The 7 deadly sins of Facebook – .com

On Friday morning we received a call from a desperate businessman because Facebook which he had been working on for so many months (which already had a community of more than six hundred people) it had vanished overnight. He was outraged, because according to him, or he had done “nothing wrong”, and yet Facebook canceled his account.

Well, it seems that we still don’t know differentiate “good from bad” as far as the Facebook universe is concerned. We happily accept the guidelines when we open a new account, without reading a word, and happily start building a community, not knowing if we’re doing it right. Until one fine day, we genocide all the work we have done. So we are going to establish the 7 deadly sins of facebookwhich we should never do, to avoid closing our account.

1. Not using your real name

Section 4, paragraph 1 of the:

“You will not provide false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for other people without their authorization”

This is the worst of all. If you are caught using pseudonyms, initials, or anything other than your real nameThey close your account without any problem. This is precisely what happened to the businessman who called us into the office. One fine day he landed on Facebook without knowing what it was about, and instead of creating your personal profile and then creating a page for your company, was registered directly as a company. So that, I was using a profile for a legal person. That is why when Facebook was aware of it, it closed the account.

In the event that you find yourself in a similar situation, and that you have built a community in a group or profile, in linking to a page, it is worth contacting an online marketing consultancy so that they can get in touch with a Facebook representative, and try to agree on a migration from group to page, or from profile to page. It is not always possible, but in some cases. Another possible solution is Create a Page and notify all users to switch.

2. Have fake profiles

Section 4, paragraph 2:

“You will not create more than one personal profile”

This section does not refer to the fact that you cannot create two profiles of the same person (which can’t be done either)but to those”others” profiles.

We will not discover the Americas if we say that there are people who, apart from their personal profile, have some extra profile, of dubious identity, for activities of various kinds; from inflating the number of followers of your page, to testing the fidelity of your partner, going through an exercise of simple fun, or curiosity.

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Well then Facebook doesn’t like it. And every day , that during this year they have come to represent . It is also a classic to use fake profiles of celebrities to sell products, illegal campaigns and other spam techniques among all those who add them to their network.

Here it is more complex to get caught, since it is very difficult to prove if the same person is using two profiles. It is true that they can see your IP, and information that is stored in the cookies on your computer, but that is not a binding factor either, since it could be a shared computer, in which several people connect to Facebook. In any case, if they catch you, they close the profiles that are necessary, and there is no going back.

3. Advertise on the walls

Section 3, paragraph 1:

“You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) through Facebook”

Section 3, paragraph 3:

“You will not engage in illegal multi-level marketing practices, such as the pyramid scheme, through Facebook”

Section 3, paragraph 9:

“You will not offer any contest, prize or contest (collectively, “promotion”) through Facebook without our prior written consent. If we give our consent, you will have full responsibility for the promotion and you will follow our Promotion Rules and comply with all applicable laws “

These three sections are very generic, but basically they refer to any type of spam. You cannot go through the walls, be it profiles, pages or groups, saying that they are going to see your website, application, fan page, group, or whatever. Obviously, you can’t abuse internal messaging either, since .

Reading this, if you are an entrepreneur (or marketing manager) You will wonder if it is worth entering Facebook, if you can promote yourself. Well, the good news is that you can, but as long as you do it in compliance with the .

Explaining all the rules would be for another post, but in summary we can say that for any promotion you want to do within Facebook you have to ask an account representative for permission (you can order one through )and you can never condition participation on the performance of Facebook actions, such as forcing users to write something on their walls (more examples in the )

4. Harass other users

Section 3, paragraph 6:

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“You will not annoy, intimidate or harass any user”

Speaking in silver, it refers to being “tiring”. It is one thing to participate a lot in a debate, or to have a lot of social activity in various groups, forums or pages. But the other is to monopolize a wall, be it from a profile, a group, or a page. Once again, Facebook is not going to be monitoring your activity, but if they receive complaints from various users, you will again be in their crosshairs. And in case he considers you suspicious, he can send you an email like the one that can be read on the right.

This also includes the “touches” function. I personally never use it, but some people abuse it, or at least that’s what Facebook considers. In this case, you will be notified up to two times, as we can see in , who had their account disabled until three times. The third time was the charm, and she could no longer recover her account.

5. Write offensive content

Section 3, paragraph 7:

“You will not post content that: Is hurtful, threatening or pornographic; or incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or unwarranted violence”

Well, in this case the statement is more than clear. Most of the time they just close your account. However, you may be lucky and only delete the content, or you may receive an email with the following message:

Facebook has limits in place to prevent behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. These limits restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with the specific rates that have been deemed abusive

In case you receive this email, it is worth reviewing your behavior, since you are probably doing something that Facebook does not like. The level of “offensiveness” of Facebook is very relative. There are hundreds of users who have content that violates that section, and are still active, and others who have been banned for much less. This was the case of Torbe, a pornographic film producer, whom he posted for some photos. once again, that’s because Facebook targets you as soon as it receives a few complaints from the same user, group, or profile.

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Finally, in the event that you are sure that you are not doing anything “bad”, if you receive warnings from Facebook in this sense, it is worth changing your password, in case someone else is accessing your account.

6. Being under 14 years of age

Section 4, paragraph 5:

“You will not use Facebook if you are under 13 years of age”

This section is not updated in the Declaration, but some time ago 14 years were established as the minimum age to enter Facebook.

7. Add too many friends

I have saved this deadly sin for last, because it is an unwritten law. No reference is made to friend limits. But there have been cases of users to whom the aiso that we see on the right appears. Perhaps it is worth going into the second paragraph of the email that we can read in the second “deadly sin”:

“Your account has been disabled because you exceeded Facebook’s limits on multiple occasions when sending friend requests, despite having been warned to slow down”

So, we see that there really is a certain limit. Some say that this limit is set at 5,000 users, some say that it is, but in no official source. Even despite the requests of the users. Although some users, such as the case of , to whom the following notice appears:

What I have detected in several cases, I see that it is more of a limit “speed in growth” of friends, rather than an absolute number. To understand us, if you have a growth of 200 friends per day, it is rather suspicious. There are cases that people have been limited long before reaching that figure. So there is a .

Solutions (acquittal and penance)

If despite not having committed any of the 7 Deadly Sins of Facebook, your Facebook account has been cancelled, you can resort to this . You should include as much information as you can about your situation to help Facebook investigate your account. Also, if your account contained a page, include the URL.

Luck! 🙂

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