The architectural wonders of Brazil, home to the World Capital of Architecture

Still with the hangover from the Carnivals, Rio de Janeiro faces this 2020 as the World Capital of Architecture, a title that has been awarded for the first time by UNESCO and the International Union and that aims to generate a debate on the pressing global challenges from the perspectives of culture, cultural heritage, urban planning and architecture. This recognition is an opportunity to take a look at the entire country and see what architectural gems it treasures.

1. São Paulo Municipal Theater

Headquarters of the São Paulo Municipal Symphony Orchestra and the Lyric Choir, this theater is located in the historic center of the city. Influenced by the Paris Opera, it was built in 1911 as an aspirational symbol of São Paulo’s high society, which wanted a show house that lived up to its properties and European pretensions to receive the great artists of lyrical music and theater. It hosted the 1922 Modern Art Week, the initial framework of Modernism in Brazilian art and literature.

2. Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro

It was inaugurated on June 24, 1950 and was originally called the Municipal Stadium of Maracanã, although its current name is Mário Filho and it is commonly known as the temple of football. With a capacity of 130,000 people, it is the largest stadium in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. It hosted the Soccer World Cups in 1950 and 2014.

3. Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

It is a statue of Jesus of Nazareth with open arms showing the city of Rio de Janeiro. 30.1 meters high and on a pedestal of 8 meters, it was inaugurated on October 12, 1931. It is recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the modern world along with Machu Picchu, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum of Rome , the Taj Mahal, Chichen Itza and Petra.

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4. Santiago Calatrava’s Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro

The Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow) in Rio de Janeiro, designed by Santiago Calatrava, was one of the protagonists of the next Olympic Games in Rio. It presents an architecture that is inspired by the Carioca culture and the very special relationship that exists between the city and its natural environment. “The idea is for the building to be as ethereal as possible, almost floating on the sea, like a ship, a bird or a plant,” said Calatrava. In addition, this center “was born with the aim of showing the possible future scenarios that are presented to the planet through a narrative that tries to answer five central questions: where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we? Let’s go? How do we want to live together for the next fifty years? “explains the architect’s office in a statement.

The building has 5,000m2 of temporary and permanent exhibition space that, together with the complementary areas, add up to a total of approximately 15,000m2 of surface area that extends along the dock where it is located.

5. The jewels of Oscar Niemeyer, especially Brasilia

Brasilia Cathedral

To speak of Brazilian architecture is to speak of Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012). Heir to Le Corbusier, he is one of the pioneers of international modern architecture. In addition, he is a key figure in the reconversion that Brazil experienced in the 1960s. Thus, he signs some iconic public buildings in the city, such as the National Congress of Brazil, the Cathedral of Brasilia, the Planalto Palace and the Alvorada Palace. .

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Internationally, he was also one of the main people in charge of the team that designed the United Nations Headquarters in New York. And here in Spain, he signed the Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Center in Avilés (Asturias).

Oscar Niemeyer Theater in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro National Congress of Brazil, Brasilia Planalto Palace, Brasilia National Museum, Brasilia Cláudio Santoro National Theater, Brasilia Alvorada Palace, Brasilia

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