Show PHP errors on the page, instead of 500 error

We’ll see. The theme you have can come from several themes. One of them, the most probable, is very simple, because you only have to configure the PHP.ini to show PHP errors.

This is done with the directive of the PHP.ini display_errors. Most likely you will have in your PHP.ini the variable like this:

display_errors = Off

This would be correct for a production server (the server that users log into to view the page), which should work fine. In a production environment it may be a good idea not to display PHP errors so that users do not see critical or sensitive information.

But of course, if you don’t see the errors, it might be hard to tell what’s going on. So, in the php.ini you can put:

display_errors = On

Now, you would also have to have access to the php.ini. If you do not have access to modify that file, ask the technical service of your accommodation so that they can tell you how to show the errors. Perhaps they will provide you, through the control panel of your hosting, an option to see the PHP error log. Or maybe these logs accumulate in your hosting space.

Well… and another of the things that can happen is that you have an error in your file .htaccess. If you have one of these files on your server, try to remove it momentarily to see if the error persists. If it no longer gives you that error, then check the htaccess to see what might be happening.

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