Sketch Course #9. Create a prototype with Marvel – .com

Now that we know how Sketch works and how to export our designs, let’s see the wonderful synchronization that the Marvel plugin offers us to create our prototype.

The fact of being able to create a prototype of our Web or our App is, in addition to a product that we can sell in itself, a great way to test it and present it to the client before passing it on to programming.

For this, we can do it with Sketch itself or with other applications such as Marvel or InVision. We will see the difference between these three options and why we decided to stay with Marvel as the simplest and most practical option. Let us begin!

We already have it! We have seen what a prototype is, and we have installed the Marvel plugin for Sketch that allows us to automatically synchronize our artboards with Marvel, saving us a lot of work.

As we can see, prototyping is a very powerful tool and thanks to Sketch and this plugin, we can do it with amazing agility and present a simple URL to the client so they can see how their project is progressing.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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