The types of vehicles that are most at fault in traffic accidents

It seems that there is a direct relationship between the size of the vehicles and their involvement in accidents. After analyzing 176,000 accidents in 2015, the Ponle Freno-Axa Road Safety study center came to the conclusion that industrialists are the biggest culprits, compared to motorcycles, which are the least.

The latest analysis carried out by the Ponle Freno-AXA Road Safety Study Center focuses on the types of vehicles and their involvement in accidents, with some conclusions that are still striking. After analyzing more than 176,000 accidents on Spanish roads, from January to August of this year, it can be deduced that “the vehicle and, above all, its size, have a direct relationship with the culpability of the accidents in which they are involved” . This is said by Josep Alfonso, director of the aforementioned study center.

Of all the segments, vans (derived from tourism and light industrial) stand out, which are responsible for 65% of the accidents in which they are involved. A figure very similar to that of buses, which are responsible in 63% of cases. The study does not discuss the causes or whether these accidents could have been avoided in some way, but it seems clear that the poor maneuverability of these vehicles directly affects the outcome.

This, along with the higher fatality rate (23 more van occupants died this summer than last year) is what has led the DGT to launch various campaigns to monitor and control trucks and vans.

This idea is supported by the data that follows, which show that the smaller the vehicle, the less at fault it is in collisions. For example, passenger cars are responsible in less than half of the cases (60% in the case of SUVs); motorcycles do not even reach 27%. At the other extreme, farm vehicles, large industrial vehicles, and trucks take the cake, with 88%, 86%, and 78% fault. Quads require a special mention, which despite their contained size, are the cause of up to 83% of the accidents in which they are involved.

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Be careful with the maneuvers

Once the accidents have occurred, investigations are carried out to ascertain their culpability and, in general terms, it must be remembered that:

1.- In rear-end collisions, the person who hits from behind is considered guilty for not keeping a safe distance.

2.- When the doors are opened, the person who opens it is responsible.

3.- When there is a change of direction or sense of march, the one who performs the maneuver will be guilty.

4.- In garage exits, streets with no exits or parking areas, the vehicle that leaves is responsible.

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