Registration and social login with WooCommerce – .com

Tremendous WooCommere extension that allows you to greatly facilitate the process of creating an account, as well as logging into your WooCommerce:

As you can see, it can be achieved with Facebook, Twitter, Google or even Amazon. The grace of this login is that the user does not have to choose a username and password, but can access through their social network.

Also, the good thing is that if the user is already identified in their social network (which usually everyone is), it will also be identified in your store, that is, it will not have to be identified again. Smart, right?

New accounts will be directly associated with new WordPress users. As for existing users, they will have the option to “link” or “unlink” their social networks to their account from their “My Account” page:

In addition, the plugin has statistics to see how many users register with this option, as well as the active users that have it activated.

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