Protection of personal data: everything you need to know

The personal data protection It is the power that the law provides to citizens as owners of their information to decide how, when and to whom to provide their personal data. Learn more about this right here.

Have you heard about the personal data protection? Today we hear of this term on the radio, television and on the Internet. Their relevance has grown based on the use and management that thousands of companies in Mexico and the world give them for different purposes.

Therefore, so that you understand this topic better, here I will explain more about the federal law on protection of personal data as well as different ways to protect and safeguard your personal information. Learn more!

What is the right to personal data protection?

The right to protection of personal data is the power that the law grants to any individual as owner of their information to decide to whom, how and when to provide their personal information.

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That is, as the owner of your personal data, the law gives you the power to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the processing of your personal information. You are not obliged to give them to anyone and even if you have previously given them, you can always cancel access to your information and request that the company that has them forget them and not share them with anyone else.

In Mexico, the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data It was established on July 5, 2010, precisely with the aim of regulating the handling of personal data and protecting people from companies. .

What are the 4 data protection rights?

The Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties considers four fundamental rights to the headlines:

  • Rights of access
  • Rectification Rights
  • Cancellation Rights
  • Opposition Rights

These four rights are called ARCO Rights, by the initials of each of them. Let’s talk briefly about each one so that there are no doubts.

Rights of access

It is the right of each person to know and inquire about where and who has your information and what it is being used for.

Rectification Rights

This right gives you the power to request that your data be corrected and updated, in case it is incomplete or incorrect.

Cancellation Rights

Through this right you have the power to cancel your personal data in case they are not being used or treated in accordance with the obligations and duties of individuals.

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Opposition Rights

Through this right you have the power to object to whoever processes your information, whether you consider that it may lead to harm to your person or your data is being used for purposes other than those indicated in your privacy notice.

What are the types of personal data?

Not all personal data is created equal. Some require more sensitive treatment than others, but all are important. These are some of the most common types of personal data Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data of the State of Mexico.

  • Identification data
  • Labor data
  • Patrimonial data
  • Academic data
  • Data on administrative and jurisdictional procedures
  • Transit data and migratory movements
  • health data
  • ideological data
  • sex life data
  • source data
  • biometric data
  • electronic data

I give you some examples of personal data that would enter each classification.

Identification data

Here they would enter your name, address, telephone, email, RFC, CURP, date of birth, age, and even your photograph.

Labor data

Employment data means your job applications, employment references, selection or recruitment documents and any other data derived from your employment relationship.

Patrimonial data

Do you have a house in your name? This segment includes all the data related to real estate, bonds, insurance, Afores, credit history, income and expenses.

Academic data

As academic data, all those related to your academic career are considered, such as qualifications, ballots, recognitions, certificates, titles, certificates and more.

Data on administrative and jurisdictional procedures

If you are or were involved in an administrative procedure or went through a labor, civil, criminal, fiscal or any branch of law trial, all the information about it would be entered here.

Transit data and migratory movements

You have passport? Here would be those data together with all those related to transit inside and outside the country. The visa also applies.

health data

Here you would enter all the information related to your medical care, diagnoses, surgeries, vaccines, medical disabilities and any data stored in your medical file.

ideological data

If you are Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Jesuit, Muslim or belong to a political party or civil organization, all this information is included in this category.

sex life data

By sexual life data we do not only understand your sexual preferences, but also the sexual habits and the information related to it.

source data

Source data means your ethnic and racial information, whether you are African-American, Caucasian, Asian, or from an indigenous community.

biometric data

Biometric data is information that is non-transferable and considered unique, such as your fingerprints, the shape of your iris and retina, and even your genetic code.

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electronic data

Here enter all the information related to your digital footprint such as email, IP address, electronic signatures, social network accounts and more.

Why is it important to protect your personal data?

The importance of taking care of our information lies in the value of what we want to protect. I give you some reasons why it is important to protect your personal data. Consider them!

  1. Because being our data, we are responsible for our information and what is done with it.
  2. Because they are part of how we identify ourselves with others and with institutions.
  3. To avoid security breaches and information leaks.
  4. To prevent malicious attacks or misuse of our data.
  5. Because by doing so we form a more critical and informed society.

What happens if we do not protect our personal data?

There are certain problems that can appear as consequence of not protecting our personal data. These are just a few examples of what could happen.

  1. We run the risk of being victims of identity theft.
  2. We can be victims of a cyber attack or a virtual robbery.
  3. It is possible to see our intimacy and right to privacy compromised.

In addition to the fact that we can receive unsolicited or unwanted advertising from brands or organizations that obtain our information through the purchase of databases. However, this is perhaps the minor problem derived from the non-protection of personal data.

How can personal data be protected?

Now that you know more about personal data protection, let me suggest how to protect your personal data. The actions are simpler than you imagine:

  1. Do not enter your personal data in .
  2. Avoid responding to emails that ask to fill in your personal information. Always verify that it is a safe and truthful sender.
  3. Always read the conditions of use of your personal data in each application, social network and platform that you use.
  4. Avoid the use of public or shared networks, especially if you will use passwords or sensitive data.
  5. Always use, as far as possible, an antivirus and antimalware on your devices.
  6. Never share passwords or store them in places where anyone could have access.
  7. Download apps only from official sites.
  8. Do not register or provide information on sites that do not have a Privacy Notice.
  9. Protect all your devices with a password.
  10. Always use strong passwords on all your accounts.

The INAI has a very useful guide on how to prevent identity theft. If you are interested in this topic, in it you will find more useful tips to protect your personal data.

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How to protect personal data on social networks?

If you are a user of social networks, there are certain measures to protect your personal data. Here I share the ten most important. Put them into practice!

  1. Use strong and unique passwords for each social network in which you have a digital presence.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  3. Accept applications only from people you know and whose identity is verifiable.
  4. Set your security preferences and make sure to enable high protection measures.
  5. Customize the reach of your posts and decide who can access them.
  6. Do not share private personal information.
  7. Always make sure the veracity of the messages with links.
  8. Always keep your email private.
  9. If you share a team, always close your social network session. And clear the history!
  10. Always review any changes to the terms of use of the service before accepting them.

How to protect children’s personal data?

Maybe you haven’t thought about it though. the personal data of children require certain considerations specials. Here are some that you should take into account.

  1. Customize security settings to prevent child information from being public.
  2. Respect the age required by each social network and prevent them from having an account before the age of 18.
  3. Do not post photos of children close to you on social networks, regardless of whether they are your children or someone else’s.
  4. Always install apps with adult supervision.
  5. Enable parental controls on every device they use.

Information is always hand in hand with prevention. Inform children about their rights and the importance of their data. Promoting the care of personal data is important to raise awareness about privacy and digital hygiene.

How do companies protect our personal data?

Any company that uses, works with or contains personal data of its clients is obliged to protect its clients’ information. Some most common ways in which a company protects personal data of their clients are:

  1. Separate personal accounts from company accounts.
  2. Design clear privacy policies and make them available to users.
  3. Implement secure storage methods and data encryption.
  4. Provide each collaborator with only the information necessary to do their job.
  5. It uses SSL security certificates to protect information and transactions with each client.
  6. Respects and works based on the ARCO rights of its clients.
  7. Make each member of the company aware of the importance of personal data.
  8. It incorporates technology…
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