understand which are the most suitable communication channels for your company, and create a communication network taking full advantage of them.

Track results to improve strategies

One thing that cannot be missing in this process is the analysis of the results. When it comes to this type of strategy, it is imperative to take into account the which provide valuable insights to know if you have taken the right path or if it is more convenient to make a change of plans.

The important thing is to monitor the results, understand the and act on those perceptions.

Content is the key!

Another substantial element in marketing 4.0 is the creation of relevant content. And it should be noted that this content should be developed taking into consideration your .

Because as much as you create great content, if it doesn’t add value for your audience, it won’t be effective or attract the right people.

It is a fact: all types of business must make the leap to the digital environment and add marketing 4.0 to their reality. In addition to being an area that offers endless opportunities, it tends to insert itself more and more into people’s lives.

That is why it is crucial that you pay attention to your content production, since they will be the engine for the online dissemination of your business.

With that in mind, be sure to read our full article on where you will learn to produce the ideal material for your audience and create content that really adds value to your business.

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