Python course #3. Variables – .com

In the third class of the basic Python course we are going to learn what a variable is and what they are for.

The idea is to focus the lesson in such a way that anyone can understand the basics without having to know other programming languages. We are going to see what a variable is in Python although it can be extrapolated to any programming language.

Basically variables are containers of information that we will use in our applications. Python typing is dynamic and very easy to use in terms of syntax. Hence, the learning curve is very interesting so that anyone can learn this versatile programming language. Go for it!

That easy! We already know what variables are for and why they are so important in our code.

These containers that represent the variables can have different types of information such as a number, text strings, lists of elements, tuples, dictions, booleans, classes, exceptions, among others.

In addition to looking at basic variables, we’ve also seen constants and global variables. Constants allow us to create variables that are immutable and visible to the entire application. On the other hand, global variables allow us to create variables accessible from any point in our code. All this explaining the snake_case nomenclature.

Now as homework I encourage you to investigate in the documentation the different types of variables that we can use in our code to be able to go deeper, seeing in more detail the variety of data types and subtypes that we can find within the language.

See also  1740. Start from scratch - .com

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