Marketing analyst: what does this professional do?

In an age completely transformed by the Internet and technological advances, some professions are becoming outdated and even unnecessary.

However, others arise to meet the new demands and take charge of tasks that, until then, were not even considered by the market.

The marketing analyst profession is one of those careers that has recently gained strength and has begun to be valued by companies in the most diverse sectors.

With brands increasingly focused on maintaining a social media presence, driving traffic, and standing out from competitors, having a marketing analyst on the It may be the ideal way to achieve the best results.

In this post we are going to talk about the professional in this area, their attributions, necessary skills and the importance of their work.

What is the marketing analyst?

The marketing analyst is the professional responsible for the creation, development, analysis and measurement of of the company where you work.

Due to its performance in the area of ​​marketing and advertising, in most companies, training in related courses is considered an essential requirement.

However, just as important as academic training is mastery of the tools that help in the development of a successful marketing strategy.

What does the marketing analyst do?

From now on, we are going to talk a little about the attributions of the marketing analyst within a company.

We must consider, however, that the work of this professional may vary depending on the profile of the company in which they are working. In the end, we are talking about a profession that needs to adapt and personalize its strategies taking into account the public that each company wants to reach, its objectives, the tools available and the media in which the consumers in question are focused.

Here, the focus will be the analyst of but the profession is also important for companies that use traditional marketing strategies and need to direct their actions to television, radio, broadcasting free samples in public spaces, among several other tasks.

So, we can say that these are the main attributions of the digital marketing analyst:

1. Define the buyer person

For the marketing analyst to build the best strategies and use the right tools to attract the ideal consumers, it is necessary to know exactly who are the people who are interested in the products and services offered by the company.

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By relying only on the target audience in a general way, the professional runs the risk of investing in shallow, unattractive campaigns that do not add value to the audience that really has purchase potential.

it is to characterize in detail who is the ideal client of that brand, their interests, pains and objections. The more specific this profile is, the easier it will be for the professional to define the actions that must be implemented.

2. Study the market and the competition

It is also the responsibility of the marketing analyst to keep an eye on the market to know what the trends are, the demands of the consumers and the gaps that need to be filled.

Knowing the market implies knowing everything about your competitors:

  • Who are they?;
  • What stocks are they investing in?
  • What is giving good results?
  • What needs to be improved?

Working on the faults of the competition is essential for the marketing analyst, as it guarantees the attention of consumers who are dissatisfied with demands not met by the market.

3. Develop assertive strategies

With the profile of the person in hand and all the necessary knowledge about the market and its competitors, the marketing analyst must develop the best strategies to attract consumers.

At that time, the professional must consider the social media most used by the people he wants to reach.

As we said before, a good marketing analyst starts the job by mapping out the profile of their buyer persona. So it’s easy to figure out where to find it and what kind of action generates the most engagement.

You must develop attractive and quality guidelines, using to optimize content, drive organic traffic, and leverage company sales. In addition, all means of communication with the public must be considered: blog, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, email marketing and newsletter, for example.

Posting a wonderful action on Facebook when your buyer persona has more affinity and engagement on Instagram is a waste of effort and time, isn’t it?

Another detail that the professional must take care of is the format of the content that will be disclosed. There are audiences that respond better to videos, others have more affinity with images, posts with text or gifs. Being aware of this is also the function of the marketing analyst, who will need to do some testing before arriving at the ideal way of communicating with his audience.

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Regarding publication frequency, the marketing analyst must work to launch the campaigns at the best times and days of the week, in addition to maintaining a certain frequency in the company’s actions, always considering what brings the best results. engagement of the audience and conversions.

4. Monitor and measure the results of the actions

Just as important as defining and developing strategies is monitoring and measuring results.

The marketing analyst must always be attentive to the actions carried out, in order to identify the actions that bring the best results and those that did not have the desired effect.

To help you, there are several tools available with which you can monitor and interpret the metrics, such as . The marketing analyst must know how to use these services and be able to adapt the strategies to obtain increasingly expressive results.

What are the main characteristics of the marketing analyst?

To carry out so many attributions, it is essential that the marketing analyst have (or develop) certain characteristics and skills.

Some of them are:

  • Development in written communication;
  • Creativity;
  • Knowledge of social media and marketing tools;
  • Ease of understanding of metrics and statistical data;
  • Dynamism;
  • Will and disposition to always study;
  • knowledge of .

For operating in a market that undergoes constant changes, having all these characteristics and managing to extract the best of them in the work environment is essential.

In addition, the marketing analyst needs to be proactive to learn and put into practice something new every day, learn about new tools, changes in social media algorithms and follow the transformation of consumer demands.

How to hire a marketing analyst?

The marketing analyst is indispensable for the company that needs to implement or improve its promotion strategies.

If you have knowledge in the area, you will have an easier time finding the right professional for this position. However, those who have never worked in the marketing sector and are hiring someone precisely to implement these actions may find it difficult to select candidates.

To hire a marketing analyst it is necessary to pay attention to their experience and performance in the management of social networks, content production, use of sending tools and automation of email marketing and SEO, such as for instance.

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The candidate must have the characteristics mentioned above, be passionate about the digital world and have a great willingness to handle metrics and numbers all the time. It is no use hiring a great person to produce content, but who cannot follow and understand the results of their actions.

As you may have already noticed, although graduates in marketing, advertising and advertising, journalism and related courses have more preparation and knowledge base to act as a marketing analyst, people with other training can also do very well.

Candidates who have or have already had a blog, maintain profiles on social networks, know and know how to use the tools of and SEO strategies already have possibilities to stand out.

That’s why, when posting a vacancy for a marketing analyst on traditional job search sites, it is common for many resumes to appear, mainly with the increasing number of people interested in working in the digital world.

It is important to filter these resumes well to carry forward in the selective process only those that really fit the vacancy and can add value to the company.


As an entrepreneur, surely at some point you will find yourself needing to invest in marketing to stand out in the market, increase your sales and boost your business.

With this text, you have learned exactly who is the ideal professional to fill the position of marketing analyst and you can now be confident when starting your search.

It may also be that you realize that it is best to prepare yourself to become a marketing analyst. By specializing, you will be able to apply all the knowledge in your company and improve the results of your actions on your own.

Did the topic interest you? So, don’t stop reading this post about how you can enter the market with everything!

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