The 26 most common types of companies and how they are classified

There are different types of companies and to understand how to classify them, it is important to know the most used criteria to do so, such as size, business, their legal constitution and even the way in which they use technology.

When we talk about the different types of companiesit is just as important to understand the criteria to classify them as it is to understand each type of company and its characteristics.

Although you may have heard more than a dozen company classifications during your entrepreneurial adventure, I prepared for you a list with the 26 most common types of companies so that you know them thoroughly and master their classification. Do you want to know what kind of company you have or should start? Continue reading!

What is a company?

A company is the group of people who, through the use of material and technical resources, carry out a productive activity in order to meet previously established objectives and generate an economic benefit.

If what you are looking for is a definition of a company with a legal basis, he defines it as follows:

…company is understood as the economic unit for the production or distribution of goods or services, and establishment is understood as the technical unit that, as a branch, agency or other similar form, is an integral part and contributes to the achievement of the company’s goals”.

It is important to clarify that, although definitions like the previous ones establish the company as a “group” or an “economic unit”, others like this one explain that a company also:

…can be defined as an activity that consists of coordinating or organizing both corporeal and incorporeal elements, as well as the work of people to produce or exchange goods or services”.

That’s right, although the company may be defined as the organization or group that carries out an activity productiveI also know considers as a fair company the productive activity carried out.

This is important because in the universe of entrepreneurship, you will surely come across these two ways of using the term, depending on the legal or economic context in which you find yourself. So, both meanings of company are correct. 😄👍🏽

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The 26 most common types of companies and how to classify them

There are several ways to catalog them, but here I present the 26 most common types of companies:

  1. Micro
  2. Small
  3. Median
  4. Great
  5. Local
  6. Regional
  7. National
  8. Multinational
  9. transnational
  10. extraction
  11. Transformation or manufacturing
  12. Commercial
  13. of services
  14. public
  15. private
  16. mixed
  17. of joint-stock company
  18. limited liability
  19. collective
  20. Cooperative
  21. Limited
  22. Simplified Action
  23. handmade
  24. Traditional
  25. with average technology
  26. With advanced technology
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Now, these 26 types of companies can be classified according to six basic categoriesWhat are they:

  • Size
  • Geographic scope
  • turn or activity
  • Origin of capital
  • legal constitution
  • Use of technology

Let’s see each type of company, its definition and the category to which they belong.


This criterion considers the number of employees, as well as the income received by the organization. According to the , companies can be:


A microenterprise has less than 10 workers and its annual sales do not exceed $4 million MXN. Most businesses start at this level.

Small company

We speak of a small company when its ranks have between 11 and 30 workers, and its sales range from $4 to $100 million MXN per year.

medium business

If your workforce has between 31 and 100 workers, and generates annual sales between $100 and $250 million MXN, then it is a medium-sized company.

Big company

Large companies have between 101 and 251 workers, they also have sales that exceed $250 million pesos in a year.

Geographic scope

For this criterion, the area of ​​operation of the company is considered, contemplating how far its activities reach within the global market.

local company

A local business is one that operates solely within a community or limited geographic area, such as a town or city.

regional company

When the organization allows to reach more than one city and the operation reaches more points within a state or a larger geographical area, we speak of a regional company.

National company

To be national in scope, the company’s business activities must have almost total or very extensive coverage within the borders of a country.

Multinational company

The success of the companies extends its reach to other countries, but the headquarters of its operational center remains in the nation of origin.

Transnational company

In this case, in addition to the fact that the company reaches different countries, its operation is decentralized, that is, each global region operates independently.

turn or activity

Companies can have multiple activities or diverse lines of business, but it is possible to group them into five main types, also known as ‘industry sectors’.

extraction company

The main activity of this type of organization is to obtain natural resources (renewable or non-renewable) directly from their sources, such as the sea, mines, oil wells, etc.

Transformation or manufacturing company

A company of this type has as its main resource raw materials —such as vegetables, wood or metals— that it transforms into finished products or bases to generate other products.

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commercial enterprise

This category includes all those companies dedicated to the acquisition of some good —finished products or even raw materials— to sell them to consumers or other companies.

Service company

All those organizations whose main activity is to offer intangible elements or solutions —financial resources, electricity or the Internet, for example— apply here to satisfy the needs of the market. Learn more about them in our article .

Origin of capital

This classification considers the origin of the funds with which the organization mostly operates.

Public company

If the capital with which it operates originates from the government, then it is a public company. In this case, the company belongs as such to the State.

Private company

A private company works with capital provided by the private sector, that is, its creators, shareholders and owners do not belong to the government.


When an organization operates with private and public capital, it belongs to this category. Joint ventures are usually dedicated to the extraction or transformation of materials from resources regulated and supervised by the State.

legal constitution

Upon being created, every company must acquire a legal identity in order to operate within the labor, economic and tax laws of the country where it operates. This category is also known as ‘commercial companies’.

joint stock company

In this type of company, a group of partners (outside the ranks of the company) come together to acquire shares, finance the company and divide the profits. And that’s where your responsibilities end.

limited liability company

Unlike the previous type, the responsibilities of the partners are determined by their level of participation in the financing of the company. The greater the contributed capital, the greater their rights within the organization.

Collective company

In these organizations, the partners share responsibilities in an unlimited, solidary and subsidiary manner. For example, in case of debt, this can fall on all the partners or on those who sign as responsible for the main debtor.

cooperative company

These companies are made and controlled by their members. Here, both the responsibilities, as well as the profits and losses, are distributed equally among the partners of the company, but in case of debt, personal assets are not at stake.

limited company

There are two types of partners here: limited partners and limited partners. The former have the same responsibilities as the partners in a joint venture (active participation, subsidiary debt, etc.), while the latter may have shares, but cannot manage the operation.

Simplified Stock Company

This type of company seeks to make the legal formation of micro and small companies easier. Only one partner is needed to establish it and both resources and responsibilities are limited to what each partner contributes.

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Use of technology

For this last category, the technological advance in the resources, processes and tools used within the operation is considered. The more modern and automated the production, the higher the level of technological use.

craft company

If the elaboration of the goods or services is mostly done with manual tools and the infrastructure is limited, it is considered an artisanal company.

traditional company

In these organizations, basic tools are used for processes that range from the transformation of raw materials, to packaging or logistics, but which do not add a characteristic value to the finished product.

medium technology company

In this type of company, machinery and mechanized processes are used to create the finished products that are going to be marketed. Here, manufacturing plants, assembly lines or mechanical methods that accelerate the speed of manufacturing are already used.

company with advanced technology

These companies apply automated processes to production and use advanced computing or engineering to manufacture more complex products. Human supervision of machinery replaces manual work.

📢 Type: if you want to know more precisely what type of company you are according to the criteria of the Ministry of Economy, answer . It will take you only a few minutes. ⏱

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What types of companies exist in Mexico?

In Mexico we have all the types of companies mentioned in the previous section. But, for legal purposes and for the formation of commercial companiesthe six most common types that exist are:

  • Limited companies (SA)
  • Company in collective name (SNC)
  • Cooperative societies (SC)
  • Limited liability company (SRL or SL)
  • Company limited by shares (SCA)
  • Simplified Stock Company (SAS)

If you want to know in depth the legal and constitutional characteristics of each one, I recommend the article where you will know this information in detail.

What types of companies are most important?

To define the most important types of companies, you must understand what there are impact criteria to classify them. Three of the most used are:

  • Job creation
  • Contribution to GDP
  • equity value

Let’s see each criterion to understand its relevance, do you think?

Job creation

This criterion qualifies the importance of companies according to the occupation with which they contribute to…

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