Croquettes. One of the quintessential products of the Mediterranean diet, essential in every house, table or restaurant, they have always opened endless debates. Everyone knows that the best ones are those of their grandmother or mother, but for the less talented in the kitchen there are also supermarket varieties with excellent results. (OCU), after developing a ranking where there are from popular brands to white brands.
Ham, stew, chicken, cod or even more ‘rare’ flavors such as baby squid or spinach. That juicy dough that croquettes form has become one of the greatest culinary whims. For this reason, the OCU has decided to analyze some of the best-known food chains (both private label and specialized companies) to value their flavour, ingredients, labelling… that is, make them look as similar as possible to the homemade
Some characteristics that should also lead to not cheating the consumer, since some brands have perfected their strategy so much that they already market croquettes with different shapes to confuse them with those made at home.
In addition, the texture (where the bechamel and the flour are essential), the batter (they are crispy) and the flavor (the fewer additives, the better) are the bases on which the OCU is based.
La Cocinera stands out for both cooked and ham
In this way, the institution awards the gold medal to . Listed as “master purchase”, these croquettes have a score of 61 out of 100 thanks to their 100% national ham. Ready in just 4 minutes, they can be found practically in any supermarket and their price ranges from 0 to 0 (always in packs of 15 to 17 croquettes).
Behind them and with the same score, but not with the nickname of “master purchase”, are those of . In terms of ham variety, the OCU highlights its quality and “acceptable” tasting. , in a pack of 300 grams for 2.99 euros.
He closes the podium, again as the protagonist. With a score of 60 out of 100, they obtain a very good mark in hygiene, “acceptable” in tasting and stand out for their high meat content. Like the cooked ones, available in almost any establishment, their prices range from to or .
Mercadona, undisputed leader in white label
Continuing with the OCU classification, the first white label croquettes slip into fourth place. A new success for Mercadona that this time under the Preli brand gets the nickname of “advantageous purchase” in the cooked variety. Rated 58 out of 100, these “delicatessen” croquettes are ready in 3 minutes. , its price is 2.10 euros in packs of 350 grams.
Already behind and far from the Mercadona product, the OCU highlights those for 2.25 euros, those for 2.65 euros, those for 0.98 euros, or those for 0.94 euros . These last two, the institution grants its worst marks due to its failure in tasting.