Microphone to record videos: how to choose the best equipment?

You must have already realized that the use of videos for the dissemination of services and products on the Internet is becoming more and more common, right?

Use videos within your presents a high engagement of the public, since the format allows shared and build a relationship of credibility and trust with users.

However, it is important to pay attention to some details that can greatly harm the quality of your material. Audio is one of the requirements that deserves a lot of attention, as it directly interferes with the understanding of your message.

Thinking about it, we have prepared several tips to help you choose the type of microphone to record your ideal videos. Let’s go!

Why is audio so important?

image and audio are the main factors to be considered for recording a quality video.

However, the audio deserves special attention, since a video that presents external noises, glitches and distorted voices can give the audience an impression of inexperience, lack of planning, care and professionalism.

Also, depending on the level of interference, the content may become incomprehensible to viewers and make them desist from watching your video until the end.

Why use a microphone to record the videos?

When video is recorded using only your own microphone there is a greater pickup of external sounds and these can significantly compromise the result.

Imagine that you are watching a makeup tutorial and you hear the noise of a horn or dogs barking in the background.

Noises alone distract the viewer’s attention, but if the external audio is louder than the speaker’s voice, they won’t be able to understand the step by step.

even with a there are certain interferences that are difficult to remove, and if you think about content formats, such as you will only notice that the audio is bad after the recording is already underway.

Therefore, the ideal is to invest in a microphone to record videos, to avoid headaches and ensure that the video will convey a good image of your business to your audience.

Recording microphones available on the market

Initially, we are going to introduce you to two types of microphone for recording – condenser and dynamic – and show the characteristics of each one so that you understand the differences.

Then you will learn about the existing microphone formats and the advantages and disadvantages of each model, so you can find the best one for your videos.


Condenser microphone

For those who have never heard of this topic, the condenser microphone is the one used in movie scenes, documentaries and novels filmed in studios. Its use is common in these cases because this model has good performance, precision and clarity of sound in closed environments and with good acoustic insulation.

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However, because it is very sensitive, it is not indicated for external environments with a lot of noise interference, since it captures all the audio around it, which can harm the result of your work.

It should also be considered that the condenser microphone needs a phantom power to be used, which works as the power supply of the equipment.

Due to its characteristics, it is capable of producing high-quality sound, but only under the specific circumstances mentioned above.

If what you need is a microphone to record home videos, for example, it may be that the condenser model captures the noise of the other members of your house talking in the kitchen, the sounds of cars on the street below your window or other noises that you probably don’t want in your videos.

However, if you have a quiet place, which allows the microphone to address only the sound you want, it can be a good investment!

There are different models of varied prices on the market, so do not stop looking, asking and informing yourself well before choosing.

dynamic microphone

The dynamic microphone basically works like a speaker as it does not need power to work.

The model has little sensitivity to distant sounds, which makes it an excellent choice in noisy environments with lots of sounds, like a show, for example.

The fact that it is not very sensitive means that the focus is directed towards the closest sound. So if you are located close to the sound source, the dynamic microphone performs excellently.

In addition, it is practical, easy to move and very resistant, which requires little care for it to last a long time.

One of the negative points, however, is the need to be held by the interlocutor or placed on some support, which can have a negative impact on the visual of the video or hinder locomotion, if it is fixed.


lavalier microphone

The lapel microphone is the one commonly fixed on the shirts of television presenters, mainly during interview recordings and journalistic reports.

The positioning of this type of microphone must be close to the speaker’s mouth or the place of origin of the sound, to avoid interference from possible noises present in the environment and to capture the audio in the best possible way.

For the transmission of sound, it is necessary to have a receiver, which, in the case of a wired lapel microphone, must be connected to it and, in the case of a wireless model, it must be within range so that there are no failures in the communication. obtaining the audio sound.

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The fact of being a portable, discreet model, with good cost-benefit and that allows the interlocutor to have his hands free while recording (which can be excellent to carry out the presentation of products and tutorials), makes the microphone of tab is used by many people who work with video. One of the most recommended models is the .

This format has an average investment of 15 dollars (USD), plus a USB cable that you can connect to your phone or mobile device.

However, there are some disadvantages that should be considered, such as the need to always keep it close to the receiver to ensure audio quality and the possibility of interference from external sounds or even the fabric of the clothing to which it is attached.

Microphone shotgun

The model shotgun It is widely used in cinemas and TV programs because it makes it possible to obtain quality and well-directed audio.

Due to the tube format, being positioned suspended in the recording location, the audio is captured exactly in the region for which the equipment is aimed, which minimizes the recording of sounds from the environment.

One of the negative points is the need for a support to keep it fixed or someone to hold it during the recording. Depending on the space, the size of your team and the need for movement during the video, this factor can be decisive when choosing.

In addition, it requires a little more preparation to be used and its cost is higher compared to the other options, especially if you are interested in the more professional options.

camera microphone

As we said before, the camera’s microphone is not the most suitable for recording videos, since, most of the time, it produces low-quality audio and picks up noise from the entire environment.

Of course, in cases of limited budget or impossibility to invest in a more suitable microphone for obtaining audio for videos, it is possible to organize yourself to be able to use the microphone of the camera and achieve a satisfactory result.

However, if you have the resources to purchase one of the other options, they will ensure a more professional-looking result.

usb microphone

This type of microphone has become very popular with the increase in home video recordings since, to use it, it is only necessary to have a computer to connect it to the USB input and record the audio in specific software.

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For those who seek simplicity and practicality, since the USB microphone does not require the use of other equipment besides the computer, it can be an important differential when choosing.

However, if the recordings are external or in environments that require greater mobility of the interlocutor, it may not be the most suitable model, since the need to be connected to the computer reduces the possibilities of movement.

There are several models and the ideal is to analyze each option according to the objective of your videos and your budget. One of the best known is the Blue Snowball which can cost approximately 70 dollars (USD).

phone microphone

For those who are starting now and do not have the financial conditions to invest in specific equipment for capturing audio for videos, the mobile microphone may be the solution.

Smartphones have their own applications for audio recording and each model has a different performance. To find out if it is possible to obtain a clear sound without harmful noise with your device, do some previous tests to check how your voice sounds in similar conditions in which it will be when recording your videos.

It is also important to remember that these microphones pick up all the sounds in the environment and, therefore, they need to be placed with a focus directly on the audio output, to reduce the possibility of interference as much as possible.

Lights Camera action!

With so many possibilities on the market, we are sure that one of these examples that we offer you will be the ideal one for your videos and, of course, for your pocket.

Initially, it may seem like a high investment, but by looking slowly, it is possible to find very affordable and cost-effective options, since the use of good equipment can significantly improve the quality of your videos.

It is also good to remember that, no matter how much you spend a lot of money on the purchase of a microphone, to record videos, practically no other large investment is necessary. After all, buying a microphone to record videos can be cheaper than you think.

We hope you have enjoyed our tips. Now everything is ready for you to start recording! Also take the opportunity to read our guide .

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