So you can know if they have approved your application for the Minimum Vital Income

Social Security has improved the information it provides to the beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income. A benefit that helps family units in a situation of social exclusion to minimize the impact of insufficient income. However, despite the fact that there are already many families that enjoy this help, each month the requests increase, so these new interested parties can now know the status of their request.

In this sense, those who have requested the Minimum Vital Income through the web form, without a digital certificate, may check the status of their application in the web form option “Provide documentation / Status Consultation”.

What can you put in the application status?

As explained by Social Security, the information in the files will be updated every Friday and will reflect the status of the application being processed that same day.

On the other hand, this section can show different states, which will be the following:

– In study.

– Pending receipt or review of the requested complementary documentation.

– Application terminated due to lack of documentation.

– Archived due to recording another application submitted.

– Approved.

– Denied.

– Inadmissible for processing due to non-compliance with the income or equity requirement.

– Inadmissible for processing for being an administrator of a company.

What documentation do I need to submit?

To carry out this check, all you need is the identity document number and the code that is generated at the end of the Minimum Vital Income application process.

The Administration reminds that, before the code is generated, a review screen will appear with the data that the applicant has previously entered. It is important that the interested party properly review this data to avoid errors and delays in processing. Once the data is confirmed, this code will appear, which Social Security recommends writing down and keeping for future consultations.

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