The customer is always right: true or false?

Maintaining a good relationship with customers should be a priority for those who have a business. They say that the customer is always right and that can be disturbing, right? But do not worry. In this post we show you how to identify these situations. Stay with us!

You have probably already heard this phrase sometime in your life, being in charge of your business or as a consumer. In either case, it is important to analyze each situation individually to make a decision.

Working with radical determinations can be very disastrous for your business.

It is not advisable to let the customer think that he is always right, as this creates room for abuse that can compromise your profits and the image of your company.

On the other hand, your business cannot be irreducible when dealing with customer conflicts. After all, with increased competition, your consumer may not think twice about trading your business for another.

Do you have doubts about which way to go? In this post, we help you better understand in which situations this phrase applies and in which it does not.

When is the customer right?

Saying that the customer is always right is a pretty deterministic phrase. But is it true?

Instead of thinking “always”, you can focus on cases where the consumer needs their wishes to be reciprocated. Most of the time, these are situations in which their rights are not respected—when precisely the role of your business is to serve them in the correct way.

Here are some examples of situations in which the consumer may be right and that help you preserve a good relationship with customers.

business preservation

Maintaining the satisfaction of your customers is essential for your business to remain alive in the market.

If your audience finds it very difficult to buy your products and use your services, it can be increasingly difficult .

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In addition, these people can give your business negative publicity to their friends and acquaintances.

For the client to be satisfied, it is important to always approach the issues from their point of view. If he is right about a certain conflict, it is your role to ensure that proper repairs are made.

Compliance with guidelines

Everything your company says has to be fulfilled. In other words, preventing the client from obtaining what was promised goes against current legislation or your business guidelines, and may even have legal consequences.

This is the case, for example, of a client who wants the fulfillment of the guarantee of a product during the period in which it is in force. The role of your company is to comply with the determinations defined by itself and by the legislation.

attention to ethics

In addition to written legislation, your company may also be held accountable for ethics.

Your client may be right to raise certain questions related to the way your prices are defined or with other characteristics of your services.

For example, if a salesperson who works for you intentionally encourages a customer to buy a more expensive and ineffective product, this is an ethical conflict. The customer will be right to complain about this position, as the sales team is expected to always act in a supportive manner.

In which moments the client may not be right?

The customer is always right? Not always.

In some cases, your business can be harmed by someone malicious. In these situations, you or your representative must have a firm hand to reverse the situation and give it the appropriate follow-up. You should know that maintaining a good relationship with customers does not mean always agreeing with them.

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Knowing examples of these cases is the solution to prepare. Therefore, we are going to show you some situations in which the client may not be right.

abusive relationship

There are times when the client wants more than what was agreed with your company.

It is necessary to have a clinical look to detect situations in which the consumer is right or wrong in what he is asking for.

For example, if the price of a product is $50.00, the customer has every right to haggle and try to lower it to $40.00. However, your business is also free to decline the discount, and the consumer should not be offended by that.

Uncertainty in the interaction

All the representatives of your company that deal directly with the public have to have a steady hand to deal with consumers. After all, everything they say can be used against your business. So, you have to be very careful when making promises.

The uncertainty in these interactions can give the customer the wrong idea and, worse, make them feel entitled to demand more from your company for no reason.

So invest in to deal with this kind of situation.

Go against the values ​​of the business

Every company must have well-defined values ​​that dictate the way it works, especially when it comes to resolving conflicts. If you don’t follow these guidelines, it’s as if you don’t have them.

If an interaction occurs where the consumer is demanding something that goes against your business values, you need to explain how things actually work. Of course, without giving up trying to maintain the relationship with the client.

How to identify the moments when the customer is right?

Analyzing each example, it seems clear that the line that separates both cases is very thin. You and your sales team must be prepared to be able to identify cases in which the customer is right and wrong.

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In any case, you need to have clear communication with your audience.

Always seek to explain the operation of aspects related to your business, clarifying the reasons why certain actions are carried out.

Having a good relationship with customers does not mean doing everything they want, but respecting them and.

If the customer demands something they are not entitled to, it is your role to maintain your composure and focus on adding value to their experience.

Start acting more strategically in your business

Your company should not be afraid of the phrase that the customer is always right. Instead, it is necessary to identify the times when this is in fact true and when there are controversies. In both cases, it is necessary to have so that they understand their rights and the value they add to your business.

Despite this, it is very likely that you will still find people who are not satisfied with the solutions you propose. And even if a customer is wrong, he can still damage the image of your business. Therefore, do not neglect your relationship with customers.

Also, like everything that has to do with relationships, there is a way to turn these complex situations around. doDo you want to know how?

read our .

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