As of today, it is the most used professional network in the world, in which thousands of companies can also submit information about their businesses. Each time these pages get more reach in the social network and that is why the platform has presented its Top 10 Company Pages on LinkedIn.
After receiving more than 945 nominations for the top 10 company pages on LinkedIn, those that have achieved a greater with its customers and with its employees.
Top 10 Company Pages on LinkedIn
In this list with the best company pages on LinkedIn are indicated the aspects that have stood out in the social network, so that other companies can follow the example and apply these tips on their own pages.
1. Hays
The first place among the best company pages on LinkedIn was obtained by a professional recruitment company that operates around the world in the public and private sectors. Hays uses images with which it shows the leaders of the company. By creating brand images, a consistent and elegant look is offered in the publications.
Take advantage of the leaders of your company to establish a clear idea, a human face to the mission and vision of your company.
2.Shneider Electric
Just as Hays does, he stays true to your brand image through institutional colors (green badges all over your company page on LinkedIn). The content also highlights achievements and successes of the company and its employees.
Keep in mind that by sharing exciting news about your company, makes your page feel like an exclusive communitywhile attracting top talent.
The Massachusetts-based software company has various lines of businessand each of them has its own unique space on LinkedIn.
Keep in mind that by creating different platforms for each differential aspect of your business, you can adapt the messages specifically to your target audience in each case.
The status updates it carries out have images containing quotes, which engages readers and engages with your audience. The examples shown on the Top 10 LinkedIn Company Pages SlideShare have examples from your campaign #QuoteOfTheDay (quote of the day).
Test themed content serially with your target audience on LinkedIn. Quotes and stats tend to get the most engagement from users.
5 .Cvent
maintains a light and playful tone in your updates, and it stands out in feeds full of serious business-related content.
Don’t be afraid to give some personality to your posts on LinkedIn, as people also want to see the human side of .
6.Biesse Group
take your marketing to a large multinational audienceand gain relevance by organically curating your updates by region, job type, company size, etc.
To the deliver content to specific geographies in the right language It helps them achieve better communication with their followers.
Keep in mind that for companies with a wide range of audiences and a large reach, segmenting the content by region will help them improve their engagement.
Through a constant focus on eye-catching images, the business page comes to life and captures the attention of LinkedIn members scrolling through your NewsFeed.
don’t forget that the visual material is what attracts the attention in . Beyond stock photos, look for images that are aesthetically interesting and accompany your publications with them.
8. Cognitive
One of the company pages on LinkedIn that is used for strategic purposes is , since Generate subscriptions for webinars and training sessions.
If your company page is dedicated to reporting on events and conferences that you sponsor, include relevant information in your postsand above all, create visual material around them, remember that an image says more than a thousand words.
9.Michael Page
makes it easy for readers to consume messages on your business page, as it keeps the copy in your updates is concise and always to the pointintegrating links to continue exploring.
Please note that regardless of platform, social media users they are usually busy and have little time, so they may only have a few seconds of your attention. Limit the text of your status updates on LinkedIn Company Pages to 150 characters or less.
10 .EY
The business page of takes advantage of the functionality of and create deeper connections with the audience by presenting key figures of your business.
You can experiment with for different purposes.
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