Standard Remarketing in Google Adwords: All its secrets

Remarketing in Google Adwords is a way to reach people who have previously visited your website. For example, with this we can achieve actions as effective as a user who has been browsing our website, finding just banners or ads from our website on the Google display network. The remarketing that we are going to talk about today is the standard remarketing. This, unlike dynamic remarketing, does not allow showing the specific products that the user has visited. In any case, standard remarketing is a very interesting way to start taking advantage of all those visits that go through your website.

To get started with your first standard remarketing campaign you need to do the following:

1) In your Google Adwords account, click on campaigns and then on “Create new campaign”.

2) Select “Display Network Only”.

3) In the Type part, select “Remarketing”.

4) Click on the configure remarketing button. At that time Adwords will give you the remarketing code that you have to include in the HTML of your pages. You have the option of sending this code by email to yourself or to the person responsible for developing your website.

The code is specified as it should be placed and this must always be just before the /body. With this code, the users who pass through the pages of your site will be tracked to later impact with display ads.

5) Click save.

6) Set up the main campaign part “Name, budget, bid strategy”.

7) Go to the Remarketing Lists tab. Google will have automatically created “All Visitors”. Then click on “Save and continue”.

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8) Add the banners you think are necessary. Here we recommend you include a wide variety of these in order to reach a greater number of possible media.

In the remarketing lists, as we said, the one that comes by default or the one they do by default is that of all visitors. In the “Shared Library” section and then “Audiences”, you can set different parts as duration. That is, how long you want to impact the user who has reached your site, the recommended and default is a duration of 30 days. You can also customize labels based on Users who have visited some pages but not others. This is useful when you are interested in impacting users who have visited certain sites on your website and not others.

Standard remarketing has numerous benefits, the main one being that it increases the conversion rate. That is, users who click on remarketing ads are more likely to convert (Buy or the desired action) than the rest. These remarketing lists, as we have seen, are fully configurable and manageable, this gives us the option of just attacking users who have taken very specific actions. For example, wouldn’t you be interested in impacting users who abandoned the shopping cart in your online store?

Standard remarketing is a very interesting way to take advantage of all the users who pass through your website. In addition to this type of remarketing, we recommend dynamic remarketing, which we will talk about in future posts. Through individual product labels, we will have the possibility to show just the products that users have visited.

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In any case, we are dealing with very powerful tools that any Google Adwords campaign should have in operation.

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